• Remove the Confederate rock from the Boone County Courthouse grounds!
    I am creating this petition because I believe it is unjust to people of color to have something like this on federal grounds. Being the first thing someone would see walking to the courthouse, the Confederate rock is a sign of oppression and does not make all citizens comfortable going into a court of law. If the Confederate rock was moved off the campus of the University of Missouri in 1975 because of controversy, then does it really make sense to have it placed on the grounds of the courthouse for Boone County? No, it does not--and it needs to be removed.
    228 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tommy Thomas III
  • Boycott South Carolina
    The Confederate flag represents a failed attempt by traitors who fought and lost against the United States of America. It is a symbol of hate not only of black brothers and sisters, but of all citizens of this great nation. Germany doesn't fly flags with swaztikas and WWII is a lot closer in time than the Civil War.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Doug Rued
  • Remove the Confederate Flag From the South Carolina State House Grounds
    I am saddened by the recent deaths of 9 citizens in the city of Charleston, South Carolina due to the racial hatred of one individual who proudly displayed his shameful hatred and white supremacist attitude by sporting the confederate flag on his automobile.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary DeLong
  • Remove the Confederate Flag SC's State Capital Grounds
    I live about an hour from Charleston and have lived in South Carolina for nearly 35 years. The black people of this state deserve to live in peace and security. It is indefensible for the State of South Carolina to continue to promote a symbol of racism, division and and inequality. It is offensive and needs to be put in a museum of history, not publicly displayed as something of which to be proud.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by KATHY MCGROGAN
  • Remove the Confederate Flag from ALL State and/or Federal Government Property
    Many have received death threats for voicing their opposition against this symbol of hate, myself included. We will not be terrorized by these people; we stand united as one. Our country has only ONE flag - the AMERICAN FLAG, for which millions have fought and died for - our American Veterans. End the terrorism in our country that this confederate symbol instigates. The time has come to take a firm stand. We have only ONE flag - stand up for the American Flag and those who have fought for it.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristen Konate
  • Take down statues honoring Confederate leaders and soldiers from state lands
    I was born in Texas and have lived here most of my life here, and I've never understood why the lawns of our public institutions are homes for monuments to people who went to war to preserve the heinous practice of buying, owning, and selling the lives, labor, and bodies of fellow human beings. While it is important to remember our history, giving Confederate leaders and soldiers places of honor on pedestals on state lands is not a symbol of southern pride but rather a symbol of rebellion and racism. University of Texas students have fought the statues on their campus for years, and the statues have been subject to random acts of vandalism and destruction. Other statues grace the hallowed lawns of the Capitol grounds. The Texas Sons of the Confederacy have plans to erect even more pro-Confederacy statues across the state.1 Enough is enough. On the heels of the murder of nine Black people in a South Carolina church by a racist terrorist, it's time to put these symbols of rebellion and racism behind us for good. Maintaining these monuments and statues around the heart of our government and institutions of higher education is an insult to all Texans and all who enter those institutions to rise above the worst moments of our history. 1) Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/09/jefferson-davis-statue_n_7248132.html
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Haltom
  • Remove the Confederate emblem from the Mississippi state flag
    Mississippi deserves a flag that represents all Mississippians. The state flag is the last flag with the Confederate battle flag emblem, it's time for it to be lowered. This Flag Day, we want to make that happen.
    144,283 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Gunter
  • Remove James B. Gosnell from the South Carolina bench.
    Mr. Gosnell presided over the bail hearing for the beast accused of murdering nine people in Charlotte, SC on Friday June 19, 2015. At the hearing, he shocked the entire civilized world when he referred to the parents of the accused, who confessed to carrying out the dastardly act, as a "victim", thereby further aggravating the injury to the families of the dead and injured victims. Mr Gosnell has antecedent history of racial prejudice in the not too distant past when he told a Black man appearing before him that there are four types of people : Blacks, Whites, Red Necks and N*****s. He was consequently suspended from the South Carolina judiciary for awhile. By today's action, Mr. Gosnell has shown that he is unfit to continue to serve in any capacity where he will decide the fate of anyone who belongs to a racial group other than his own.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by [email protected]
  • Rename Robert E Lee Road, Austin, TX
    Mass shootings have to stop like the one in Charleston. People are dying. Let's stop encouraging hate and hateful symbols and names associated with slavery of an entire population of human beings on this earth.
    891 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Galit Ronen
  • Ban all official Oregon and Portland travel to South Carolina.
    The State of South Carolina has used the Confederate flag as a symbol of intimidation for the past 150 years. The terrorist attack in Charleston, SC is only the latest racist terror to visit upon the people of that state. The symbol is not one of pride, but of arrogance and terror. The City of Portland and the State of Oregon must show our repugnance at such a blatantly racist symbol.
    219 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kent Spring
  • Boycott Companies Based in South Carolina
    Combat racism in America by boycotting states that use racist symbols.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Grossman
  • "American Slave Culture added to the U.S. Constitution"
    The American Slave Culture has been improperly released from slavery. America is a nation that operates with laws, codes, references, referendum and proper legal documentation. Calling the culture Black or African American is out of order. Black is a color, a description, an adjective. It is not a Nationality or culture. It's not a noun (Person, Place or Thing). African American is a United States immigration term for those whites and blacks who come from Africa seeking U.S. citizenship. The American Slave Culture has been struggling since the Civil War, not Black America. African Americans have a country that they can return to. The American Slaves were born on the plantations in the south. They are natural born citizens. American Slaves were America's first born offspring who have been neglected by America. We are all Americans and we are only as strong as our weakest link. Slavery was the foundation and the bedrock to the American economy. The descendants of American Slavery are the crack in the foundation, and we must help the weakest link if our nation is going to be made whole. Sign this petition asking Congress to properly include the American Slave Culture to be included in the U.S. Constitution.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Higginbotham