• Senior Driving Tests
    Seniors are getting into car accidents more and more frequently as they age. It is dangerous not only to them, but all who share the road. My parents recently got into an accident where a 73 year old woman was at fault. Thankfully they are all OK, but this isn't always the case. Please sign this petition to encourage lawmakers to make the roads safer for everyone by requiring seniors to take driving tests.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Veronica
  • Stop Taxpayer-funded ads by Medicare Advantage Plans
    Taxpayers pay extra to subsidize Medicare Advantage Plans compared to the cost of regular Medicare. Every fall, these plans fill our TVs and mailboxes with ads, and pay sales agents commissions to sign people up for their Advantage plan. The agents ask health questions to "guide people to the plan that is right for them" (my impression: guide sicker people to traditional Medicare.)
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn
  • Demand Congress Take Action on Puerto Rico's Political Status
    Puerto Rico has been a colony of our country since 1898. Puertoricans are citizens of the U.S. by birth. It is high time to either grant Puerto Rico independence or do what is right and grant statehood to the island. During the November 6th elections, 54% of the population voted to end the present relationship with the US. Of that number, 61% voted for statehood.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carlos A Carrion
  • New Orleans City Council: Stop Sewerage & Water Board Rate Hike
    The recent proposal to raise Sewer & Water rates 10% in New Orleans over a period of time is outrageous. What with rental increases, low wages & just high living expenses, it's hard enough to make ends meet. This is a poor state with over half living below the poverty level. We just can't afford this rate increase.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn A. Bell
  • Ratepayers Unite
    California law allows the ratepayers who own the district to vote for lower water rates and dismiss the professional water people who have monopolized the districts resources for their own purposes.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Easton-Brown, ratepayer
  • The Truth about BLM & Wild Horses in the West
    I have watched a documentary that gave clear evidence from persons affected in their careers with BLM and from those who advocate for the Wild Horses. It showed hard evidence (documents) of corruption within BLM as well their intent to systematically exterminate the wild horses throughout Nevada, Idaho & Wyoming for the purpose of "clearing the way"for BP Oil to install the Ruby pipeline in the near future. Those wild horse herds will obstruct BP's efforts as they will not be able to pass an EIS if horses are present. This is destruction of a national heritage, our Wild Horse Herd and we must stop BLM in their tracks.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Comer
  • Implement and Enforce Child Safety Programs in Georgia School Bus Transportation
    Georgia leads the NATION in child-fatalities related to school bus loading/unloading zones. (source: National School Bus Loading and Unloading Survey).
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray Pounds
  • Mayor Bob Filner: Make Poverty a Priority
    It's a tragedy that anyone in San Diego should live in poverty, especially those who work hard every day and still struggle to support themselves or a family. Our city government can do much to combat working poverty, with policies that focus on living wages, access to affordable healthcare and creating quality jobs for San Diego residents. When all working people can support themselves and have money in their pockets to spend at local businesses, the entire city will benefit and we’ll finally be on our way to rebuilding our local economy.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clare Crawford
  • Mayor Bob Filner: Make Poverty a Priority
    It's a tragedy that anyone in San Diego should live in poverty, especially those who work hard every day and still struggle to support themselves or a family. Our city government can do much to combat working poverty, with policies that focus on living wages, access to affordable healthcare and creating quality jobs for San Diego residents. When all working people can support themselves and have money in their pockets to spend at local businesses, the entire city will benefit and we’ll finally be on our way to rebuilding our local economy.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clare Crawford
  • Legalize Bud
    Legalization of Marijuana for all uses medical and recreational in all 50 states of America. Rules 1. 3 Oz limit 2. Legal age for posession and or use 21 3. Same rules that apply for alcohol will apply for marijuana
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Genesis
  • Level the Playing Field for US Manufacturing
    Leveling the playing field gives multi-national corporations less of a reason to manufacture overseas. 1) They will pay the same minimum wage as they do in the U.S. 2) They will follow the same Fair Labor Standards Act requirements. 3) They will follow the same OSHA regulations. 4) They will have the same environmental requirements
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Burton
  • Daylight saving Time, spring forward and stay there!!!
    Why should we go thought this adjustment for an antiquated reason. At least in the Central time zone it would make more sense not to. Arizona got something right!
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Brown