• SPEAK UP AGAINST Senate Bill 1342
    The bill discourages people from recording the police by making unlawfully recording police – or an attorney general, assistant attorney general, state’s attorney, assistant state’s attorney or judge – a class 3 felony, which carries a sentence of two to four years in prison. Meanwhile, the bill makes illegal recording of a private citizen a class 4 felony, which carries a lower sentencing range of one to three years in prison. We can also stop this bill by calling the office of Illinois governor, Pat Quinn, at 312-814-2121, and demand that he veto the Amendment to Senate Bill 1342. Or you can email him at this link. Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/illinois-felony-citizens-record-police-media-silent/#uUZ6k6kBIDGbfQ7R.99
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobby Broom
  • Michigan Humans Against The Inhumane Religious Freedom Restoration Act
    I am a Christian woman and this is not right. Everyone has the ability to have a seat next to God all the way until the day that they die. We are not to judge them. Only God can Judge! We are Human. If you pass this bill, then you are telling the world that you are just as good as God and you will loose! I have Gay family and if this law passes and they die because they didn't get treated because they are Gay, prepare to be owing a lot because my family will have your job!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra J. Mills
  • CIA Violations and Assurance of the Bill of Universal Human Rights for ALL.
    The CIA investigation reveals violation of human rights on a grand scale done by my government the United States of America in my name. My government signed the international treaty banning torture, the most egregious of violations of basic human rights. A great sin. To make amends to humanity, a petition for my government to embrace a stance toward humanity based on reconciliation and a doctrine of peace grounded in the Bill of Universal Human Rights. With basic human rights assured torture and war can be removed from the face of the earth. Please lend your signature to the petition to assure all of the rights within the Universal Bill of Human Rights, everyone everywhere. Help me set the record straight. We are a Just people and want to be on the right side of history. Two million signatures to our elected officials, a good number to get things moving ...
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan S. Cavanaugh Ph.D.
  • A Call to Indict: Columbia Faculty Against Injustice
    The leadership of Columbia University must make a powerful statement indicting the injustice of police brutality and lack of accountability. Columbia faculty, please sign to demand that our leadership speak out.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Fairchild
  • Christopher Taylor: Emancipation
    I have been wrongfully punished for a minor incident involving myself and my aunt. My mother has filed a "Beyond Parental Control" and I have not committed a single crime.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher S. Taylor
  • Small game Sunday
    Anyone possessing a Resident Maine Hunting Permit should be able to hunt small game and waterfowl on Sundays.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Perreault
  • No More Rubber-Stamping Racism
    As a US citizen I cannot just sit back and watch racism build back up into violence. Racism is learned, and Congress is teaching by example. They have set the tone for racial unrest and violence by demeaning President Obama because he is black. This is unacceptable and must stop.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Linda Skinner
  • End Discrimination Against Disabled Children And Related Problems At The $12 Billion Hershey Charity
    Pennsylvania state officials have looked away while needy children are gravely harmed by the Milton Hershey School, a $12 billion charity located in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Hershey provides K-12 children with residential education and is funded by the Hershey Company. The charity’s wealth assures it indulgence from state authorities coveting Hershey patronage, no matter how many children are harmed. The worst Hershey misconduct is against children suffering from depression, such as 14-year old Abbie Bartels, who was expelled by Hershey in a heartbreaking manner, including being barred from her graduation ceremony. A week later, Abbie took her own life. A CNN report about Abbie can be viewed here: http://goo.gl/6ZCHKY Approximately one hundred or more children like Abbie were similarly expelled by Hershey, reportedly to protect its pristine “image.” Hershey also refuses to enroll children with other disabilities—for instance, children who are visually or hearing impaired, or who need crutches or wheelchairs. It is as though Hershey leaders were caught in a policy time warp. This happens because the Hershey system is rigged against needy children. For instance, there are no child welfare professionals on Hershey’s self-selecting board—one that pays its “nonprofit” board members millions in “fees,” and recently squandered $25 million on a luxury golf course where board members liked to play. Hershey administrators also have questionable records and pursue indefensible policies that harm children like Abbie. It is time for this to change and for needy children to get a fair shake. Since Pennsylvania officials refuse to end Hershey discrimination and change a system that cheats poor children, we respectfully ask Federal authorities to take these actions. For more information please visit: www.protecthersheychildren.org.
    495 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Protect The Hersheys' Children, Inc.
  • Stop Police Abuse of All Minorities
    Yes, some members of our family and close friends have been affected by this. This is a regular conversational issue in many meetings of our ethnic group.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by V. Ramaswami
  • Report All Police-Involved Deaths to the FBI
    There may have been too much conflicting evidence to indict Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown, but the refusal of a New York City grand jury to indict Daniel Pantaleo for the video-taped chokehold death of Eric Garner reveals a systematic denial by our legal system of oppressive police policies and practices, especially against people of color. As a white man I have never been stopped by a police officer except for traffic violations of which I was guilty. I am ashamed of the gratuitous harassment and injury inflicted upon law-abiding people of color for my ostensible protection. I believe it's time for the nation to recognize the extent of this problem.
    399 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Ward
  • WE CAN'T BREATHE: A Demand from the Students of Mailman School of Public Health
    PLEASE PUT YOUR DEPARTMENT AND GRADUATION YEAR IN THE COMMENTS SECTION We, as students of public health, feel outrage, frustration, anger, and sadness at the events that have unfolded over the past few weeks. The deaths of unarmed people of color at the hands of police and the subsequent failure of grand juries to indict the officers responsible for these events is a justice issue that profoundly impacts and underlies the health of populations. Because we are Mailman, we have power and responsibility. We must all hold ourselves accountable to the Public Health Oath, knowing that “public health represents the collective actions necessary to protect the health of all people”. Silence from our respected institution is not acceptable. Petition created by concerned Mailman students and endorsed by the Black and Latino Student Caucus (BLSC), and the Association for Justice and Health (AJAH).
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Fei
  • Let's stop now the Cameroonian's president Paul Biya to suppress the freedom to protest.
    We are thousands of Americans and Permanent Residents living in the USA who believe we should have the same privileges of freedom back home. Unfortunately having the same president Biya for the last 32 year makes exercising these freedoms ultimately impossible.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Napi Tagnidoung