Eureka City Council, Return Indian Island to the Wiyot Nation.It's time to give them back their land.1,207 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Hal Grotke
Halt NC's Religious Freedom BillI am starting this petition because I believe in equal rights.127 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jere Confrey
Keep farms safer by holding owners responsible for safetyThe owner of Yankee Springs Dairy, Paul Lettinga, was responsible for the deaths of two young men aged 17 and 18 in 2010 due to unsafe farming practices. This farmer knowingly sent these two young men into a silo without proper equipment, which resulted in suffocation and loss of life. These losses have torn at the families who have been left to try and continue on without their loved ones. The penalty for his crime: a $14,000 fine which was later reduced to half that amount. Perhaps if farmers were sentenced to jail time rather than minor fines and inconveniences, we would see a reduction in extreme farm accidents. This case has been held up in litigation and risks being dismissed without any real loss to the farm. Please ask for changes, ask for justice and safety on farms. All life is precious regardless of location. Please use this opportunity to discuss what responsibility should look like and how justice can be served.95 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tara
Ban travel by Georgia State Employees to IndianaI am an employee of the State of Georgia, and I strongly believe that we should show our support for fairness and equality by boycotting Indiana where a "whites only" style of law has been instituted. There is no place for such unjust laws in a nation that embraces equality before the law for every citizen.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Danny Ingram
Memphis ban publically funded travel to IndianaI am starting this petition because of a request that I received from the organization MoverOn. I am against discrimination and want to support this issue.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shelia Taylor-Jones
Ban public employees in New Mexico from traveling to Indiana.I have personal relationships with many diverse people and groups, including the LGBT community. These bills are harmful and hateful and need to be stopped. There is no place in the United States for State sanctioned discrimination.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carol Stevens
Restrict travel to Indiana using public funds for nonessential businessI would like to see this bill rewritten or repealed as it is offensive to many Americans. This is a protest of Indiana's recently-passed bill that allows businesses to discriminate against people whose lifestyle is different than the said establishment. This is a very bad precedent and should be sent back to the dark ages.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by joe wolf
Chapel Hill, NC Police: Wear body camerasThere's an abundance of racial profiling and Stereotyping on the people of Chapel Hill, NC. This must stop.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patricia
Boycott the BigotsI am revulsed by the rise of bigotry and reminded of past eras in other countries which will come to mind quickly if you make the obvious analogies.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eric Heller
Ban travel to IndianaWe cannot return to the bigotry of the early 1960's when officials met civil rights activists with the vilest of behavior. As nation we must decide that we are better than that.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Niesen
Ban Ann Arbor public employees from traveling to IndianaAs a proud American and member of my community in Ann Arbor, MI, I am personally offended with this legislation and I believe that our Country and the State of Indiana can do better. It is only when you are on the receiving end of discrimination that you feel its toll on your everyday life. As Americans we must stand together against Indiana and end legislative forms of oppression like the Freedom Restoration Act.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Saul Valle
Restore Voting Rights to Nearly 40,000 MarylandersThe Maryland House of Delegates is considering legislation that would restore voting rights to nearly 40,000 Marylanders.41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Common Cause