Massachusetts: Legally Recognize Non-Binary GendersThere are many types of gender identity beyond male or female, but in all legal documents—along with driver's licenses, state ID cards, etc.—you have to conform to the "gender binary", not allowing people who are transgender and/or non-binary (or "genderqueer") to show who they truly are. Changing this will allow them to accurately identify themselves, which is a small but significant step for trans* rights. While not many will be affected, it will greatly benefit those who need it. It's a small change, but it's a start, and it's huge for those members of the LGBTQ community who have faced discrimination for their gender identity. It is a step towards true equality, so let's pave that path, and make Massachusetts the first state to officially recognize non-binary people.305 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan Santoro
Let's protect the "T" in LGBTCurrently, there are several bills in Florida that are being passed or attempting to be passed that restrict bathroom and public facility usage to reflect "birth gender." This is directly targeting the transgender community. I have heard several times that this is a mute issue since, and I quote Rep. Artiles, "they are not a protected class so this isn't an issue". We need to stop these potentially harmful and senseless bills.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kelly
Tell Obama to Support the Free PressIn 1987 the Reagen administration initiated illicit interception of a summer resident of Maine depicted as Annie Wilkes in Misery by horror writer Stephen King. Given unlicensed and unfettered access to an individual for covert publicity mass media profited while their target was persecuted, deprived of court redress, and treated as a secret slave. It's time President Obama ended this misuse of US intelligence by ending interception of a citizen and electronic trafficking by press and media.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anne HIltner
Stop non-consenting human experimentationAs a non-consenting U.S. Person subjected to experimentation, including extreme sleep deprivation, which is torture, I am seeking relief and an end to all human experimentation unless the subject agrees to it. I am seeking this for myself and all who have been unjustly targeted. No torture, no brain hacking, no body manipulation....end it all.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nancy Bradford
The Evening News Media Should Stop Promoting Black Men as VilliansImplicit bias is based on the idea that social behavior may not always be under a person’s conscious control. Much of our behavior is driven by stereotypes that operate automatically and therefore, unconsciously. The reinforcement of these stereotypes deepens the unconscious bias.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patrick chang
Tell lawmakers to stop Georgia's hate bill.Freedom of religion is already protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. and Georgia Constitutions. According to the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia, this unnecessary, pro-discrimination bill would lead to "unending litigation" on the taxpayers' dime. More than 200 Georgia faith leaders, Georgia's GOP former Attorney General, more than 10,000 petition signers, a bi-partisan pair of district attorneys, and scores of legal scholars have come together to oppose this hateful legislation. We respectfully urge our lawmakers to do the same.3,005 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Bryan Long
Bruce Lauritzen: Correct Downtown Omaha "Pioneer Courage" DisplayOmaha, NE First National Bank, of which there is a subsidiary in Kansas, has an elaborate display about the pioneers which ignores Native Americans. They perpetuate the tendency of American business to ignore contributions of invisible "people of color". The Bank has acknowledged the oversight. However, they were extremely noncommittal about when the correction would be done. That the Native Americans were overlooked in the initial planning is inexcusable. If you agree that First National Bank is obligated, by being a public commercial entity, to provide a timely, accurate display and should correct their web site and place a public display advising of their oversight, please sign the petition.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Edward Acosta
Business and Organizations supporting a law to protect breastfeeding mothers in IdahoIdaho is one of the final two states in the nation that do not have a law that protects nursing mothers from being harrassed and discriminated against when in public places. We are asking for business and organization support for a bill to show mothers that we respect and support their choice to breastfeed their babies in our businesses and public areas. Please make sure that you use your business or organization name in the signature section of this petition! If you are an individual that wants to support this cause, please sign our other petition here http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/idaho-needs-a-law-to?source=s.fwd&r_by=5245760. Thank you so much.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Idaho Breastfeeding Law Coalition
Unban LGBTQ unions in the state of Michigan!Already, 37 states allow Same Sex Marriage. Any ban on the subject is one of pure discrimination, with no logical reasoning behind it. Being one of many affected by this matter, knowing my freedoms and rights are restricted because of something I have no say in, makes me feel as if I did something to deserve this, when instead I should be proud of who I am. When the day comes, I want to have the choice of marriage. I have friends and family who want this same choice, and why not? If Michigan wishes to grow, we have to realize our mistakes, with this banning being one of them. The marriage between any two people is of no concern to anyone but those two, and the only reason people have denied us this right is because they fear it will hinder the integrity of all marriages. This point of view is based on nothing but blind hate. It's time we progressed and march on as a state. Let all citizens be given the same rights, no matter the race, gender, national origin, religious views, or sexuality.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicolas Payton
Demand inclusion of discrimination policy transparency in MI-RFRA billIn February 2015, a pediatrician at Eastlake Pediatrics in Roseville, MI refused to treat an infant so as to uphold the religious right to discriminate against the infant’s lesbian mothers. The following month, Senator Rick Jones provided an example of how the proposed MI-RFRA bill could potentially be used to allow a baker to legally refuse service to a patron who requests a religious themed cake that offends the baker's personal belief system. Patrons do not deserve to endure the distress, humiliation and inconvenience associated with being refused service by a public business in their communities. Instead, business owners should assume the responsibility of communicating their biases publicly. It's clear that the Michigan legislature wants to permit businesses to legally sidestep civil rights protections under the guise of "Religious Liberty." If an individual or business can refuse to recognize a person's civil rights on the pretext of religious belief, those rights become effectively meaningless. Let's call it for what it really is, and require businesses who serve the public to specify who they discriminate against.1,346 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jex Blackmore
Ban the BaptistsThe Westboro Baptist Church has been protesting the funerals and weddings of gays, and have even picketed concerts in the past. This needs to be stopped, and needs to stop soon because it is causing a lot of pain to the families and members of these sort of events.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joey
Delta Airlines: Oppose Discriminatory Legislation in GeorgiaWe urge you to do more to prevent "Religious Freedom" legislation from passing in Georgia. These harmful bills open the door to discrimination against Georgians, making Georgia unsafe for LGBTQ residents, as well as religious minorities and people of color. Last year, under your lead, Delta Airlines was instrumental in stopping these bills from becoming the law of the land in Georgia. As the state's largest private employer, Delta Airlines has a responsibility to it's employees, customers, and the residents of Georgia to do everything in their power to object to these bills. In the past, your company has shown a commitment to civil rights in the South, by investing over $1 million in the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, and sponsoring the 50th anniversary of the March on Selma taking place this weekend. While we value this commitment, we must do more to ensure that the civil rights of ALL Georgians remain intact. Please take a stand against these bills, and use your influence to urge other business leaders to do the same.396 of 400 SignaturesCreated by GetEQUAL