• Recall Mike Pence
    The religious freedom act permits discrimination and divides us. We need tolerance to work toward a better Indiana.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Greist
  • Native American National Holiday
    We have a National Holiday for former presidents and an African American but no National recognition for a famous Native American. I am proud of the Native American Heritage and America needs to honor the achievements of at least one Native American.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Thomas E Standish
  • Tell Governor Mike Pence: It's 2015!
    Yesterday, behind closed doors, Governor Mike Pence signed a law that would effectively allow individuals and businesses in Indiana to discriminate against LGBT people and others. Opponents have called it a "license to discriminate." Tech giant Salesforce has already announced that it will pull all business from the state, and Gen Con, the largest convention in Indianapolis, has also threatened to move elsewhere in response to the new law. Additionally, thousands of Indiana residents have called on Governor Pence to repeal this hateful new law. Across the nation, states are passing legislation that guarantees the rights of LGBT individuals. Twenty-one states have anti-discrimination laws on the books. LGBT folks can marry in 30 states--and counting! As a nation, we are moving closer and closer toward equality for all, which is why it's all the more shameful that Governor Pence is taking Indiana backwards.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Maria Tchijov
  • Governor Asa Hutchinson VETO HB 1228
    This same law was passed in Indiana yesterday, and already several businesses and organizations are pulling out of that state, undoubtedly costing them millions in revenue. I don't want the same to happen to Arkansas. This is a discriminatory piece of legislation that makes us look very uninviting to businesses and organizations, not to mention that it is just plain wrong
    21,675 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Gayla Paschall
  • NCAA Leave Indiana
    Indiana's codification of legal discrimination with the passing of The Religious Freedom Restoration Act know as the RFRA directly conflicts with the NCAA's mission and moral beliefs. The RFRA establishes Indiana as a hostile and potentially dangerous environment for student athletes, who may face discrimination based on their Race, Religious beliefs, Sex, or Sexual Identity without protection by law or civil recourse. As fans and graduates of NCAA member institutions, we the undersigned, demand that NCAA CEO Mark Emmert and its Board of Directors immediately relocate to a state that offers equal protection under the law to its citizenry and to exclude Indiana from future consideration for any NCAA sponsored events.
    147 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Morgan White
  • Tell the NCAA to move out of Indiana
    Just because a bunch of religious bigots can't stand the fact that gay marriage is legal in Indiana doesn't give them the right to legislate discrimination.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald David
  • Move The NCAA Out of Indiana
    The NCAA is the governing body of the vast majority of college athletics. To have corporate offices in a state with the freedom to discriminate against visitors, particularly the gay community, the NCAA would be condoning the actions of the state's legislature and governor. If it convened meetings in Indianapolis, it would subject its guests to sanctioned bigotry.
    64,370 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Brett Hoover and Scott Spychala
  • Minority Disability Services providers in Illinois don't stand a chance.
    After 21 years in the business of providing disability services I have taken over 4 failing minority disability businesses in Illinois. You would think this would mean big business right? Wrong! Those 4 businesses, plus my own means, I serve 50 clients, while white run businesses serve hundreds even thousands of people. The minority agencies are targeted to close down. The Illinois DHS does nothing to make sure that the minority businesses are treated fairly and the distribution of all requests for services is sent to minority agencies as a part of the choice process. Stop the racism in the Illinois Disability community.
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by reuben
  • Religious freedom
    Hiding a discriminatory, hateful bill behind a name like religious freedom is an act of a cowardice. For more information, please see: http://time.com/3755297/indiana-religious-freedom/
    3,210 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by scott
  • Governor Kasich: Please Veto the provision in House Bill 53 limiting the voting rights of colleg...
    Current law permits citizens to register to vote in Ohio while retaining an out-of-state driver’s license, however H.B. 53 would require any person that registers to vote in Ohio to pay upwards of $75 to register their vehicle in this state. By forcing out-of-state students to purchase an Ohio driver’s license and vehicle registration, students will effectively have to pay to vote. Over 116,000 out-of-state students attend Ohio colleges and universities and would be negatively impacted by this bill. Legislators should not impose administrative expenses on students to deter voting. Not only is this provision and poor public policy, this provision is also likely to be unconstitutional.
    2,378 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Ohio Voter Rights Coalition
  • NO to Conversion Therapy
    When practicing as a Clinical Psychologist, I worked with youth and adults whose development had been damaged by conversion therapy. This was often demanded by parents who did not accept their gay, lesbian, or transgendered children.
    218 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Donald Weston, Ph.D.
  • Reject the Freedom of Religion in Marriage Protection Act
    This bill is not about religious freedom at all - it is rooted in discrimination. The State of Alabama has a huge budget shortfall and can not afford to pay its bills. Enough Alabama taxpayer money has already been wasted creating and defending discriminatory laws, only for them to be struck down in federal courts. This is another one of those laws. Let's stop it now, before we have to pay the legal bills for it later.
    1,742 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gary Wright II