• American Women Need Planned Parenthood Health Services
    I have lived in urban neighborhoods where, without Planned Parenthood, many women would have no affordable access to medical tests, contraception, and accurate sexual health information. American women, especially those in underserved populations, need the important health services and information provided by Planned Parenthood. Already, the federal government does NOT provide funds for Planned Parenthood's abortion services, which are PRIVATELY funded and constitute no more than 3% of the organization's total combined budget.
    389 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Carol Hubbard
  • STOP the war on women and Planned Parenthood. Don't cut a dime in federal funding for Planned Par...
    I'm one of millions of women who have benefited from Planned Parenthood's health and reproductive services. I'm sure you know someone who has as well. This organization is a critical part of healthcare for low-income men and women who quite literally can't afford its defunding.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kali Heim
  • WOMEN, have birthed the WORLD - remember that!
    Where as abortion should not be a form of main birth control, accidents during sex do happen. An illegal abortion, where the woman may die (and not the man, since he will not be having one) should not even be considered.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed Lopez
  • Save Planned Parenthood
    A Pap smear done by Planned Parenthood saved my cousin's life.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Clements
  • STOP the War on Women and Planned Parenthood
    Politicians are not doing the right thing. Stay true to national issues and not special interest groups.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by NOEL A. KLAWE
  • Planned Parenthood Funding
    I believe every woman should be able to decide what to do with her own body and her life.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth J Canavati
  • Save Planned Parenthood
    We must come together to save Planned Parenthood.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzan Delivuk
  • Continue funding for Planned Parenthood
    Years ago, I was able to obtain health care through Planned Parenthood. At that time, I I could not have afforded the care. Many people now could not obtain contraception, breast cancer screenings, sex education, and more without Planned Parenthood. Please continue this necessary assistance!
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Skupskky
  • Pete, John, & Ted: Pay attention to the women who vote in your districts!
    When I learned while pregnant that my child would have Down Syndrome, my own doctor urged me to have an abortion. I had a choice about the matter. Could my family and I handle having a special needs person in our family? And while I chose to have my beautiful daughter, I am thankful that I had the opportunity to consider abortion for the well-being of my life and family. Women do not need the government interfering in this personal decision. Also, pulling funding from millions of low-income women for healthcare, along with states efforts limiting Medicaid and other healthcare funding IS a war on women.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marianne Roberts
  • DO NOT defund Planned Parenthood
    Planned Parenthood is under attack from anti-choice members of Congress, but only 3 percent of their budget is for abortion-related services, and none of their federal funding is used for abortion. Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood, a trusted resource in Illinois communities.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Gustafson
  • STOP the war on women and Planned Parenthood. Don't cut a dime in federal funding for Planned Par...
    Planned Parenthood is a lifeline for millions of women, providing cancer screenings, contraception, and basic preventive health care to women across the country. I see the Republican leaders threat to shut down the federal government as an attack on the basic rights of women and their access to medical treatment. Please do not take away American women's rights!
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Cooper
  • STOP the war on women and our rights to our bodies
    Republican leaders are threatening to shut down the entire federal government for the second time in three years unless Congress cuts funding for Planned Parenthood. We cannot let them get away with it! Since entering office in 2011, Kasich has signed every anti-abortion measure that has landed on his desk, enacting a total of 16 restrictions that limit abortion access and family planning opportunities, and resulting in the closure of half the state's abortion clinics. With a bill pending that would ban physicians from performing abortions on women who want to terminate their pregnancy because of a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, the state is now wanting to regulate what reasons are "good enough" to terminate a pregnancy.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemarie Ventura