• Reshape the World to Improve Our Lives
    This petition is global. Our objective is to win the war. For the war on terrorism let the soldiers from that country deal with them instead of wasting money on American soldiers around the world. Also greed like in businesses, government and insurance is part of the problem the economy went out of shape and so many cuts in general. War has also hurt the economy. People aren't all insured for damage on their property and housing issues too as there are many reasons we're signing this petition. Also issues with insurance claims like on public places or homes. It's not just making the world and country great. There's poverty going on as a reason for signing this petition. The war in the middle east has caused sequestration. We have goals in our lives to want to accomplish and that's an important reason to sign this petition. We have hopes and dreams in even our future as this is an important thing on this petition. This petition for us all helping each other out on things. Let's have confidence in signing this petition and be confident on this petition. This petition is in need of confidence. Politicians don't completely have the power to change those things but this petition is to go to all those around the world that do. Years of war in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein is what it is the most that got us in a mess with both budget and economy crisis and all kinds of cuts in general of as what this feels like. This petition is mostly so much affecting us. The economy was in the worst shape in the great depression in world history and this petition is also on the economic recovery. If it has recovered before after the great depression it should again. This is almost anything to take action for and anyone to send the letters for reshaping the world. I send this to Americans as well as we need to take responsibility for our own actions.This petition is supposed to go to people that can do things about those situations and in control of all that stuff that this petition is about so it's not just to politicians. There is American greed as well as corporate greed in the world and that's part of the problem with the economic downfall. This is mostly on the economy in bad shape. It's not just oil companies greedy that affect us. We know from the bad economy allot of work hours get cut or businesses cut short on employees. Let's even take action to get the unemployment rate to the lowest we can get. It's also that budget cuts are said to be bad for the economy but the economic crisis and financial crisis world wide appears to trigger budget cuts to become common. We have had the global financial crisis as well in those past years. This petition is to take action for reshape from that as well. Part of it was that the economy was discovered to be in bad shape. This petition is also for taking action on recession. There have been college prices ridiculous as well and having to raise prices of things because of high gas prices as of 2008. That's ridiculous. Colleges might not be greedy but many things are having prices even too high. Part of signing this petition is for helping the poor in the world. Maybe even fares and tolls are ridiculous. As of again this petition goes to all the people in control of that as of the target of this petition being to Americans but could be forwarded to people all over the world. This petition goes to all people around the world in control of the prices of gas and oil as well. This is to all those in control of those prices all over the world. This petition is for tax cuts as well and there are states with ridiculous property taxes. There are other businesses greedy. There must be other things than greed in businesses or ridiculous prices of things upsetting the economy. There had to be budget cuts and there are hours of workers being cut along with maybe salaries. Even businesses having to cut short on employees. The job issues and issues with joining emergency services are more important than issues with driving schools. There had to even be budget cuts. Cuts on things were getting common in 2007. There was the global financial crisis in 2007 as this petition is also for taking action on that. There might as well be cuts on businesses doing business in the recession and cuts on educations. We know that businesses lost business to high gas prices, the economic issues and even anything else affecting us with even businesses gone out of business. This is a bit about undoing so much damage that the Bush/Cheney administration had done just. There has been allot of blaming the Bush/Cheney administration for the economy out of shape and high gas prices as George W. Bush was in oil businesses. We want to have this petition to the people in control of things. Part of the problem on the economy crisis is that prices of things are too high and it's not good for business as it could chase away customers. So much greed and stupidity in the world to how the economy is in bad shape. This is the reason is goes to Americans. It's like the people in control of the situations like even car insurance as well. This petition is also to go to any of those in control of the prices of gas. Maybe as long as cars run on gas there could be more support on fuel efficient cars and cars running on the better alternatives than gas. There should even be airplanes, helicopters, boats, truck and buses fuel efficient along with other motor vehicles. Maybe even all those other motor vehicles along with cars have the better energy sources than gas. This is even about getting the prices of gas to the lowest they can get to or anything on the lowest the prices can be. There are waiting lists on things. It's not just to get lessons to drive cars or commercial vehicles but issues with joining emergency services and the unemployment rate is at the highest. This could happen in highly populated areas that driving schools for cars have too many on the waiting lists to get everyone o...
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim P
  • 17th & Folsom Park Fence
    Please make open space open and welcoming.
    199 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Baker
  • Allow Ancient Court Records & Files Online
    These court files, Probate and Civil cases, date back to the 1830s in our county. We had some of them online until the Florida Supreme Court ordered that only "Official" Official Records could be placed online by a Clerk's Office. This is a valuable part of our history that sits in dark boxes awaiting the light that the internet provides. We should be allowed a 72 year period like the Federal Census or something similar. Anything older should be allowed online. Jim Powell Jr, Ancient Records Coordinator for Alachua County, FL, Clerk of the Court
    547 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jim Powell Jr
  • NO DEAL on SSDI Last Minute Budget Cuts
    Please, please, please, do not even consider cutting SSDI benefits or any benefits to Veterans. These are not "entitlements." We are, for the most part, people who have worked for over 30 years, or people who have served our country nobly and have EARNED these benefits. We have no means to earn further income to shelter, feed and in some cases, pay for the medicines we need to live with dignity and freedom in the United States.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Wallace
  • Stop 2:00 am "last call" alcohol related deaths
    Antiquated California laws put us at risk. In my city, Los Angeles, we have limited mass transit options which force most of us to drive. Frequently, I encounter erratic, under the influence drivers when I am just trying to get home late at night. Our highways have a peak in alcohol related accidents immediately after the perennial "last call", as revelers hit those last shots and are rushed out of bars and clubs. Let's not kid ourselves, a large number of them go straight behind the wheel, endangering everyone. In addition, this is more than a safety issue. It also has major economic ramifications to tax payers including the cost of emergency services, and the loss of business opportunity, not to mention restrictions on jobs. With the Holidays just around the corner, this problem will once again be exacerbated, and as a teacher, I am also concerned about our young drivers who often become statistics! I did some research and found this 2003 San Francisco Board of Supervisors "resolution urging the California State Legislature to pass legislation to modernize laws related to alcohol closing hours", which evidently was unsuccessful; however, it provides data that continues to frame the problem very well. Please feel free to browse through some of the main points and support my petition. Thank you! San Francisco Board of Supervisors File No. 040057 [Urging State Law Change] Resolution urging the California State Legislature to pass legislation to modernize laws related to alcohol closing hours. WHEREAS, California law currently restricts the sale of alcohol uniformly across the state, despite the diversity of local transit availability and tourism alternatives found in the firth largest economy in the world; and, WHEREAS, Major metropolitan areas that rely upon tourism, cultural events and conventions such as Los Angels, San Francisco and San Diego operate under the same alcohol restrictions as rural and suburban areas which provide fewer late night transit alternatives for those attempting to get home safely after venues close; and, WHEREAS, Restaurants, cabarets, theatres, nightclubs, bars, music halls, taxis, hotels, airports, car rentals, travel agents, street fairs, cultural events, shops and convention centers all benefit from a thriving interest in the entertainment industry; and, WHEREAS, The state of Florida empowers local jurisdictions to regulate their own last call tie and cities like Miami and Jacksonville have set last call at 4AM; and, WHEREAS, The state of Louisiana grants its large metropolitan areas such as the City of New Orleans the power to regulate its own last call time, and the city allows bars and nightclubs to stay open for business 24 hours; and, WHEREAS, The state of Illinois allows Chicago to set its own hours, which the city has set at 4AM Monday through Saturday and 5AM on Sunday morning; and, WHEREAS, The state of New York allows New York City to hold last call until 4AM; and, WHEREAS, The state of Georgia grants the city of Atlanta the power to decide its own last call time which the city has set at 4AM; and, WHEREAS, The state of Texas allows Houston, San Antonio, Fort Worth and Dallas to hold last call until 4AM; and, WHEREAS, The state of Indiana allows the city of Indianapolis to hold last call until 3AM; and, WHEREAS, The state of Hawaii allows the city of Honolulu to hold last call until 4AM; and, WHEREAS, The state of Tennessee allows the cities of Memphis and Nashville to hold last call until 3AM; and, WHEREAS, The state of West Virginia allows jurisdictions to hold last call until 3:30AM; and, WHEREAS, The state of Alaska allows jurisdictions to hold last call until 5AM; and, WHEREAS, The states of Mississippi, Nevada and New Jersey allow alcohol serving establishments to remain open 24 hours a day; and, WHEREAS, Washington D.C. has set its own last call at 3AM on weekends; and, WHEREAS, The voters of Arizona will decide on a state initiative in 2004 to extend the state's last call to 3AM; and, WHEREAS, London and many other large international tourist destinations allow venues to sell alcohol 24 hours to entice global travelers; and, WHEREAS, California, despite its progressive reputation, uniformly requires all establishments statewide to hold last call at 2AM, creating a clear business disadvantage to other national and international tourist destinations; and, WHEREAS, The National Traffic Safety Administration conducted a 2001 study of traffic deaths related to alcohol; and WHEREAS, Data from this study documents that states with late last call hours had fewer alcohol related driving deaths than states with earlier closing hours; and, WHEREAS, The correlation between last call times and average percent of traffic deaths related to alcohol in this study showed a 44.5% correlation in states with 1-1:30AM last call times, 41.81% in states with 2-2:30AM last call times, 38.67% in states with 3-3:30AM last call times, 42% in states with 4AM last call times, and 41.25% in states with 24 hour call times; and, WHEREAS, Overall the correlation of alcohol related deaths was significantly higher in states with earlier last call times than later last call times and states with 3-3:30AM last call had the lowest correlation of alcohol related deaths with roughly 3% less than states which held last call at 2AM; and, WHEREAS, This data may suggest that early closing hours lead consumers to drink near the closing hour and drive sooner after drinking than if they are allowed to leave establishments at a later time of their choosing; and, WHEREAS, California entertainment businesses stand at a competitive disadvantage to other states due to inflexible regulations, Californians in the October 2003 election voiced demand to remove excessive regulations on state businesses, there is broad precedent for allowing large urban jurisdictions to set last call after 2AM, and national data suggests that states with later last call h...
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michel Endene
  • Stop the Slaughter of The Wild Horses
    Protect America's wild horses
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by david linnane
  • Gov. Rendell should leave Fix the Debt
    I just learned that the former Governor of PA, Ed Rendell, is the co-chair of a group of corporate leaders trying to cut my Social Security and Medicare, along with cutting Medicaid for low income women and children. Fix the Debt, a group funded by a billionaire with a council of CEO's, is spewing misinformation about Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid so that these programs get cut instead of wealthy paying their fair share of taxes. I think it is wrong for any former elected official to stand alongside corporate leaders calling for earned benefits to cut, especially a Democrat. Gov. Rendell should leave Fix the Debt immediately, and commit zero cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. http://www.fixthedebt.org/who-we-are
    355 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dannielle Solomon
  • Mr. President, Senators Boxer and Feinstein, and Governor Brown
    Please end abusive treatment of animals at factory farms
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liz Lyons
  • fda to be held accountable
    would like the fda to be held accountable for allowing genetically engineered food into our food chain & allowing it to be called natural & allowing big companies that support it , keep it hidden from the public, despite the unknown health risks & potential unwanted spreading.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mckenzie dubose
  • Open Adoption Records
    open adoption records..adoptees are people with out a history
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sean boswell
  • Save the National Christmas Tree 2013
    For as long as I can remember, there has been a National Tree Lighting during the holiday season in Washington DC. Year after year, I reserve hope that for once, the National Tree would actually look like a TREE and not some lit up mound with a star on top of it.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M. Antonio Ignazio
  • Legalization of cannabis
    We the people of the great state of Florida support and wish to vote for the legalization of cannabis and support any taxes that may accure for personal consumption.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leonard Kirkland