• Pardon, Medal, Nomination for Manning
    I believe that Bradley Manning is a hero for 'blowing the whistle' on US activities in Iraq, and that not only should be freed immediately, but should be awarded a Pressidential Meedal of Freedom AND nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize..
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RG Linville
  • Arizona Automobile Fairness Act
    Arizona residents need work on reforming antiquated methods of collecting revenue related to buying and driving their vehicles. We request that our representatives in state government enact the following: * Eliminate sales tax on purchases / leases of new vehicles - this will encourage people to buy newer, safer, less-polluting, and more efficient vehicles. * Eliminate vehicle registration fees - this system is backwards and nonsensical, as you're currently rewarded for driving an older, more dangerous, more-polluting, and less efficient vehicle. This also means that nobody can ever receive a ticket for having expired tags on their vehicle, which only hurts the poor (and/or disorganized) population, and further burdens our law enforcement and judicial system. This also discourages people from registering their vehicles out of state, which is an all-too-common practice. Finally, this is one less annual bill to pay - with so many people living paycheck to paycheck, this only causes a downward spiral in their personal finances. * Change High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes to High Efficiency Vehicle (HEV) lanes - cars with higher fuel efficiency can use these lanes, tied to the MPGe rating of the vehicle. This determination will adjust each year as vehicles become more efficient. It doesn't seem logical that two people in a 10mpg car can currently use these lanes, while one person in a 40mpg car cannot. * Allow the sale of vehicles through retail outlets such as shopping malls, either direct to manufacturer or direct to dealer. More cars will be sold if a manufacturer or dealer were in a location such as a shopping mall where tens of thousands of people pass by, and this opens up former dealership land for the development of high density residential, retail, and commercial space. * Prohibit the current system of estimating insurance costs by ZIP code... this is unfair, as you could reside in a safe ZIP code and pay lower insurance but work in a ZIP code known to have more accidents... and you could reside in a ZIP code known to have more accidents and pay higher insurance even though you drive less, walk/bike to work, use public transit, or even work from home. This is unfair and discriminatory. * How do we pay for these changes? Shift the collection of vehicle registration fees and sales taxes to the gasoline tax. This will guarantee that everyone is paying their fare share of infrastructure construction and maintenance. Many Arizona drivers do not have their vehicles registered or game the system by registering their vehicles in states without registration fees, putting more burden on the rest of us who are law-abiding citizens. Anyone from out of state who is driving in Arizona, and anyone who is just visiting Arizona or passing through Arizona will no longer have free use of our highways and roadways. Everyone driving will finally pay their fare share for every mile driven, and will be rewarded if those miles driven are in newer, more efficient, safer, cleaner vehicles. All of these measures will have a positive benefit: manufacturers and dealers will sell more vehicles, helping the local and national economy; consumers will have incentives to buy new vehicles at lower prices, reducing their cost per mile to drive; Arizona residents will be financially rewarded for driving safer, more efficient vehicles; out-of-state drivers will finally paying their fare share when driving on Arizona roads. This is only fair... this makes sense... and everyone benefits. Please sign this petition, and please share it with everyone you know!
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Bethel
  • Require Labels for Monsanto Produce
    As the engineering of seeds (either through genetic modification or cross-breading) has become bigger and bigger business, consumers have no way of knowing where the seeds for the produce they eat originate from. This buffers companies like Monsanto, which has elicited public criticism for questionable and aggressive business practices, from public boycotts. It also increases the momentum towards fewer seed varietals and subspecies being available for consumption. For instance, we used to have 307 different varieties of sweet corn available for commercial distribution in 1903. Today we have only 12. (Source: Rural Advancement Foundation International). We, the public, should have access to information on the origins of our food. Let's require grocery stores to label the source of the seeds for their produce as well as the location it was grown.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Florence Williams
  • Sunday Beer Sales at Murks Corner, Cowley County KS
    Allow Sunday Beer Sales At Murks Corner, 11928 141st Rd, Winfield, KS
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Murray Mullis
  • NYS Legislators: Say NO to Constitutional Amendment permitting commercial casinos
    Casino gambling is NOT a harmless way to raise state revenue. Here's the experience of one gambler now in recovery. "I lost just about everything because of my addiction to gambling. I nearly lost my life. I was in my late 40s and had never gambled before. I had a good job, a happy marriage, and close relationships with my grandchildren. When a Native American casino opened in Niagara Falls, NY, near my home, I went with a friend, just for fun—an evening of entertainment. But I quickly became addicted. Casino gambling began to consume my life. I was one of the lucky few. I finally managed to emerge on the other side after years of compulsive gambling, depression, bankruptcy, estrangement from family, my own suicide attempt, and the actual suicide of a friend who owed $2000 to the casino and was being hounded by threats of legal action and jail. It has now been 15 months since I’ve placed a bet. I'm putting my life back in order, trying to heal the tremendous damage I did to my family and myself. This story wouldn’t matter to you and other NY State residents if it were rare, the exception to the rule. But actually "problem" or addicted gamblers like me provide a major percentage of the profits of gambling casinos—statistics range from 30-70%. Whatever lip service casino owners pay to promoting "responsible gaming," they make huge profits from people who gamble more than they can afford, whose lives are devastated by gambling addiction. Not only is this an ethically questionable way to raise state revenue, but there is a high economic cost to problem gambling and addiction—crime (embezzlement, fraud, etc.), business failures, bankruptcy, loss of economic productivity, addiction treatment, divorce, etc. I don't buy the argument that we won't create new gamblers by creating new casinos—that we'll just "capture" the gamblers who would otherwise cross state lines to gamble anyway. My own experience is that the proximity of a casino makes it far easier to start gambling and to develop and maintain a compulsive gambling habit. Research bears out this common sense observation. We need to recognize that much of the profit from gambling casinos depends on addiction, debt and impoverishment. Isn’t this what the State should be trying to prevent, not to promote for its citizens? " Birgit C. Letter provided through the Coalition Against Gambling in New York (CAGNY) (www.cagnyinf.org)
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anna Kay France
  • Legally mandate backseat seatbelt use in the state of Kansas.
    Fatality accidents are on the rise due to the lack of use of safety features which are in every vehicle. Statistics on the National Institute of Highway Safety show that in 2008, states which require the use of backseat restraints showed that 85% of adults in the backseat used their safety belts, compared to the 66% of adults who used them in states which don't require them. 55% of passengers killed in 2008 were unrestrained.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Bridgman
  • Points For Reserve Best In Show Dogs
    We the undersigned petition that all Reserve Best In Show Dogs receive ALL the points that the Best In Show Dog wins, Except from the group that the Best In Show Dog wins from.
    489 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Exhibitors with a cause!
  • Save Our Post Office Connecticut
    Our goal is to save the U.S. Postal Service from drastic cuts in service. We want the postal service to cease closing mail processing plants. We want the postal service to continue 6 day delivery and we want the postal service to stop closing post offices and cutting retail operating hours. Our goal is to see the dramatic pre payments into retirement accounts to stop and be returned to the postal service. We are proud of our postal network in Connecticut and want to keep it the way it is.
    351 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Stidman
  • Saratoga Commercial Height Limits
    The Saratoga Planning Commission and City Council are reviewing commercial height limits in Saratoga and are contemplating raising those limits to encourage multi-story/mixed-use development.
    320 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Restore Saratoga
  • Midwest HorseFair: Bring Back the Grand Prix to
    The past 2 years we have had a rodeo, but nothing for us English riders. The Night of The Horse has run its course.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie Snyder
  • Pétition Pour Stopper les dérives du gouvernement Martelly/Lamothe
    Les élections de 2010-2011 déroulés sous la commande de la communauté internationale ont placé au pouvoir des étrangers, en l’occurrence Messieurs Michel Joseph Martelly et Laurent Salvador Lamothe. Leur gouvernance est émaillée de Corruption, de népotisme, de clientélisme, de malversation, de gaspillage des maigres ressources nationales, de dépenses somptueuses, d’instabilité gouvernementale, de vassalisation des institutions républicaines, du non-respect des droits de l’homme, de la tolérance de l’impunité et a institué un Etat délinquant. Les agissements de ces étrangers au timon des affaires de l’Etat haïtien portent atteinte à la dignité de la nation et contribuent à ternir l’image de chaque haïtien en particulier et de la nation haïtienne en générale. Considérant que la question de nationalité de Monsieur Michel Joseph Martelly ou Michael Joseph Martelly n’a jamais été élucidée concrètement et le doute persiste. Considérant que Monsieur Michel Joseph Martelly n’assume pas ses missions régaliennes de l’Etat que lui assigne l’article 136 de la Constitution. Considérant que Monsieur Michel Joseph Martelly a violé les articles 114-2 et 115 de la constitution, lorsqu’il a ordonné l’arrestation du député de Delmas-Tabarre, Arnel Belizaire le 27 Octobre 2011, ce qui constitue un Crime de Haute Trahison. Considérant que Monsieur Michel Joseph Martelly, par de simples arrêtés présidentiels, a fait de son épouse, Sophia Martelly et son fils Olivier Martelly gestionnaire de la chose publique. Considérant que Monsieur Michel Joseph Martelly a manifesté sa volonté de restaurer l’ancien régime dictatorial, rétrograde, réactionnaire, contraire à la démocratie représentative et participative établie par la constitution de 1987. Considérant que la nationalité du Premier Ministre, Laurent Salvador Lamothe a aussi suscité de doute. Considérant que le Premier Ministre Laurent Salvador Lamothe est considéré au Sénégal, comme un escroc prototype, où des poursuites judiciaires sont envisagées contre lui suivant les dénonciations du citoyen Newton Louis ST JUSTE. Considérant le Premier Ministre Laurent Salvador Lamothe et Monsieur Michel Joseph Martelly utilisent des fonds et des fonctions officielles et régaliennes de l’Etat pour réaliser des voyages à l’étranger à des fins personnelles toujours selon les dénonciations du citoyen ST JUSTE. Vu la gravité de ces actes dénoncés portant atteintes à la dignité nationale et contribuant à salir l’image du pays ; Vu que de telles infractions ne sauraient ne pas retenir ou toucher l’attention des citoyens haïtiens ; Vu que cette affaire est d’une importance capitale pour les opinions nationale et internationale et qu’il s’avère nécessaire pour qu’elle soit soldée soit par la mise en accusation du Premier Ministre, Laurent Salvador LAMOTHE ou soit par le jugement du citoyen Newton Louis Saint Juste pour diffamation ; Vu que le classement sans suite n’est pas prévu par la législation haïtienne ; qu’en tant que simple mesure administrative, il n’est pas une décision judiciaire susceptible de faire la lumière sur les infractions reprochées au Président et au Premier Ministre. Vu que les dénonciations font état de corruption et de blanchiment d’argent, que ce sont deux infractions pour lesquelles le législateur a institué : l’Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption ULCC et l’Unité Centrale de Renseignement Financier UCREF et qu’en ses matières le Parquet est tenu de saisir ces organes aux fins d’enquête ; Face à cette situation de dégradation systématique de la santé politique, économique et sociale du pays, les Citoyens doivent assumer leurs responsabilités, comme cela se fait dans toute société. Dans cette perspective, les signataires de la présente apportent leur plein et entier soutien au : 1) Député Arnel Belizaire qui demande la formation d’une Commission d’enquête à la chambre des députés pour faire la lumière sur les récentes révélations de Me Newton Louis Saint-Juste relatives aux dénonciations de corruption et de blanchiment et d’Associations de Malfaiteurs faites à l’encontre du Président Michel Joseph MATHELLY et du Premier Ministre, Laurent Lamothe tant en Haïti qu’à l’étranger, particulièrement au Sénégal. 2) Sénateur Moise Jean-Charles et Wetsner Polycarpe qui demandent aux députés la mise en accusation du président Michel Joseph Martelly pour violation de la Constitution. Et demandent aux Forces Morales de la Nation, notamment les Eglises, les organisations de la société civile, les organisations des Droits Humains, les Barreaux de l’Ordre des Avocats, les partis politiques, la Presse, les pays dits amis d’Haïti d’aider le peuple haïtien à faire la lumière sur ces faits qui sont compromettants.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Citoyens Haitiens concernés
    I have been involved in just care family network fora year in a half. Dr. Altha Stewart has caused nothing but confusion for the last three. She has called my phone with mess. And I personally believe that they deserve another chance. Dr.Stewart is not meeting the wrap around process. Instead of her doing her job is telling lies to turn everyone against Raphalle and Norman Redwing. She is jealous of them because they are supporting the youth and families and she is not.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jasmine Lott