• Add your name to the demands from Pittsburgh Jewish leaders to Trump
    The massacre of 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue comes at a time when the Trump administration, the Republican Party and their enablers — at all levels — have fomented hate, fear, and white nationalism in our country. They have targeted the Muslim community, immigrants and refugees, people of color, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ people, and in recent weeks we have seen a marked escalation in their use of antisemitic images, rhetoric and conspiracy theories. The Trump administration, the Republican Party and their enablers have provoked violence against our communities. Our blood is on their hands. It is time to rise up together to demand our safety. We refuse to be divided. We refuse to be isolated from each other. We will outlive their hatred. Now, we're asking Jews and allies across the country to add your names to the demands of Jewish leaders in Pittsburgh who are rising up to demand the White House renounce white nationalism so we can all be safe.
    81,971 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Tammy Hepp of Bend the Arc: Pittsburgh
  • Oak Park Schools: Adopt a Racial Equity Policy & Curriculum
    Racial equity is about applying justice and a little bit of common sense to a system that’s been out of balance. When a system is out of balance, people of color feel the impacts most acutely, but, to be clear, an imbalanced system makes all of us pay. By immediately adopting a racial equity policy and curriculum, our school systems will create a greater balance that benefits all stakeholders.
    1,076 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Naomi S Leach
  • Land is Sacred: Stand With the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
    The Mashpee Wampanoag, the People of the First Light, have occupied the same region for over 12,000 years and have faced diminishment of their homelands since colonization. The latest decision is a blow to Tribal sovereignty and undermines the future and sustainability of the tribal nation. The Tribe is asking Congress to protect its reservation lands and has put forth the "Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act (HR.312)." We are asking for signatures in support of this legislation.
    309,014 of 400,000 Signatures
    Created by Wopanaak Language Reclamation Project
  • Wear Pink To The Polls
    Every day delivers news of fresh assaults to human decency and evisceration of our Democratic institutions. This continuous stream of Trump's lies and bullying erodes the quality of my life, and I do not feel safe under his leadership. Now in full-throttle, Trump's cheap tricks-- shameless lies, utter mean-spiritedness, and coliseum theatrics--to win at any cost are resulting that seem to increase his popularity, yielding to his authoritarian aspirations. We must vote for authentic security and the greatness of American Democracy, ethics, human rights, and environmental stewardship.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary E Palmer MD
  • Stop Trump's trampling on the rights of transgender people
    I am a transgender woman, and I have been out for 11 years. I've had to tolerate the government randomly getting to decide, instead of me or my doctors, what gender belongs on my various documents. If Trump succeeds in this inhumane plan, we will be regressing to outdated 1950s standards. I say no more. We fight for all rights.
    28,998 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Fletcher
  • More Shelters, Less Homelessness
    Sometimes, I drive around Los Angeles and it’s painful to see so many people just living on the streets. I am talking about thousands of people just staying in tents or on the pavement. They don’t have shelters, food, or clothes. Why aren’t the officials doing something about it? Have they ever even been to these areas? LA is the capital of the movie industry and California is not the poorest state so we can and need to do better. These people need to have access to shelters that will help them transition to a better life. And if some of them have an addiction problem, we need to get them to recovery facilities. Some of them are kids. They should be in school. They should have a better life. We can’t turn our back on them. Together, let’s end Homelessness.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Perri Pierre
  • Protect Victim's Rights - Stop the Release of a Sexually Violent Predator
    Per Marsy's Law [California Constitution, Article I, Section 28(b) Penal Code Section 679.026), the rights of the victim's were denied in this court hearing; they were not given advance notice of these proceedings (section 7) and they were denied the right to be heard before this matter was decided (section 8). This invalidates the court's decision and the case must be re-tried.
    1,265 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mary Taylor
  • Texas Spanish & Mexican Land Grants
    Assembly of Spanish & Mexican Land Grant Heirs for Political Action 34259 Quail Drive San Benito Texas 78586 An Open Letter To The Following Texas Public Officials: Governor, Honorable Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor, Honorable Dan Patrick, Attorney General, Honorable Ken Paxton, Comptroller of Public Accounts, Honorable Glenn Hagar, Commissioner of General Land Office, Honorable George P. Bush, Commissioner of Agriculture, Honorable Sid Miller, Commissioner Railroad Commission of Texas, Honorable Wayne Christian, Commissioner Railroad Commission of Texas, Honorable Christi Craddick, Commissioner Railroad Commission of Texas, Honorable Ryan Sutton, Chief Justice Supreme Court of Texas, Honorable Nathan L. Hecht, Justice Supreme Court Texas P1-2, Honorable Don R. Willett, Justice Supreme Court Texas P1-3, Honorable Debra Ledermann, Justice Supreme Court Texas P1-4, Honorable John Devine, Justice Supreme Court Texas P1-5, Honorable Paul Green, Justice Supreme Court Texas P1-6, Honorable Jeff Brown, Justice Supreme Court Texas P1-7, Honorable Jeffrey S. Boyd, Justice Supreme Court Texas P1-8, Honorable Phil Johnson, Justice Supreme Court Texas P1-9, Honorable Eva M. Guzman, Joe Straus Speaker of the House Subject: Spanish and Mexican Land Grant Issues Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen: Regarding the longstanding controversy concerning illegal seizure of Spanish and Mexican Land Grants by the State of Texas, your attention is respectfully requested. Demand for action among Texas citizens affected by this injustice is progressively increasing. Driven by clear understanding of the precedent offered by past litigations, this historic travesty of justice is gaining momentous racial overtones. Multitudes of Texans believe that the primary motivation behind the state’s inaction stems from the fact that most land grants were Hispanic owned. Your sensible response could avert serious legal consequences for the state once the growing population of affected citizens reaches political solvency. It truly makes good sense to expedite examination of this issue with an open mind and judicious consideration. A proper example of this impropriety is the opinion of Justice Scalia … included herein for your recognition. Judge Scalia’s (land issue) opinion of the ADR in 1986, U.S. Federal District Court: " I want to make it clear that I read the holding of the opinion as limited by responsive to the precise and highly unique case before us. In particular, I do not read the opinion to hold that in a contemporary setting the United States Government can unlawfully expropriate property legitimately owned by aliens' property rights without compensation or consideration, and then totally avoid responsibility under our Constitution or other applicable laws of Nations. We have no occasion to consider such a situation here and we express no review on its legality”. AFFIRMED. THE SUPREME COURT DENIED AN APPLICATION FOR CERTIORARI WITHOUT GIVING AN OPINION (470 U.S. 1501; 1055C; 1751). Surviving families of Spanish and Mexican Land Grant Owners, lying between the Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers, are disparaged when referred to as “aliens”. Existing long before Texas became a state, and populated by a society governed by laws of nations, said Land Grant Owners properly possessed title and well-documented meets and bounds identifying each grant. Texas was non-existent then and subsequently held no right to confiscate those lands at any time, nor for any reason thereafter. Furthermore, the documented murders and crimes committed by Texas Rangers under the Administration of Governor James E. Ferguson, the 26th Governor of Texas, among others, which unlawfully displaced Hispanic Land Grantees from their lands, remain unresolved. Perhaps most unsettling, while Governor James E. Ferguson, on 1917 was impeached and removed from office on nine of twenty-one counts of unlawful acts, as substantiated by the Texas Senate, none of the charges included the horrific crimes he ordered against Hispanic landowners. Hence, the undersigned organizations are poised to begin organizing the law-abiding population of Texas to remedy these illegalities. Your action(s) to remedy this controversy with fair and equitable adjudication could encourage this burgeoning Hispanic population to serve a better purpose for Texas. Otherwise, if forced to defend its racial equality, this Hispanic movement would be most inclined to adopt an impartial mode. It is the desire of all undersigned to apply this political energy to a better Texas. We therefore respectfully request your attention and support to the resolution of this important issue. Specifically, the Texas Legislature should presently implement the following “Suggested Considerations for Resolution”: 1. Create a commission to examine and legally resolve the following: a. Crimes committed against Land Grant Families from the mid-1800s to the early 1920s, and dispense a judicious amount of collateral damage compensation for those harmed. b. Study mineral rights of heirs of Spanish and Mexican Land Grants and judiciously compensate those harmed ... under the same means used in “a” above. c. Investigate Treaty of Guadalupe Articles violated by Texas, the United State, and Mexico … and correct errors and omissions in lands confiscated from Spanish and Mexican families by the same measures taken in “a” above. d. Investigate U.S. Constitutional rights denied to Land Grant Heirs and correct by the same means taken in “a” above. e. Investigate and correct by means taken in “a” above, injustices of Court Judgements of Land Grant conflicts. f. Investigate & audit financial dispositions by the Texas Comptroller, of Oil Company monies surrendered to wrong parties as opposed to legal beneficiaries of Land Grantees. g. Develop a proper fiscal institutional venue to compensate Land Grant Heirs for past & future improper withholdings of any values retained or wrongfully distributed b...
    583 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nicolas Balli
  • Create legislation to end false police reports and harassment
    We have seen the monikers born of excellent senses of humor and talent for alliteration: Cornerstone Caroline, Permit Patty, BBQ Becky and many more. It is past time we create AND ENFORCE laws to protect people from these false police reports and the harassment that ensues during these incidents. In the case of Teresa Sue Klein we witnessed an act of child abuse on camera and have yet to see justice for little Jeremiah. When people call the police and make false reports or try to be vigilante law enforcement, it is a threat to democracy, freedom and in some cases: innocent lives.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcie Wells
  • Imposition of Fine and/or Jail Time for Disregard of, or Endangerment to Human Life
    I am starting this petition because I believe that certain white people are using 911 emergency services as a means to act out their racism against black people in America. They are weaponizing their white privilege against the black person whom they have called the police on, and do so under the belief that their actions will be not only excused but supported by the authorities. This blatant projection of racism onto the well being and lives of black people must be deemed inexcusable and a severe offense under the eyes of the law.
    293 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Amy Grantham
  • Brian Kemp MUST RESIGN as Secretary of State of Georgia
    Kemp should not be allowed to oversee the election board while he is running for governor's office. Kemp refused help to protect the voting machines in Georgia that were hacked by Russia. Kemp purged over 1 million voters so it could not be investigated. Kemp is holding 53,000 voter applications for exact match without notifying applicants. Kemp is blatantly suppressing the vote in his role as Secretary of State. If Kemp wants the appearance of a fair Election, he must be forced to resign or withdraw from the governor's race.
    11,975 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Heather Richmond
  • Revoke white-supremacist think tanks tax exempt status
    It is about revoking the tax exempt status of white-supremacist Richard Spencer's organization. Richard Spencer has promoted hatred and violence against Muslims, Jews, African-Americans, Latinx, LGBT and women. We need to put white-supremacist movements out of business. Remember Heather Heyer.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Harris