Kids Against Police BrutalityMy name is Mimi V-B and I am 9-years-old. I am starting this petition because I care about the safety of others and when I heard about this injustice, I was horrified. People like Michael Brown, Freddie Gray and many more should not be treated that way. I am not blaming every white policeman, many are good, like our neighbor who is a police chief. We just want to stop discrimination against African-American people. That's why I think the grown-ups should now listen to the kids. Grown-ups when you get this message, please pass it along to your kids. If you don't have kids, please pass it along to people who do.110 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Martina Verba
I'M NOT YOUR CITIZEN !It is Illegal for a SOVEREIGN NATIONAL NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN TRIBAL MEMBER TO BE A CITIZEN SLAVE SURVEILLANCE NUMBER, IT IS ILLEGAL IN ALL 50 States to make contracts with minors, application SS 5 for a social security number that will NEVER belong to them but will make them a ward of state and put them under admiralty/maritime JURISDICTION.70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ni'i Ne'e
Eliminate Poverty On Reservation LandsOur Fellow Native Americans Living On Reservation Lands Are Suffering Due To Lack Of Proper Housing, Electricity, And Water. We Need A Change Now!143 of 200 SignaturesCreated by All Natives All Tribes
Wrong way CrashesMy Grandaughter was Killed on Mothers' Day may 10 , 201572 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Lane
Why does Costco have bilingual signs in Ottawa (and at many US locations) but NOT in areas of Mon...Quebec law allows bilingual signs in stores. Costco is spitting in the faces of their English members for absolutely no reason whatsoever. It is time for Costco to show some respect for their English speaking members in Montreal! https://anglosigns.wordpress.com/2013/07/13/is-something-rotten-at-costco/1,434 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Murray Levine
Pass the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)"Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that would expressly prohibit discrimination against girls and women on the basis of sex. The Constitution does not guarantee equal rights for women. As former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has stated: “Certainly the Constitution does not require discrimination on the basis of sex. The only issue is whether it prohibits it. It doesn’t.”[1] The ERA is an important statement of principle. The Constitution embodies the nation's core values. Equality between women and men is a fundamental human right that should be guaranteed in the Constitution. Sex discrimination continues to limit equal opportunity and justice for women. Economic inequality, pregnancy discrimination, violence against women, and other forms of discrimination against women and girls are pervasive and leave women without effective legal recourse. State laws are not uniform and federal laws are not comprehensive. Moreover, these laws can be, and in some cases have been, rolled back anytime. The Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution does not protect women from sex discrimination. The Fourteenth Amendment provides equal protection of the law, but it has been interpreted to require state action and the intent to discriminate. Much discrimination occurs through private action and is not intentional, making intent hard to prove. The Supreme Court reviews sex discrimination claims using intermediate rather than strict scrutiny, a lower standard of review than for racial and religious discrimination claims. Source: 1. "Scalia: Women Don't Have Constitutional Protection Against Discrimination," The Huffington Post, January 3, 2011 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/03/scalia-women-discrimination-constitution_n_803813.html24,178 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Bettina Hager
help me fight to bring my kids homeMy kids where taken from me because my ex hurt them so I moved, and he kept stalking me. Someone went and lied on me and said he was living there and hurting them again. It wasn't true, and they never took the time to see it wasn't true. They just took my kids. I lost my kids to CYS and am trying to bring them back . My daughter, since they took them has cried because she wants to be with me, and just recently passed out at school with all the stress from this. My baby girl has had emergency surgery,allergic reaction. My son fell off of slide and busted his lip and has a black eye and is throwing a lot of tantrums. If you could sign this and help me get them home I would really appreciate it! I am trying to fight to get my kids back.64 of 100 SignaturesCreated by rosalee lunsford
FaceBook Condones The Bullying of a Young African American Girl Being Called "N" word OnlineWhen my stepdaughter was being bullied online and someone posted a despicable photo with a racial epithet, I reported it to Facebook. Facebook decided there was nothing wrong with the picture and it doesn't violate their Terms of Service for racially motivated hate speech or harassment. The saddest part is how easily resigned my beautiful girl was to the outcome. Please sign this petition and or contact Facebook to show support for my girl, zero tolerance toward the boy who posted it, and pressure for Facebook to reverse their decision on this matter.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Monica Rivera
no jury trial for Freddie Gray JrWe the people have witnessed injustice at the hands of juries. Regardless of the selection process to weed out bias of the jury, it is our observation that bias does exist among jurors chosen. This case is huge and at this point I assume everyone has a prejudged opinion on whether or not the officers involved should be prosecuted. On behalf of the people , I would like to ask that we are able to vote on the decision especially considering these officers are placed in our city to protect us. This decision will affect the people of Baltimore city because we are the ones who have daily interaction with these officers as they police our neighborhoods.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brittany Troyer
Enough is Enough: Tell Julie Williams All Jeffco Students Deserve RespectSchool Board Member Julie Williams is sharing hateful messages that can damage our school community. According to a link posted on Julie Williams facebook page, SaveCalifornia.org warned parents to keep their students home Friday April 17th. Last Friday marked the 19th annual Day of Silence; a student-led movement to bring awareness to LGBT-Anti Bullying. So why is Julie against such a movement? According to the page, she shared you should keep your students home to show "strong disapproval of the pro-perversity state school bureaucracy."294 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jeffco Students
The Current Police State: Save Black and Brown LivesThe current United States government has not done enough to protect the lives and civil liberties of black and brown people.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ksmith
UN Sanctions against the USAAs a Black woman with two Black sons this is hitting pretty close to home.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tessi Redfern