Stolen Families ProjectIn most of the U.S. adult adoptees are legally discriminated against. Outdated laws governing adoption make it virtually impossible for an adult adoptee or birth parent to connect with family. I'm an adoptee who found out late in life that I was adopted. It threw me for a loop but when I found out the state of NY prevented me from seeing my original birth certificate, denying my human right to know my family and ethnic origins, I was stunned.159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Larry Dell
Drop the official use of the word - 'NEGRO'Are you a Negro? Would you be shocked by the question "Are you a Negro?" if you were called to serve your jury duty in New York? I was, when I initially read it on the NY juror information card while answering my jury summon. That happened to me on November 13, 2013. Fast forward to November 15, 2014, when I received an email with the subject "Army Drops Use of Term 'Negro in Document" that had me thinking: The army agrees with me that the word 'Negro' has a historical negativity attached to it even when, or where, negativity is not intended. After all, the ultimate test of whether something is offensive lies not in an intention but in a perception of it. While searching further on the issue, I discovered this issue stirs occasional strong reactions similar to this story: New York (CNN) - "Yes, I identify as black or African-American, but I am not a Negro," wrote a young lady in a CNN article on the issue. I have not encountered any organized movement targeting elimination of this unnecessary nuisance from the New York State court system while many other states have done it already. Will you please join me in making this happen by spreading the word and by signing this petition to appeal to the New York State Office of Court Administration to immediately remove the term "Negro" from the New York State court forms? Thank you for standing with me on making New York a better place for all of us.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tajudeen Raji
Cobb County: Let People Choose How to LiveThe full ordinance is posted below. Student housing for Kennesaw State University students is extremely high whether on or off campus. The off campus apartments that aim toward college students have the ability to charge so much because more than 2 college students can't rent a house together. This ordinance is outdated and should be removed to discontinue the unintended effects it has on college students. Sec. 134-1 Family means two or more persons related by blood, legal adoption, or marriage, occupying a dwelling. Related means persons are all related to each other within the fourth degree, as defined in O.C.G.A. § 53-2-1, which includes parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers and sisters. State of Georgia authorized foster children of a family member shall also be deemed a member of the family for this purpose. Single-family dwelling unit. A single-family dwelling unit consists of one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for one family or two or fewer unrelated adults and their children and/or grandchildren. (1) A single-family dwelling unit shall have an interior bathroom and complete kitchen facilities, permanently installed. (2) A single-family dwelling unit shall have at least 390 square feet of living building square footage (as determined and maintained in the records of the Cobb County Tax Assessor) per each adult occupant. (3) No more than one vehicle per 390 square feet of living building square footage may be parked regularly overnight on the property upon which the single-family dwelling unit exists. Of the total number of vehicles allowed per 390 square feet of living building square footage, there shall be a maximum of three or less (of the total) parked outside of a garage, carport or the like for properties zoned RA-5, R-15 and R-20. Of the total number of vehicles allowed per 390 square feet of living building square footage, there shall be a maximum of four or less (of the total) parked outside of a garage, carport or the like for properties zoned R-30 and R-40. Of the total number of vehicles allowed per 390 square feet of living building square footage, there shall be a maximum of five or less (of the total) parked outside of a garage, carport or the like for properties zoned R-80 and RR. This includes vehicles parked within the right-of-way adjacent to a dwelling unit. "Regularly" means a majority of nights in any seven-day period3,607 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Mason
Make Election Day Registration Permanent for IllinoisElection Day Registration allows eligible residents to register or update their registration and cast a ballot on Election Day. This fall, Illinois voters had the opportunity to use Election Day Registration for the first time. It was a success: thousands of Illinois voters who otherwise could not have voted were able to. Election Day Registration this fall was a pilot program which means that unless the Illinois Legislature acts, we will revert back to arbitrary deadlines that prevent eligible Illinois voters from exercising their right to vote. Election Day Registration increases voter turnout. Illinois voter turnout rates are second-lowest in the Midwest. Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa all offer Election Day Registration. In the 2010 midterm election, about 10 percent of the total votes were cast by voters registering on Election Day in these three states. The great demand for Election Day Registration was demonstrated by the long lines at some Chicago registration sites. To make the Election Day Registration more efficient and accessible, it should be available in all polling locations, rather than in a limited number of sites like it was this fall.162 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Abe Scarr
Restructure Warren Co. Youth Football ASAPThe Warren County Youth Football League is corrupt. From the funds, to the way the players are treated, etc. If you have had a child in the league, you know what we are concerned about.100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by New Leadership
Eel Ground First Nation Land Settlement Consultation NeededUnder article 8 of the PSDPA, wrongdoing is defined as an act or omission, we deserve to know what is happening with our Land Claim!64 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christine Augustine
Union Rights are Civil RightsAs a veteran, I fought for our right to bargain collectively with our employers, but too often workers are scared to exercise this right for fear of losing their jobs. Studies show that more than 40 percent of American workers would like to join a union, but are afraid of retaliation from their employers. Many Americans have fought and died to ensure our rights, and we should never have to be afraid to exercise our rights. That is not the America we fought for!16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ben Lofton
Keep church and state SEPARATEWe the voters of Illinois and nationwide believe that because of the undue political influence exerted by those who are only meant to provide pastoral counsel, many races in Illinois and around the country were tainted. Ultimately, electing some officials selected by the church instead of the people. We feel that our rights as Americans were violated and we are seeking justice.63 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Everloyce McCullough
Senator Kenneth LaValle and Assemblyman Anthony Palumbo: Help us override Gov Cuomos veto of Bill...The Military Service Buyback Bill (AKA 'Veterans Equity Act'), was overwhelmingly supported by 57 (of 57) NYS Senators and 133 (of 134) NYS Assembly Members over the Summer (June/July 2014. It waited months to be called for by Governor Cuomo (before election day) only to be promptly vetoed AFTER the election and notably right BEFORE Veteran's Day. This bill would provide all Veteran's the equality they deserve. It is in need of a two-thirds vote by the Assembly in order to have Cuomo's veto overridden. Let's show Governor Cuomo that Veteran's and their families are important and that we will not allow him to make fools of them by toying with their votes or underestimating their ability to enact change.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jim Brosco
Denounce Campaign to Suppress Palestinian Voices and Food in PittsburghConflict Kitchen (http://conflictkitchen.org) is a restaurant in Pittsburgh, designed and run by artists hoping to start conversations with customers about countries in conflict with the United States. Conflict Kitchen has served food from Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. When Conflict Kitchen started serving Palestinian food, the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, and B'nai Brit engaged in a campaign aimed to delegitimize Conflict Kitchen and silence expression of Palestinian perspectives. Surprisingly, media in Pittsburgh misrepresented Conflict Kitchen’s aims and activities, but the people have demonstrated strong public support — the restaurant had more than 400 patrons per day since launching its Palestinian menu earlier this fall. Probably as a result of the misleading campaign, operators of the restaurant received a death threat and decided to close temporarily (http://www.wtae.com/news/conflict-kitchen-restaurant-closes-after-threatening-letter/29621868). The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, and B'nai Brit should not dictate to the people of Pittsburgh what they hear from Palestinians or where they eat. The City should make sure that all communities in Pittsburgh can express their culture and share their experiences and food with no threat of harm. This Petition is organized by the Middle East Peace Forum of Pittsburgh, the Jewish Voice for Peace Pittsburgh, and support from a broad coalition of local groups.2,192 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Naftali Kaminsky
End Daylight SavingsThe social and economic impact of Daylight Savings Time affects everyone. Billions of dollars in economic loss gets paid by taxpayers and consumers. Additionally, people suffer because they have sleep issues or memory issues. Business and government have to pay to change the clocks manually and even on certain computers and pay for any confusion. Daylight savings was instituted for farmers about 100 years ago, but we are now living in the information age. Sign this petition to end daylight savings and share the petition with your companions.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frank Bartmon
Demand That Facebook Repeal Their Real Name PolicyThe personal safety of Facebook users is being compromised by Facebook's real name policy.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hollylane Jones