It's time to STOP the Harassment!!!!!This petition is for the people of Talladega that get harressed on a daily bases from Officer Dean of the Talladega Police Department. I am both a witness and victim of being harassed and mistreated by Officer Dean. We are all US citizens and we all deserve to be treated as human being not people without value.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by shadonna baker
Condemning Acts of Police Brutality and use of excessive force , racial profiling throughout the ...This is about centuries of officers murdering African American males unwarranted. Being stopped and harassed . Seeing that all those responsible are punished to the letter of the law. Yes I have been personally affected by this.143 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Diallo-Sekou
Safe Living for Recovering Addicts & Change Felony Laws Pertaining to Expunging Records for High ...It is hard for convicted felons to move on with their lives when the society we live limits us from living in positive neighborhoods and does not allow us to clean our records. Living in recovery is hard enough, and being forced to live in the same neighborhoods that we grew up in makes it even harder. Finding jobs is also an issue. If we had the ability to prove our recovery in order to expunge records it would make our lives more successful and reduce recidivism.182 of 200 SignaturesCreated by tracy doerr
Employment Protection in MississippiMississippians face the danger of employment discrimination on a daily basis. There is no state level protection for discrimination on the basis of race or sexuality. Race-based claims require a costly visit to federal court, and only a handful of Mississippi cities offer any protection on the basis of sexual orientation. The Mississippi Legislature has a fiscal interest in keeping Mississippians employed, as taxpayer money spent on unemployment and welfare can be costly. Furthermore, employment discrimination has been linked to greater prevalence of costly physical and mental health issues. Finally and most importantly, Mississippians deserve the freedom to provide for themselves and their families without intrusion into their personal lives or discrimination on a race basis.215 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Barber
President Obama: Free Leonard Peltier NowPlease share your heart. Call out to your friends and family to bring about a great healing through the millions that will sign this petition!948 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Harvey Arden
Nikki Haley: We need an investigation of our police forceI have not been personally affected by this event or the events in Ferguson Missouri, and I don't want to be affected by similar situations in the future. I am a student here in South Carolina and think the conversation on police brutality, excessive force, and over-militarization has been ignored for long enough. If we respect all of our citizens in this state, we have to make sure the police force will do the same, unlike in Missouri.107 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Scott Porter
Fight Felony Discrimination in AmericaI want the United States of America to recognize and act on the fact(s) that "felons" are everyday being discriminated against when seeking employment. I know employers have the right to hire whom they please and may, but it is ridiculous when the employer wants to hire you, but the headquarters of that company tells the employer not to hire you. I want the President along with the House of Representatives (both Republican and Democrat) to all come together and create a solution to this problem. I am not alone in this situation. As a youth I never predicted I would become a man with two felonies, but I am as of today and for the rest of my life. There are many felons here in America. Life is nearly hopeless as a felon. I have been turned down from jobs with Wal-Mart, Target, and many other great jobs I sought to re-integrate me, only because of my background check. I never understood these truths until I became a felon myself. Why do they (felons) end up back in prison? Hardly anyone wants to hire a felon, and if they do they are not willing to pay them enough to survive. This is a matter that has NOTHING TO DO WITH COLOR. I want to see justice done here. I want the EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION to end. Felons are still human beings. The only difference between a felon and a non-felon is at least you know what the felon's struggles are. There is no deadline for this petition I am creating. I just hope this can be the beginning of this movement and hopefully end with a change in the employment field. Discrimination is real and it hurts. This is a serious matter. I can be contacted at [email protected] or (903)353-4896. Justice for all means FOR ALL.49 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christopher Ford
We are the Wolf PeopleFor far too many years, Elanor Fortin aka "Queen Rippling Waters" has been fighting for our recognition as Native American Indians. For far too long, the Mohegan Tribal Council has denied legitimate heirs their birthright and documented Indian heritage and lineage due to power and greed. Please sign this petition and let Connecticut and Federal leaders know that while the Mohegan Tribal Council has financial means to deny our claims, a younger generation of Mohegan Indians have a social voice. A younger generation of Native American Indians should not be denied their heritage because of bitterness among an older generation. http://goo.gl/NFYmbf13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ali Eslami
Wheelchair access on commercial airlines!I have a new awareness of wheelchair limitations in many situations after being forced to be immobile after a boating accident.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Janet Stewart
Stop Killing People of ColorWe are recuperating from a nearly four year struggle against gentrification in my hometown of Peekskill, NY. The all Democratic Party mayor and council completely forgot there was a constitution, appealed to race-based fears and even turned violent as our support picked up. The people of Peekskill deserve fair treatment and decent housing.44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Darrell Davis
No taxation without representationThe Colony of Columbia has a nonvoting member in the House and no representation in the Senate. We (theoretically) elect a mayor and District Council member, but our own tax dollars are controlled by Congress even though we don't have a vote. Over the years, votes on many progressive issues (gun control, medical marijuana, and even the placement of a firehouse) have been overturned by Congress despite the wishes of the local citizenry. If they won't give us home rule and a vote in Congress, we should not be paying for Congress to decide how to use.216 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Al Halfon
Fire Police Chief Thomas JacksonSince the killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager, by a Caucasian police officer last week in Ferguson, MO, Police Chief Jackson has demonstrated not only that he is an ineffective leader, but he will also promote a racist agenda in carrying out his job functions by: aiding & abetting the white suspect, Darren Wilson; deploying military tactics on a predominantly African-American crowd of protestors; disseminating video surveillance of a robbery suspect with a slight resemblance of the victim in an effort to defame the victim's character; & showing preferential treatment to Caucasian protestors over African-American protestors by charging them with lighter crimes. It is time to put an end to racist policing!170 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ferguson