• Illegal alien is not an unsubstantiated label to be placed on a person
    Except in direct quotations, do not use the terms illegal alien, an illegal, illegals, undocumented aliens or undocumented workers. Use the unmodified word immigrant only for people who have entered the U.S. lawfully. Do not describe people as violating immigration laws without attribution. If possible, specify how someone entered the country illegally and from where. Crossed the border? Overstayed a visa? What nationality?
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry H Bernstein, MD
  • Demand Comprehensive Immigration Reform By Central Florida LCLAA Chapter
    Join Central Florida Labor Council for Latin American Advancement Chapter in calling for a comprehensive plan to reform our ailing immigration system. Dear President,Congress, and Senate : Our immigration system isn’t working. It’s failing the “DREAMers.” It’s failing legal immigrants. It’s failing keeping and having families together. And it’s time we changed it. This isn’t something we can try to fix one piece at a time. I demand a comprehensive immigration reform package that works for everyone.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victor Sanchez
  • "Stop injustices at visa interviews in consulates: My husband deserves a chance"
    I received a response to a letter I wrote to President Barack Obama in 2010, concerning the immigrant visa application of my husband, Roberto Cerda Mendez, who is in Mexico. When I initially wrote to the President, I was in search of help in clearing out my husband’s case. He was unjustly accused of reentering or attempting to reenter the U. S. illegally, which never occurred, and with that allegation, he was denied the opportunity to waive the 10 year penalty. After researching and trying to find a way to clear this matter, my sister advised me to request my husband’s FOIA records. After months of awaiting a response, I finally received an encouraging response. There are no records that show that my husband was ever apprehended by any immigration or border patrol official. Therefore, with this I can prove that what was stated by the consular officer that interviewed him at the U. S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez on September 3, 2009, is false. However, to my disappointment, the officer affirms that my husband stated that he entered, departed, and re-entered the U.S. without inspection under oath. So pretty much there is nothing that can be done although this is plain false. Please help me with this matter. It’s not morally correct for our family to be paying for a consular officer’s mistake and for the government to let him get away with it. I want my husband back in Houston, Texas with me and our children.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Claudia Elizabeth Noyola
  • Senators: Support UAFA To Help Families Like Mine!
    For same-sex binational families like mine, America's immigration system tears families apart. Gay and lesbian Americans cannot sponsor their husbands and wives from other countries for immigration and green cards. Until DOMA, Defense of Marriage is gone, UAFA, Uniting American Families Act is our solution. Please support this legislation! Thanks
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy Rickard
  • Senator Feinstein: Take a Stand and Support the Uniting American Families Act
    Every person who would seem to fall under the "column" of LGBTQ are in fact 100% human and deserve 100% equality when it comes to rights and opportunities under the law. Sexual orientation should have nothing to do with any of the considerations or provisions of the Uniting American Families Act or any other such legislation. Senator Feinstein, during a recent exchange in the political arena, you mentioned your proximity to Harvey Milk at the time of his assassination, and the devastating results of the combination of gun violence with prejudice against a politician with an outspoken stance and gay identity. While you have addressed the gun violence aspect of this issue, you should also recognize the volatility of the LGBTQ side of the issue. You, Senator Feinstein, of all people, should know as well as anyone, from your own firsthand accounts, still fresh in your memory, still affecting how you see things in the grander political landscape… you should know how important language and political perception is when it comes to the sexual orientation of those around you and how they are perceived and treated by others. Those of us who are compassionate and seek justice as it protects rights through the rule of law should take a stand and say so out loud, and our legislators who have the time, resources & wherewithal to fight for such rights should absolutely do so on behalf of those who cannot or are afraid for their own health or welfare to try to stand up and speak for themselves on such issues. This is an issue of social and cultural acceptance as well as a matter of language in a legal document. We, the signers of this petition, urge you, Senator Feinstein, to take a stand for the LGBTQ community and make certain that the rights everyone be addressed in such important legislation.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kirk Beitz
  • Minnesota Legislators: Make the Prosperity (DREAM) Act a Reality
    The MN Prosperity (Dream) Act passed in the Senate. Now the Conference Committee (made up of House and Senate members) is debating its inclusion in the Higher Education Omnibus Bill. Tell the committee members that you want all qualified Minnesota students to have access to in-state tuition AND the opportunity to apply for MN state grants.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Kindle
  • Don't Deport Jesus
    Sign-on to this petition and send a message to Senator Marco Rubio and ICE’s Marc Moore asking them to keep Jesus’ family together!
    333 of 400 Signatures
    Created by FLIC
  • Senator Feinstein: End the suffering of same-sex binational couples!
    The painful choice between the country one loves and the person one loves should never happen -- yet thousands of Americans are forced to make this choice every day. The Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) will protect 48,000 same-sex families from deportation -- including the 24,000 children being raised by these families. On May 9, the mark-up process for Comprehensive Immigration Reform will begin, and we expect an amendment to be offered that would end the suffering of these same-sex binational couples, and Senator Feinstein will be the deciding vote in this process.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Felipe Sousa-Rodriguez
    After living in the USA for 24 years I was denied re-entry ! My 3 US Citizen children are desperate to move back to the home I built for them . I never took one dime from the government ,paid taxes ,paid full health insurance and lived a normal life . My USCIS I-140 was approved AND re-affirmed . My company sponsor still wants me back . If you know me then please help by spreading the word . Please help . Thanks .
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Harte
  • Keep Family Featured in "Two Americans" Movie from Being Deported
    When I was 9 years old, I came home from school and turned on the TV to see my parents being arrested on the news in one of Sheriff Arpaio's raids. For the past three I've done everything I can, first to get them out of detention, and now to stop the government from taking them away from me and my sister. They made a movie about our family's case called "Two Americans" and I was even in a music video to tell our story. They're scheduled for deportation court this summer and I need your help to get their case closed and keep our family together. You can learn more about our case by watching the trailer for the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2mx4EQgJoU
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Figueroa
  • Demand Rep. Paul Ryan apologize for his offensive slur against US citizens
    While attempting to pitch immigration reform to conservative constituents in his home state of Wisconsin, Republican Rep. Paul Ryan astonishingly referred to the US-born children of undocumented immigrants using an ugly slur -- "anchor babies." Rep. Ryan offered no apology, and even suggested amending the Constitution so that these children are denied naturalization at birth. As a former vice-presidential nominee and key player in the GOP's future, Rep. Ryan knows better than to resort to language that only serves to rile up the fringe, anti-immigrant segment of his party. If he wants to attract Republican voters to truly bipartisan reform efforts, this isn't the way to do it. Demand Rep. Ryan apologize for his offensive words today.
    8,229 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Gabe Ortiz and Christian Pacheco Picture
  • Immigration reform
    I have been in the US for 15years. Come legally as a F1 student attended college to Master level but been out of status for the last 3 years now facing deportation.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mueni