Support PP!!!!!I went to planned parenthood as a young adult for birth control and so have many of my friends! Family planning and education on healthy sex is important for everyone!!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vicki Hack
Stop the war on women and Planned ParenthoodI am a 68 years old and want to tell you I used Planned Parenthood when I was in my early twenties. They were a godsend. I am motivated to start this position because I know to well how Planned Parenthood helps women in need of medical assistance. Planned Parenthood helped me when I was very young and had nowhere to turn. They offered advice and medical services.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Antoinette Black
Fully Fund Planned ParenthoodYoung women should not have to sidetrack their college careers due to an unplanned pregnancy! Children should not be born unwanted. Cuts to Planned Parenthood are attacks on women and children.136 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Chris Bystroff
Protect Planned ParenthoodPlanned Parenthood was there when I needed care as a young 20-something out on my own with no insurance. Republicans are threatening to shut down the government unless they can succeed in taking away crucial funding from Planned Parenthood. Don't let them tread on women's rights.158 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Denise N Kimura
Women and Health DecisionsI want to do my part for women and children in this country.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Louise DeWolf
STOP the war on women and Planned Parenthood. Don't cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood.American women need access to routine and preventive care, screening, and advice from doctors. Defunding Planned Parenthood risks their access and potentially endangers their health, their lives, and their families.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Foose
I Support Planned ParenthoodSeveral states have already moved to defund planned parenthood. I cannot imagine what it would be like for women in Florida, a state with very few options for uninsured women, if Planned Parenthood were not there to help.40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristen Guskovict
Don't Defund Planned Parenthood!Senator Portman and other Ohio Republicans in Congress continue to play politics with women's health. Now, they have chosen to support the discredited "Center for Medical Progress" (CMP) videos instead of their constituents. Not only should women of any socioeconomic background be able to access abortion counseling and care (as is their right after Roe), but they should also have access to contraception, well-woman exams, cancer screenings, and STD testing. Planned Parenthood cannot be replaced in providing this care, as Crisis Pregnancy Centers are not required to (and do not) provide medically accurate information. Furthermore, these centers fail to employ certified health care providers (doctors, nurses, physician assistants, etc.) to safely and honestly treat their patients.2,428 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Courtney L.
Continue funding Planned ParenthoodPlanned Parenthood was there for me when I had no health insurance as a college student, along with many others who have limited or no health insurance. Planned Parenthood is an essential organization assisting women in maintaining their health Cutting its funding will result in many women having nowhere to turn, a negative impact on our entire society.148 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nicole Zumarraga
STOP the War on Louisiana Women and Planned Parenthood.As a MoveOn.org member, national members called my attention to starting a specific petition to Louisiana representatives, which would be more pivotal from a local constituent getting other residents involved with the matter. Louisiana already has a failing grade for its work with women's healthcare, and we need to reconcile this now by signing as Louisiana residents in support of Planned Parenthood and its excellent efforts.59 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joshua Mesman
American Women Need Planned Parenthood Health ServicesI have lived in urban neighborhoods where, without Planned Parenthood, many women would have no affordable access to medical tests, contraception, and accurate sexual health information. American women, especially those in underserved populations, need the important health services and information provided by Planned Parenthood. Already, the federal government does NOT provide funds for Planned Parenthood's abortion services, which are PRIVATELY funded and constitute no more than 3% of the organization's total combined budget.389 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Carol Hubbard
STOP the war on women and Planned Parenthood. Don't cut a dime in federal funding for Planned Par...I'm one of millions of women who have benefited from Planned Parenthood's health and reproductive services. I'm sure you know someone who has as well. This organization is a critical part of healthcare for low-income men and women who quite literally can't afford its defunding.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kali Heim