• Remove All confederate flags from all Escambia County and Pensacola government and public buildings
    The Escambia County Commission and the majority of the five commissioners have voted to continue to fly the Confederate Flag over the Civic Center. In addition, the local governments continue to fly the Confederate flag in its marketing and promotion of the Pensacola Bay area as the "city of five flags." All of the Confederate flags symbolize the willingness of those states to secede from The United States of America. All Confederate flags are anti-American and symbolize the so noted "cornerstone of the Confederacy" which has been stated as the superiority of the white race and the inferiority of the Negro. That cornerstone statement is not a legacy of southern heritage and culture to be celebrated or commemorated in the symbol of the Confederate flag. Sign to take all Confederate flags down.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Frank Sansone
  • Ban the Confederate Flags on our license Plates here in North Carolina.
    In South Carolina, a young man entered a church and sat there for an hour among his victims. He had planned this for months and has declared himself a racist and hates, Blacks, Mexicans and Jews. These people have not done anything to him and this was a hate crime. Personally this did not affect me, but a crime against my people, my Black people, is a crime against me. The Confederate flag should be removed from all license plates, and any merchandise that has this racist flag on it. It is time to take a stand and stop this behavior and stop the printing presses from printing another Confederate flag.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GLORIA J. HAMMONDS
  • Remove confederate battle flag from Georgia license plates
    It's long past time to stop offending our brothers and sisters for whom this flag represents the worst of our past behavior. Let's move on towards peace, respect and community.
    6,417 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Melinda Rider
  • Gov. McCrory: End the Confederate Flag Licence Plate in North Carolina
    Since the racially-motivated murder of nine Black community members at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, the Confederate flag has rightfully come under scrutiny. Now that South Carolina has agreed to remove its Confederate flag, it's time North Carolina do the same. North Carolina is one of only nine states that still permits this hateful symbol on government-issued plates, and it's time for that to change.
    9,412 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Stanley Smith
  • Discontinue Tennessee license plates displaying the Confederate battle flag
    I and many other Tennessee residents are tired of seeing our state government endorse symbols of racism, hatred, and slavery. That's the only "heritage" this flag represents.
    2,840 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Lapoint
  • Honor Lives murdered in South Carolina...
    Remove all racists policies aimed to depress blacks in South Carolina.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Floyd Harris
  • Remove Confederate Flag License Plates
    The Confederate flag has rightfully come under scrutiny in the wake of the racially-motivated murder of nine Black community members at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. Recent photos of the murderer showed him posing next to his car with Confederate flag license plates. South Carolina is one of only nine states that still permits this hateful symbol on government-issued plates.
    269 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jamiria Graves
  • Confederate Symbols? NOT in the 'NEW SOUTH'
    I sincerely hope that people of good will ever where will help us end what is too often sanctioned by our own elected officials here in the south.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Brasier
  • Georgia: Stop issuing Confederate flag license plates
    Symbols of hate and division have no place in our government. It's time to stand up for what's right and remove the Confederate flag from all Georgia license plates. The Confederate flag is not a symbol of Southern pride. The flag is, instead, a symbol of rebellion and racism. Following the brutal killing of nine black people in a South Carolina church by a racist terrorist, it's time to put that symbol of rebellion and racism behind us and move toward healing. Remove the flag from Georgia's license plates.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryan Long
  • Remove Confederate Flag in Stafford VA
    Racism is still alive and well in America. Maybe not always in large outward expressions but constantly in small micro-aggressions and subtle forms of bias and prejudice. Confederate flags flying in the United States of America are just another way to do so and remind African Americans of the brutality we've experienced in this country. This should not be happening in 2015!
    480 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Yontii Wheeler
  • Alabama: Stop recognizing Confederate holidays as official state holidays.
    In light of the recent attack in South Carolina it's time to call for an end to the celebration of these holidays. We must begin to acknowledge the festering wound of racism left by our past. A start to that process is to stop celebrating the Confederacy, a racist, hateful, treasonous regime that caused immense suffering in the state of Alabama. If the state would like to continue giving their employees as many paid days off there are countless individuals from Alabama history to celebrate.
    606 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Neil Parzych
  • End the celebration of the Confederacy
    If Georgia is to be true to its intention to be a hub for economic prosperity and an icon for future development, it must cut with its adulation for some of the darkest days in this state's history. From this state men died, and within its borders lives were destroyed, but the casualties cannot be our veil of ignorance, but instead be our reason to find clarity. Confederate Heritage and History Month and Confederate Memorial Day are grossly incompatible with any mission in which Georgia seeks to present itself as a diverse, understanding, inclusive, and respectful environment.
    423 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Justin Berger