Support Funding for Anti-Poaching EducationThe root of the Ivory Trade is the Asian Market. 25,000 African elephants were poached for their ivory last year. Even more were killed this year= 2012/2013. If funding for education of the conservation of mega fauna and what it means for healthy ecosystems and the ripple effect on all of our lives was made a priority we could get a handle on this crisis. The citizens who have signed this petition are demanding that awareness be made in all venues to make it clear that... "If you buy, they die". Funding needs to be directed towards curriculum that denounces religious beliefs or value crazes that raise the price of ivory on the Asian market.235 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lynn Howard's Concerned Students
END PROHIBITION AGAINST POKERA few years ago, Republican Bill Frist inserted a little item in a budget bill that had to be passed, that prohibited Americans from playing on-line poker for money. This law put a number of American companies in internet poker out of business and turned it over to foreign companies. A large number of Americans played internet poker; from seniors playing for as little as 2 cents buy-in, to high stakes games for professionals. It is time to end this ridiculous prohibition.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Norman Davis
Wal-Mart - Save workers lives - become the leader in factory inspectionI spent 2 years making a film in Bangladesh and I'd frequently drive by the garment factories and talk to garment factory workers. Hearing about the Tazreen factory fire last November and now the building collapse in Savar, it is time to ask you to lead the way in changing the status quo. From what I've ready your company had garments being made at both locations and to be realistic, only a company of your size has the pull to make this necessary change and lead the way for other manufacturers to follow.631 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Holly Mosher & Ravi Shah
Keep the Lottery in Texasthe state house of representatives just voted not to renew the Texas Lottery Commission. This is an act of moral ignorance. They're cutting $$$ from education, and we're already at the bottom of most measures of education, and they're cutting $$$ from veteran services. There's no excuse for this. We settled the issue of whether or not Texans wanted a lottery in 1991 by a 2 to 1 margin. Let your state legislators and Governor Perry know you support the Texas lottery and demand it be kept.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ed Covington
It's Time For Turf!Parkland High school's athletes deserve to play on turf. Our Soccer, Lacrosse and Field Hockey teams could use this turf for games, and possibly even practices. The best athletes should play on the best fields!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Abby Hudock
It's Time For Turf!Parkland High school's athletes deserve to play on turf. Our Soccer, Lacrosse and Field Hockey teams could use this turf for games, and possibly even practices. The best athletes should play on the best fields!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Abby Hudock
Wolves in the Lower-48 States Need Your HelpURGENT UPDATE: Earthjustice attorneys have heard that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service might put out its proposed national wolf delisting rule within days. We need you to act now! Any day now, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may remove federal Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves across nearly the entire lower 48 states. This would be a disastrous setback for gray wolf recovery in the United States. The recovery of gray wolves is an American success story, from their reintroduction in the northern Rocky Mountains to their comeback in the western Great Lakes states. But there are few, if any, gray wolves in the vast majority of their former range. If the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removes gray wolf federal protections, wolves in the Pacific Northwest, California, the southern Rocky Mountains, and the Northeast will face even more difficult odds than they do already. It is critical that the administration not proceed with a blanket national delisting of the gray wolf, when wolves are still missing across so much of the U.S. landscape. Urge President Obama and Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell to maintain protections for gray wolves in the lower 48 states.368 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Doug Honnold, Earthjustice
PardonMy Name Is Ruben Sanchez Ibarra, This Petition Is About Getting My Record Pardon By The Governor Patt Quinn In Order For Me To Start A New Life With A Clean Background Without Affecting Me With Getting Jobs In The Future With My Career As An Information Technology Computer Network System With An Associates Degree.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ruben Sanchez Ibarra
Bring Some Sanity to the "War on Drugs"The so-called "War on Drugs" has turned a public health problem into a multi-billion dollars taxpayer boondoggle. Sen. Mark Leno's Senate Bill 649 would move California towards a smarter, humane, cost-effective system. It would reduce overcrowding in our prisons by allowing prosecutors to charge non-California drug possession as a misdemeanor, rather than a felony. SB 649 would free up funds currently supporting jails to be used for drug treatment instead. Studies show that in the 13 states that classify drug possession as a misdemeanor, treatment rates are higher and incarceration rates are lower, with no increase in crime.98 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eddie Kurtz
In SUPPORT of Senate Bill 807, Licensure for Bachelor Level Social Workers (BSW) & Protection for...In support of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Alvernia University class of future Social Workers along with other social work college students and professionals united on April 16, 2013, we attend in Harrisburg the 2013 Legislative Advocacy Day at the Capital. We were there the entire day to voice and show our support on legislation being introduced to create practice protection for all social workers, and Senate Bill 807, sponsored by Chuck MeIlhinney creating licensure for bachelor level social workers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (PA).28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gail
Student Safety: More Night USAPD OfficersAdd more officers to the night patrol for USAPD. The violence on campus at night has become an issue to be concerned. Help show USA that you want a change!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amy Briggs
Basketball CourtBasketball Court in Williamsburg Estates1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sameer Khan