Legalize Gay Marriage { Federal Law }Many of you may read the headline and think 'who cares?' Maybe you're asking 'How is this relevant to all of America?' Well, here are answers to a few questions. •Why should I care? // Well, this is a problem and if we ignore it then it will lead to bigger issues in the future. Homosexuals will eventually get so sick and tired of being mistreated and not being able to marry that they will rebel. •How does this affect me? // Good question. How would you feel if you and your true love couldn't be together? Don't act like 'it's different' because deep down you slightly understand what I mean. The thing is it won't even affect you. Many straight couples get married every day and your life goes unaffected. So how will a gay couple affect you? It won't. •Well I don't want to see PDA. It's repulsive. // Well I barely like seeing straight couples kiss and I'm 100% straight. Seeing ANY COUPLE touching, kissing, etc. too much is nasty. That will never change. It's life. This is America, and we ALL have freedoms. •What about children? They'll get the wrong idea and think it's okay! // It is okay! We live in a world where people can't be themselves. Not only teens and adults but children too. How many gay kids do you know? Not a lot? Well I know a few and their parents are straight. Their parents also say they are not aware of any of their kids being exposed to homosexual couples. Which means two things. 1) Your children will NOT turn gay because they saw a couple and 2) Those kids had curiosity. If a child turns out gay it's because their heart likes the same sex. They like it! They were curious and they tried it and ended up liking it. They can't change that; it's not their choice. •What about God? Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. // I'm Christian. I believe in God. I really do. There just comes a point in life when you have to sit back and look at the world. Look at all the proof against the Bible and look at the proof supporting it. You can't stick to one thought your whole life. God says homosexuality is wrong and it's a sin. I just can't believe you guys still say 'We are all Gods' children' yet go around judging people so much because they love the same sex and you say they're going to hell. Well that means they aren't Gods' children. Adam and Eve were straight up naked with each other! They weren't married. So stop teaching your kids that loving someone of the same sex is wrong and teach them about the more important things in life. Moving on to another quick topic. I believe in love. Saying someone is going to hell for being in love is like saying drinking water should be illegal. You guys are taking the most precious thing in the world and saying it's wrong. Most homosexuals go through a lot of crap and people who bash on them just pile it on and on. It's wrong, rude, and absurd. It's funny how many people actually have the audacity to tell people who they can and can not marry. That is their freedom, and you don't have the right to take other people's rights away. SIDE NOTE: If I offended anyone throughout this I am sorry. There are just many important things to go over in life and I feel wasting it on hurting someone for what they believe is unbelievable. We have a short gateway to live life to the fullest and I don't want anyone to waste that or miss that for any reason.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lilly
Election day: National HolidayWe as a nation have tried to sell the world on democracy, yet we have less than 60% of eligible voters turn out to vote on any given election. Many people are unable to vote because they have to work during the polls being open. Making this day a national holiday would make voting more accessible to many of our working class.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dwight Evans Jr
Conjugal visits in GeorgiaBring the value of family back to prisoners in hopes they will not reoffend once released.30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lindsey Campbell
Needed: Stronger Laws Regulating the treatment of /strengthening protection for Minors working in...This petition is to fight for stronger enforceable regulations and laws for the protection of Minor (children/teens) within and throughout the MUSIC INDUSTRY. Exploitation, over working, manipulation & bullying activity against performing/creative artists in the music industry has been going on for years, but now that the industry is LOSING MONEY to downloads and piracy, etc... the misconduct of many RECORD COMPANY Owners, execs, producers & their associates, have become criminal and beyond. Their titles/actions/positions are neither mandated by certification, monitored by a hierarchy of supervision, nor are they held accountable for their moral/criminal activities even when reported to authorities. Due to their 'celebrity' status, they are running free and rampant as they commit repeated counts of such criminal acts as sexual harassment, extreme intimidation, mind control activity, repeated drug/alcohol sharing and use while on the job with their employees & sexual misconduct activity on many levels, all of which seem to have NO ceiling or limits to stop them…including age. A 'minor’ child/ teen showing promising future stardom could mean more longevity & return of their investments, they see them as a way to help them maintain their status and lifestyle. With so many highly publicized reality TV talent shows allowing kids and teens of all ages to compete, these Music bosses seem to have discovered a new pool of talent to choose from continuing the same misconduct and will stop at nothing to DIVIDE these impressionable youth from their families as quickly as possible doing what they want with them. How? Using extreme intimidation on both child and parents, feeding the child lies & promising gifts as a pat on the back when these youth complain about their frustrations with the rules in their schools, home or amidst any other normal underage parent/child issues. These execs take advantage of these situations so that they turn these young kids against their own parents WAY before their frontal lobe has even developed the capacity to understand the long term effects of their interactions. Consequently, not only ruining & interfering with the development of the minor, but also ripping families apart at the core. Undoing their upbringing, using their IDOLIZED STATUS to guide these young artists in the direction of what they think is considered ‘cool’. YES, our personal experience drives this campaign! While employed by and under contract with a reputable record company, our kids were the victims of several wrong doings by this company and their associates. Hardest of all to stomach were those targeting our MINOR daughter who, upon turning 17, was gradually enticed into Statutory rape by her 35 yr old Record company CEO/Boss, and the person of authority in her new work world after months of secretly luring and transmitting and eventually exchanging pornographic text messages with her. This he did while simultaneously texting the rest of the family to say ‘how great’ we were for raising such a 'talented and amazing star' and complimenting each ‘banger’ or ‘hit’ she and her brother had recorded or created while at the studio, etc…and making promise after promise to everyone in the family. Strangely enough, we would never actually see or hear a finished music product come out of their studio, in spite of the near 40 + songs they recorded there throughout that time. What lead up to this? Our daughter, at age 16 and two of our sons, one 18 and the other 27, were ‘signed’ to what we thought was a BIG BAD (good) Record Deal. These very reputable Music execs made many promises to us all, especially repeated promises that THEIR record company was a FAMILY and so THEY could be TRUSTED, etc… We were all THRILLED to see that - after the years of hard work and musical/artistic/performance development exerted by all prior to this offer - our 'bundles of joy’ had finally landed THE BIG BAD RECORD DEAL they dreamed of! Sadly, this proved to be the worst decision we had ever made as a family! How could this have happened? We now know….it was the oldest method in the book…the 'divide-and-conquer’ method! This Record company team FIRST divided the family by pinning the three artists against each other, eventually dropping our oldest son to get him out of the way, stating many unfounded reasons and that he was asking too many questions. SOON after sent a threatening email to their Mom after she made reasonable requests for that which was best for our daughter, stating that our daughter would 'lose her opportunities' if she didn't do what she was told and if Mom didn't butt out...and Ccd our daughter! (and those were only a couple of the ways they attempted to divide the family) Soon after the CEO had his associates take our daughter to high end concerts without asking our parent permission first and then on fancy trips to 'inspire her music' as he adorned her with high end gifts. Later we learned that his sexual encounters with her mainly happened close to the times HE PLANNED FOR HER TO NEGOTIATE further business deals he wanted her to agree to or beg us to agree to. Since this was all new to her, she was so young and was secretly ‘in love’, she did not even realize that the adjoined activities were connected. As the months progressed his alluring text messages and smooth talks eventually influenced her to quit high school, sending her such messages while she was in class as, “I hate School”, “I want you laying next to me” and continued to adorn her with more gifts. All of this influenced her decisions to lie to us, her parents, as well as her brothers and others about her whereabouts, her newly acquired ’things’ and more. Over time he gradually provided her with drugs & alcohol and exposed her to guns & other criminal types of activity. All of these interactions continued up to her 18th birthday and beyond before we found out and could do anything to stop it. Unfortun...526 of 600 SignaturesCreated by LBT
Help End Human TraffickingWe are starting this petition to help end human trafficking in the U.S. We also want to end the human trafficking in other countries to save woman and children from sexual abuse.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ms McCall
Office of the Attorney General: Remove the Diversity Questionnaire from online job applicationsI do not believe that the “Diversity Questionnaire” is separated from the job application itself. When we disclose our "Race," it is then used against us, therefore not giving us a fair chance to have an interview with the employer. Let’s stop employers from using race to discriminate against people of color. Please demonstrate your concern about race discrimination by signing this petition today!29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Val Fleming
Equal Employment Opportunities For People with DisabilitiesTo President Obama, the U.S. Congress, the National Council on Disability, the National Council on Independent Living, and the Rehabilitation Services Administration: According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in 2013, 17.6 percent of persons with a disability were employed, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In contrast, the employment-population ratio for those without a disability was 64.0 percent. The employment-population ratio was little changed from 2012 to 2013 for both groups. The unemployment rate for those with a disability was 13.2 percent in 2013, higher than the rate for persons with no disability (7.1 percent). The jobless rate for persons with a disability was little changed from 2012 to 2013, while the rate for those without a disability declined. These statistics illustrate that legislative efforts and "best practice solutions" to fully include and integrate people with disabilities into the workplace are NOT successful and discrimination and disincentives to getting a job or having a career still exists. In addition, according to the most recent U.S. Census data, 28 percent of those with disabilities ages 18 to 64 lived in poverty in 2010. Meanwhile, the poverty rate for their peers in the general population was 12.5 percent. On October 14, 2016, thousands of people with disabilities and fellow supporters will participate in the Million Gimp March on our Nation's Capitol to demand the following: 1. That Congress or the President takes immediate steps to make gainful employment and the pursuit and achievement of a career a civil right for people with disabilities and that legislation such as the ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Act and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act are strengthened and vigorously and meaningfully implemented. 2. That Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which authorizes employers, after receiving a certificate from the Wage and Hour Division, to pay special minimum wages - wages less than the Federal minimum wage - to workers who have disabilities for the work being performed be immediately repealed at the Federal and State levels for all workers with disabilities and that an Executive Order be issued ordering that the certificates held by states and other jurisdictions be immediately made null and void. 3. That laws that make it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in hiring and in the workplace be strengthened, funded and immediately implemented. 4. That, once employed, people with disabilities be allowed to keep medical benefits such as Medicaid and Medicare, as a supplement that would cover essential items, services and long term care that private insurance does not. 5. That the asset limit for people with disabilities on Medicaid be increased from $2,000 to $50,000. We, the undersigned, agree with and fully support these demands and call for across-the-board competitive and inclusive employment opportunity equality regardless of ability.888 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Vicki Jurney-Taylor
Justice for Our FamilyMy father, Ali Mahmood Awad Irsan, my mother Shmou Ali Alrawabdeh and my sister Nadia Irsan, have been in jail since May 2014 for a crime they never committed.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Justice for Our Father
Help stop migrant children from toiling away in the fieldsThere are half a million migrant children farm workers in America. These children, some only six years old, work seven days a week picking onions, grapes, tobacco, and more. Because there is no law to protect them, there are no restrictions on how old or how long they can work. These children deserve our help.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jacob Miller
Police Brutality ( Camera )My son, Frank McQueen, was shot multiple times and killed by Chester, Pennsylvania Police. He was shot so bad the funeral director wanted to do a close casket. I was also told that my son was also shot in his head twice at close range. The system is not telling me anything about my son's killing. My son is dead help me fight for yours. Thank You All In Advance I will always fight police brutality.91 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Delphine Matthews
Mayor de Blasio: Accept the Jury's Finding of NYC Police Misconduct at the 2004 Republican Conven...On July 2, 2014, in New York City (NYC), a Federal Court jury found that NYC police acted with "malice or evil intent" in falsely arresting four individuals at the 2004 Republican National Convention (RNC) in NYC, and awarded punitive damages to the protesters. This trial -- possibly the first time a "false arrest for protesting" case has gone to trial in decades -- comes six months after an $18 million settlement for the arrests of some 1,800 individuals at the 2004 RNC. I am one of the four (out of over 1,800) who refused all settlement offers in order to have a trial by jury. It is long overdue for NYC to accept responsibility for the wrongs committed and not continue to drag this process out.105 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Howard J. Gale
Seriously, Jimmy John’s? Stop trying to make it impossible for your workers to find new jobs!Get this: Jimmy John’s makes ALL of their employees sign an extreme non-compete agreement that’s not only far outside of the norm for the industry, it’s completely CRAZY. Workers who leave Jimmy John’s for any reason – even if they’re fired – are barred for TWO years from getting jobs at any restaurant that sells sandwiches within 3 miles of ANY Jimmy John’s location. That means a sandwich maker or a delivery driver will have an even tougher time finding a job after she leaves Jimmy John’s. It’s time for Jimmy John’s to get rid of this oppressive and totally insane policy – not to mention pay their workers enough to support their families.388 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Yvenel Casseide, Low Pay is Not OK