• Shall the Government stop violating Americans of African descent rights?
    As architect for a minority non profit housing operation, I observed a Federal Court without jurisdiction to hear a case hold conduct it for more then six years at great cost to HUD where the City that sued its own housing agency and the agency were both found to have "dirty hands" in an joint City-HUD audit; where the case named the a defendant wrongly which should have in any court caused the case to be immediately dismissed; where the defendant was not permitted to have an attorney; where no trial was held; where the $25 to $27 million of HUD funds (at least) that went missing or misappropriated was waived because the DOJ attorney said "now we don't have to investigate", then was shortly after appointed to the same Federal Court; and where a sanction was issued and I am threatened with jail by the Federal judge whose wife, also a Judge, laid the sanctions against me for exercising my due process rights by raising these matters. This Case is docketed at the US Supreme Court but unless there is wide public support the case will NEVER get read....As pro se, in forma pauperis no attorney asked will represent these issues. The Supreme Court understandably picks cases where they know the legal representative knows what he or she is doing, whether or not the issues have merit. This case explains the unseen background as to why a Ferguson, Missouri can happen.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lawrence Goldblatt
  • Tell Attorney General Cooper: Keep standing for North Carolina's immigrant families!
    While a host of governors and state attorneys general have paired up to try and undo President Obama’s new immigration program that will grant temporary legal status to millions of hard-working immigrants, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper has been an exception. So far he’s refused to join in on this anti-immigrant lawsuit, saying “I am concerned that a partisan lawsuit adds to the divisiveness that has prevented meaningful immigration reform in the first place." This new immigration program is a win for the state and North Carolina’s families. It would protect thousands of North Carolina's immigrants from deportation, and pump millions in new revenue into state’s economy. But the state’s governor, Pat McCrory, has a long history of going after immigrants. He’s part of the lawsuit to stop the President’s plan, and now he’s even publicly scolded Attorney General Cooper (a Democrat) for refusing to join in on the attack on North Carolina’s immigrants. This is partisan politics, plain and simple. Attorney General Cooper is on the right side of history here and he should stay strong against pressure from the McCrory Administration to give in. Immigrants are a part of North Carolina’s fabric and economy, and they deserve a way to become documented residents, not shunned and set up for deportation.
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Gabe Ortiz
  • Supreme Court: Protect Black lives in case # 14-7455
    To gain the support of U.S. Solicitor General and have U.S. Supreme Court hear case 14-7455: Three white Columbia, Missouri, police officers yelled "Don't move!", "Hands up!" and "It's not worth it!", interrupting the music on a sunny October day as Josh Williams and Phillip Porter were sitting in a city park, preparing to lawfully have a beer. Phillip noticed that the police guns were pointed at their heads just before the police commands were made to these two black men sitting in a car and listening to music, and they slowly raised his hands in surrender. The shouting initially caused Josh to reach for the radio to turn the volume down, until he realized that his imminent execution was possible. The police then forcibly removed the pair, searched and handcuffed them, and after Josh admitted he lawfully had a gun in the glove compartment, he was also told he was "under arrest." The vehicle was completely searched and their beer destroyed. After an hour Josh's gun was returned, and they were released. The lower federal 8th Circuit Courts said not an arrest and no violation of Josh & Phillip's rights, ignoring on-point Supreme Court precedent. See my Huffington Post Blog for more info. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stephen-wyse/how-americas-legal-system_b_6269376.html
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Wyse
  • Seymour CT Post Office violates federal accessibility rules
    Seymour's post office has failed since 1990 to provide reasonable access and accommodation to elderly and disabled unable to climb steps at its public entrance. It defiantly refuses to provide an access route to the ramp in the rear. It now requires us to telephone for appointments to obtain services outdoors on the sidewalk at the public entrance. The location of "sidewalk service" is unreasonable because it is a longer trek.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by JOSEPH A. LUCIANO SR.
  • Access For Everyone
    All too often Architectural Access features are not provided for Individuals who are disabled, or they are provided in a separate and inequitable manner.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Ricker
  • Tell businesses to stop Georgia's hate bill.
    Sen. Josh McKoon and other right-wing extremists are once again trying to legalize discrimination in Georgia. Last year, Georgia businesses like Coca-Cola, Delta, Home Depot, IHG and UPS spoke out against the legislation and were instrumental in killing this bad bill with a good name. But this year, they've been silent. Religious freedom is already protected by the First Amendment, so this legislation would do nothing but allow people to use their "deeply held religious beliefs" as an excuse for discrimination or abuse. Georgia’s religious "freedom” legislation would be an enormous leap backwards for equality, civil rights and child protection. With the help of Georgia’s business leaders, we can defeat these extremist bills and continue to move Georgia forward.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryan Long
  • Look into the prosecutor misconduct of Smith County Texas
    People are appealing to the courts and not being heard. The Judges and DA's in Smith County Texas are known for not going through all of the procedures of the legal system. Families need for the Federal Government to look into these 50yrs to life sentences and see if the time is merited. My husband received a life sentence for an alleged misdemeanor assault that all the evidence pointed towards his innocence, but yet he was convicted of the crime. We need someone to look at this county's cases that are being appealed, but not being heard. Injustice anywhere is a threat everywhere
    2,281 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by L.Wheeler
  • Nation of Yisrael Homeowners Association
    In 1619, the first slave ship landed in Jamestown Virginia. This was the beginning of sorrows for many generations to come. Our forefathers were forced at gunpoint to work from dusk to dawn, building the infrastructure of what would become the greatest power on the face of the earth. It Is no wonder why we are asked to simply forget about the atrocities of our mothers and fathers, because there is no amount of money that will replace the sacrifices made by these brave souls. Therefore, we the people of the people who built this land demand that this government recognize this oppressed nation within a nation, and be given equal respect as the Native American tribes of America, the Jewish people of modern Israel who suffered under the German government, the Japanese and other nations who have been officially recognized by the US government as an oppressed people who deserves to be made whole by their oppressor.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by randy garrett
    We have been historically targetted by the police. And because we are living in fear we want to rid police forces all over the country of cops who demonstrate a tolerance for profiling, targetting and destroying the lives of low income peoples, as well as African American families. We call for officers who turned their backs on Mayor De Blasio to be disciplined up to suspension without pay and/or re-evaluated as to their competency to work as officers of the law.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erica Chriswell
  • End Conversion and Reparative Therapy
    The ideology that members of the LGBT+ community can be "cured" has been discredited by every major professional psychological, psychiatric, and counseling association. Do not let Leelah Alcorn's death go in vain. We cannot allow the torture of any more people. We cannot spare any more lives. Leelah was sent to conversion therapy before she committed suicide. Although her suicide note was removed from her Tumblr, you can find segments of it here: http://www.refinery29.com/2014/12/80149/leelah-alcorn-trans-teenager-suicide-letter
    451 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Manju Bangalore
  • Drop Charges Against Mall of America Protesters
    Bloomington City Attorney Sandra Johnson wants to hold protesters responsible for loss of profits and cost of police presence due to the #BlackLivesMatter protest at the Mall of America on Dec. 20. By drafting criminal charges against these protesters, the City of Bloomington is trying to suppress protest and chill free speech. Send the city a message: if it does not believe Black Lives Matter more than one day of doing business, we will not do business in Bloomington, or the Mall of America.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Voss
  • Fire Racist Philly Fire Department Medic Marcell Salters!
    A week before two NYPD officers were executed, Philly Medic Marcell Salters made national news for posting an Instagram picture of two black men pointing guns at a white police officer with the caption "Our real enemy." He followed with another comment: "need 2 stop pointing guns at each other & at the ones that's legally killing innocents." Additionally he took to facebook posting the following comments: "Because of what i do i have to work with them but dont have to like them," he said. ". . . There are numerous crooked & corrupted cops (mostly white) & mostly they harass, beat, or kill innocents(mostly blks)." Philly doesn't need or want racist Medics and we want him fired!
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Callahan