• Sanyi Law
    At age 12 my daughter had court-ordered visitation with her father after a long custody battle. He was given the entire summer. While in his care she was sexually assaulted by her stepbrother and verbally and physically abused and neglected by her father. She did not want to go to begin with, stating to her guardian ad litem. When she spoke on things she endured at the supervision of her father, no one would listen. She then decided to start recording. The magistrate refused to listen to the recordings or even talk to my daughter. My daughter's life will never be the same; she has been diagnosed with PTSD behind the traumatic physical, mental, and sexual abuse. Now my daughter is 14 and an order is in place for her to return to yet another full summer visitation, facing her attacker, now age 16. My child has threatened to kill herself or run away if she ever has to go back. I'm here to start a petition. If a 14-year-old can work part-time or schedule their own high school courses, they should be able to come before a judge and state why they do or don't want to live or have visitation with a non-residential parent, especially when in danger or fearing for their life. A child at age 13 can refuse to be medicated, a child at 12 can be unsupervised and seen as responsible enough to be left home alone. So with Sanyi Law, with proper evidence and part of the investigation, a 14-year-old should be able to voice their concerns and experience as with whom they prefer to live and have visitation. We the people are obligated to protect our children. The court system has failed my child; she has now been exposed to experiences that will forever haunt her. Sanyi Law At age 14 in the state of Ohio, one should have a say in who they reside with and be protected from harmful visitation and exposures, before a magistrate or judge makes a decision pertaining to custody matters. Thanks.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by TINA M
  • End Ban on Transgender Military Personnel
    My sibling is transgender and transphobia is seemingly becoming a trend amongst Trump supporters. I personally care too much about my sibling along with the rights of transgender people to see something like this pass in the supreme court. This is unjust and not moral and in no way represents what America is based off of.
    368 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Pons
  • Send Spencer children home
    I'm a desperate mother lost in the corrupt system. My children are in foster care waiting to be adopted like a litter of puppies. They are trying to terminate my rights. I've done everything they ask, jumped through their hoops, and it still wasn't good enough. I'm still keeping up on my child support payments, visiting my babies as much as they will let me, and working my Perm Plan. I have a job and a 3-bedroom apartment for them. They are using the fact that I have no support system; my children's father, husband of 10 years, was my support system but they said I couldn't have any contact with him because he wouldn't communicate with DCS. Now DCS has filed a TPR on both of us after he started working his plan. Our children were taken due to domestic violence, but it was complete hearsay. There was absolutely no evidence, but they took them anyway. My babies have been gone for three years. Please let me reunite my family. 👪 Thank you for each and every signature.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martha Spencer
  • Domestic Violence Offender Registry
    To be delivered to Governor Sununu, The United States House of Representatives, President Donald Trump, The United States Senate, The New Hampshire State House, The New Hampshire State Senate. Stop men and women who have Domestic Violence Convictions from abusing and targeting vulnerable men and women on dating websites.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jaime Lee
  • Push for Prevention Against Native American Suicide
    I am starting this petition because I want to make a change in communities around me. If there are suicide rates 150% above the nation's average, that is beyond alarming. I have faced the effects of suicide first hand and it is not an experience I would wish upon everyone. This bill would be so beneficial to the Native American communities who are in desperate need of a helping hand to give them a sense of purpose and support in their lives.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kayla Ignacio
  • Drop Investigation, Protect Black Trans Youth
    We, concerned community members of Victor Ultra Omni, write in full support of Victor UltraOmni, a 21-year-old educator, organizer, thinker, and friend. As of March, Victor received multiple fully-funded graduate admissions from top Universities to pursue their Ph.D. This time, however, has been anything but celebratory. Pitzer College’s students, Campus Safety Officers, and especially their Dean of Students’ have subjected Victor to homo/transphobic and anti-Black violence. Victor came to study at the Claremont Colleges seeking refuge from such abuse, after first experiencing a litany of hate crimes at Hamilton College, where they began their undergraduate career. During their tenure at Pitzer, Victor has overcome recurring and nearly lethal institutional violence. Most recently, on March 8th, 2019, Victor received anonymous hate mail riddled with anti-black, xenophobic, homophobic and transphobic slurs from an account named “Trans Slayer.” Just the evening before, a Claremont Colleges Inc. unmarked Campus Safety officer, who was impersonating a police officer, followed and harassed Victor. The Dean of Students’ Office in collaboration with Corinne Vorenkamp, Pitzer College’s anti-Black part-time Title IX Coordinator, refused to investigate student retaliation against Victor. Mrs. Vorenkamp also further violated Victor’s Title IX rights by refusing to begin an investigation into Dean Sandra Vasquez’s institutional history of bias, particularly around anti-Blackness and anti-trans sentiment. Despite nearly a month of harassment, Victor is now under investigation by Pitzer College. The Pitzer Latinx Student Union fears retaliation for publicly supporting Victor, and has still not published a statement condemning the violent death threats and campus climate. Dean Sandra Vasquez’s retaliation has resulted in Victor being homeless, vulnerable to food insecurity, fired from both work-study jobs--effectively leaving them without income--and open to slander from students working in admissions, residence life, and Student Senate. We charge, The Claremont Colleges, Inc., especially Pitzer College, lead by the abuse of the current Dean of Students Sandra Vasquez, with failing to protect Victor and other Black and Brown trans students. In this political moment, we must be visible in standing unapologetically in solidarity with Black trans homeless youth-- often the most vulnerable members of the queer community. We write this with three concrete actions in mind. First: We demand a formal statement from Pitzer College condemning the anti-Black and trans-antagonistic acts their students have committed against Victor. By choosing to remain silent, Pitzer College officials and the larger community have made themselves complicit in the various forms of intimidation that Victor has faced. We ask that the Black Student Union and Office of Black Student Affairs receive a trans inclusivity training from the hosts of podcast Marsha’s Plate alongside the Transgender Law Center. We ask that the Diversity Committee, The Civil Rights’ Fund, and Student Senate’s Reserve Fund allocate parts of their budget for this training. Second: We call for the resignation of Pitzer’s Dean of Students, Sandra Vasquez. Not only has Dean Vasquez abdicated her responsibilities by ignoring Victor in their obvious time of need, she has violated Title IX and the California Safe Schools Act. Her career speaks to a lack of compassion, criminalization, dishonesty, and a lack of commitment to student life. Fueled by abuses of power and anti-Blackness, Dean Vasquez has sought to protect students actively retaliating against Victor Ultra Omni. Third: We ask that Laverne Cox cancel her commencement speech. Ms. Cox was selected as speaker largely due to Victor's work as Senate Diversity Chair. Pitzer has shown total apathy to the real needs of their Black trans students. We ask Dr. Laverne Cox, a pioneering community member, to stand in solidarity with Victor in holding Dean Vasquez accountable. We ask for Pitzer to implement Student Senate Bill R-55-03 to begin redress for trans students. We refuse to be silent when Black trans lives are threatened. We support the rights of all students to learn free from fear. We honor and support Victor in the face of anti-Blackness, anti-Latinx sentiments, and anti-TQLGB+ violence. We refuse to accept a world where some lives are deemed more worthy than others. Black trans lives matter and we demand Pitzer College hold its community accountable for this harassment and gross historical pattern of a failure to keep their Black students safe. Receipts of campus climate: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aT9xbanKtYR9h9TIU9p8HtspV80fc4Hp?usp=sharing thecenterforblacktransthought.org venmo: @bucks4yaboi
    533 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Victor Bene
  • FBI: Start taking white nationalist violence on houses of worship seriously.
    Because something must be done in the aftermath of the massacres in New Zealand, at the Tree of Life Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, at the Sikh Temple of Oak Creek, Wisconsin and the firebombing of the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota. These headline-making attacks are just a few of the many on houses of worship in recent years. Muslim Advocates and our partners need the FBI to take this threat seriously and devote sufficient attention and resources to understanding, preventing and investigating the white nationalist threat.
    10,063 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Muslim Advocates Picture
  • Stop CPS Corruption In Grayson County, Texas
    It's about the way CPS has disrupted my grandbabies lives. They placed my 14-month-old granddaughter with a total stranger and took her from my sister, who was very well capable of caring and loving my grandbaby. There is a lot of wrong within the system.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rhonda Overman
  • PA Senators, Don't Trample Our Constitutional Rights
    Senators Regan and Martin didn't succeed in their attempts to stop pipeline protest last year, so they're reintroducing their ALEC-inspired bills again this year. Read the ALEC bill here: https://www.alec.org/model-policy/critical-infrastructure-protection-act/ ALEC, short for the Americal Legislative Exchange Council, is known as a bill mill for the far right. Versions of their anti-protest legislation have shown up in several states already. Read this account from Inside Climate News for more information. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/22082018/pipeline-protest-laws-felony-free-speech-arrests-first-amendment-oklahoma-iowa-louisiana Please sign and share our petition to let PA Senators know we expect them to protect our rights and oppose both bills.
    819 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Feridun
  • 25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Asaf Victoria
  • Make ISKCON Great Again!
    arcye viṣṇau śilā-dhīr guruṣu nara-matir vaiṣṇave jāti-buddhir viṣṇor vā vaiṣṇavānāṁ kali-mala-mathane pāda-tīrthe 'mbu-buddhiḥ śrī-viṣṇor nāmni mantre sakala-kaluṣa-he śabda-sāmānya-buddhir viṣṇau sarveśvareśe tad-itara-sama-dhīr yasya vā nārakī saḥ If one thinks that the worshipable śālagrāma-śilā is a mere stone, that the spiritual master is an ordinary human being or that a pure Vaiṣṇava preaching the bhakti cult all over the world is a member of a particular caste or material division of society, he is considered a nārakī, a candidate for hellish life. CC Antya 6.294 (Quoted from Padma Purāṇa) N.B. Nara-matir means literally “[ordinary] person-mentality” if we consider a Vaisnava or Vaisnavi guru or teacher to be an ordinary human being that is a hellish mentality and Jāti-buddhir means literally "birth-mentality” if we consider an aspect of a Vaisnavas or Vaisnavis material birth to be a disqualification, it is a hellish mentality. Females are also a material division of society. The malcontents against VDGs (Vaisnavi Diksha Gurus) say that the above does not apply to those born female, it only applies to those born male. Thus they consider the qualification for being a Vaisnava Mantra Diksha guru to be dependent on a customary or social convention i.e. that only dvija born males can be diksha gurus. Srila Prabhupada did not teach or agree to follow the caste and gender discriminatory rules given in those certain sastras which deal with hereditary, customary social or ecclesiastical conventions, as a basis for the purely spiritual position of Vaisnava Diksha Guru. Srila Prabhupada did not accept that the qualification to be guru is based on customary hereditary, ecclesiastic or social considerations. He tells us this clearly in the section defining Guru Tattva in Caitanya Caritamrta (the first chapter of Adi Lila teaches Gaudiya Vaisnava Guru Tattva): Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī advises that one not accept a spiritual master in terms of hereditary or customary social and ecclesiastical conventions. One should simply try to find a genuinely qualified spiritual master for actual advancement in spiritual understanding. CC Adi 1.35 purport Accepting a guru ONLY from a group of hereditary lines of dvija born male gurus is wrong as per this statement. Accepting a guru ONLY from a customary social group i.e. only (dvija) males is wrong as per this statement. Accepting a guru ONLY from an ecclesiastically approved group i.e. approved by a Church system (ecclesiastical convention means Church rules or GBC resolutions) is wrong as per this statement. One may accept a guru from one of the above groups, but one must not think that only those who are hereditary gurus, male gurus or Church approved gurus are the ONLY spiritually qualified persons to be guru. If one does then as stated above in the Padma Purana, he has a hellish mentality. This evil hellish mentality must not be allowed to enter ISKCON.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by G. Keshava das (Greg Jay)
  • Petition To Amend The Names Of The Cape Coast And Elmina Castles
    Enslaved Africans during the European Slave Trade in Ghana, West Africa were brutally housed in the bowels of the castles; Castles was NOT their collective experience; for they languished in the dark, dirty and rodent infested "Dungeons" of the Castles, being raped, tortured and inhumanly treated, before being brutally shipped to the Americas and the Caribbean to be sold into slavery.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by IMAHKÜS Okofu (One Africa)