Chisholm City Council: Make the Police Department Handicap Accessibility a Priority!When I wanted to discuss a parking matter with the Chief of Police, It was incredibly difficult to get into the building with so many stairs. The law requires public buildings to be accessible and it is unbelievable that a person in a wheelchair can be denied access to a GOVERNMENT building! A private business owner would've NEVER been able to get away with this.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anne Varda
Equal rights for ALLAll citizens deserve equal rights. The citizens of Huntington County should stand up and DEMAND that out legislators vote the will of the people, not the will of special interest groups that fund their campaigns!15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tyler Cooley
We Don't Support "Chiraq"New Jack City, The Wire and Scarface did not help their respective cities. More recently, when VH1 released Sorority Sisters, the African-American Sororities acted with such swift action, it resulted in a cancellation of the show. We have to do the same. Portraying our city, our neighborhoods and our residents as violent reinforces bad stereotypes in and around our community. The film will make it more difficult for us to attract high-tech industry, businesses, shops, cafes, gyms and programs for our youth. A movie like this will create a new audience of people that currently do not think of our communities as bad places. We do not need this. Sign the petition to stop the filming of "Chiraq".17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ava st. claire
Marriage EqualityMy petition is about same-sex marriage that yes, I have been affected by because I have not been able to legally marry the woman I love, the love of my life. I'm not asking for religious entities to perform our weddings but for the right to have one with those who will perform the ceremony. It is not for man to judge. That's God's job, and honestly speaking, no man or woman has a heaven or hell to put us in.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tyonna McIntyre
Marriage equality for gay, lesbian, transgender people!I am a gay man who has been in a committed relationship for seventeen years and would like to marry my partner and have all the rights our Constatution guarantees us.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Cesa
Stop Legal Discrimination from Reaching MaineI have been a Mainer all my life, and I am also a part of the LGBT community. I love my state, and I love the people that are a part of my community. The religious freedom law Sen. David Burns, R-Whiting proposing will allow local businesses to discriminate and refuse service to anyone who is a part of the LGBT community. We have already seen this in our history; denying service to people of different races or religions, and they thought it was okay then. It wasn't then, and it isn't now. According to the Constitution of the United States, Thomas Jefferson wrote that we may "make no law respecting an establishment of religion", meaning that the laws of the church cannot make laws of the government, Federal or State. A law like this is a way of forcing religion on others, and a quick way to negatively affect our economy here in Maine. Businesses and companies such as Apple, NASCAR, Starbucks, Dow, the NBA, the NCAA and many others are pulling right out of Indiana in disagreement with Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. What would that do to our state? Our economy will suffer a drastic loss, and could be potentially unrecoverable forcing some to move out of the state. This law is morally, legally and even economically not a good decision for this state--our state, or any others. If you don't sign this petition for moral reasons, sign it because you don't want to see our home go into an economic downfall. Please sign this petition to stop Maine's legislators from making "An Act to Enact the Preservation of Religious Freedom Act" exist and active.88 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Abbagail Hanson
Pass the Employment Non-discrimination Act in PennsylvaniaAfter watching the Religious Freedom Restoration Act sweep through the nation at an alarming rate, I am concerned that evangelicals will succeed in turning LGBT individuals into a second-class population without the opportunities to work, live, and succeed in freedom. As a conservative, I am concerned with the open abuse of 14A and the shift in religious rhetoric that now borders on terrorism towards LGBT citizens. Passing the Employment Non-discrimination Act will be a step towards reconciling faith protections while not crafting the Jim Crow laws of the 21st century.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Glenn Tuttle
Support Tyler McCubbin and Dowling Catholic students fighting discriminationTyler McCubbin was already a well-liked track coach and substitute teacher at Dowling Catholic High School in West Des Moines, so he was excited to be offered a full-time teaching job. But then school administrators found out that he's gay, and abruptly revoked the job offer. The bishop of Des Moines, Richard Pates, has said that McCubbin wasn't denied the job because he's gay, but because he's been honest and open about it -- even though the Catechism of the Catholic Church says of LGBT people that "every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided." This week, hundreds of students walked out of class in protest, making national headlines. Let's show our support for Tyler McCubbin and his students, and demand that the church stop encouraging people to conceal their sexual orientation.342 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Demand Maine lawmakers reject the copy cat Indiana discrimination billDiscrimination in any form is wrong-headed and wrong-hearted. This outrageous bill should be stopped in its tracks.712 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Deirdre Nice
"Ban the Box!" Give people with criminal records a fair chance“Have you ever been convicted of a crime?” Many employers ask that question before they will even consider employing someone. That screens out more than 20% of all Americans who have a criminal record. “Ban the Box” refers to the policy of removing the check-box that asks about criminal history from job applications. When people make mistakes, they should make amends. But once they have, they should be treated no differently than anyone else. But too often individuals with convictions in their past are discriminated against when it comes to hiring. This is particularly problematic because young men of color are far more likely to be convicted of a crime. If employers must ask about convictions, they can ask later in the hiring process. As the call to “ban the box” spreads across the country, it has become a powerful movement for fair hiring. According to the National Employment Law Project, “Roughly 70 million people in the United States have some sort of criminal record, and nearly 700,000 people return to our communities from incarceration each year. Supporting the employment opportunities of people with records creates safe communities, reduces childhood poverty, and strengthens families.” 13 states and more than 90 cities and counties have adopted fair chance policies. It’s time for Pennsylvania to join them. Ask Gov. Wolf and your state legislators to “Ban the Box” in Pennsylvania.660 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Michael Morrill
Return of the Home LandAll recognized federal and state parks including forests, and open range should be returned to the Indian Nations. The first people of this country have been waiting for 500 years to have a right to their own land that was acquired by birthright and taken away from them illegally. I have been affected personally by this issue. My family was forced out of their home land by gun point and only a small portion was returned back to the Indian People and they were forced to live in a foreign way of life in their own land. I have never felt that I was home, neither did the earlier generations of my family. Native American Indians deserve to have a portion of their land back, furthermore out of 500 nations we are ONE PEOPLE and we have a birthright given by our Creator that is being overlooked by the United States Government. We feel that the Creator ranks higher than any government because his deed has been registered far longer than any claims on this land. When the people return to their land, the land will heal, and the animals will replenish.4,945 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Principal Chief Randy Two Bears Standing TaTe
Repeal the surchargeable portion of M.G.L.c.85, sec 15Beginning tomorrow, if you have windshield wipers on in Massachusetts, you must have your headlights on. It's a good law; I have no issue with it. However, not only is it a ticketable offense if you are stopped, but the insurance companies are allowed to add a surcharge onto your insurance. That is dead wrong. They get enough from us and this is going to hurt those who can least afford to pay any more than they do already. It does not affect me, I have a new car so my lights are always on. But it infuriates me that they are getting away with making this a surchargeable offense.189 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Cynthia Stoltz