Free PalistineIsrael is taking action as we speak to exterminate every human life form in Gaza as we speak. The people have no where to go, no where to hide and no where to run! As a single human being there is not much i can do to save an entire population of people. So i turn to you. We must stop this mindless violence and murder now! The life of a Jew is not worth more than the life of a Gentile7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mohammed
Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi: Please don't challenge judicial rulings allowing...The law against same sex marriage is being challenged in Florida and I would like my marriage from New York State to be recognized in my home state of Florida. I don't believe it's fair to deny this right to a certain part of the residents of this state.101 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Simon Beachley
Health Insurance Reformi want to prevent my ordeal- with loney hutchins and 21st century living services - from happening again2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by dylan terreri, i
Justice for Ashley DiamondThe immediate release of Ashley Diamond from custody due to gross human right violations and violations of constitutional acts!169 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lindsay Hardin
Help Faith Maxson!This petition is NOT about Tempe Police Officers (my mistake)...this is about ASU Police Officers. Letting the judge know that citizens have the right to not show ID, if they aren't breaking any laws. Let the judge know that these officers crossed the line.366 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Kari Wetmore
Tell Suthers the Time is Now for Marriage EqualityWith several counties issuing marriage licenses to Colorado gay and lesbian couples, and more than one lawsuit also pending before state courts, Colorado Attorney General is currently seeking a court order to force counties to stop issuing marriage licenses. He also continues to defend the law, an action many other attorneys general have stopped doing.143 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Dyana Mason
Akeem LegginsAlarmingly, there have been at least 140 senseless murders of innocent people (mostly minorities) in the city of Inglewood, California. Most of the murderers were never caught and continue to roam freely, bringing to harm others and never paying for their crime. Our loved one, Akeem Leggins, 23, was murdered and was determined to be the 140th victim to die as a result of a senseless shootings in Inglewood. Sadly, it does not seem the Inglewood Police Department is making it a priority to find the individual or individuals who murdered him, a step that is necessary to help bring closure to this awful tragedy for his parents, his only sibling, his young son, family members and friends. We demand that justice be served! Help us to send a strong message to the Mayor of Inglewood and to the City Councilman that we demand justice for our beloved Akeem and for the many other victims of these heinous, unresolved murders in this crime-filled city. Please sign this petition and forward it to your family and friends. Our goal is to obtain at least 1,500 signatures by July 30, 2014 to present to the leadership of the city of Inglewood. Together we can make this happen. Thank you for your support. God Bless You292 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Akeem's family
Keep Exemptions Out of the Executive Order!President Obama will soon sign an executive order barring federal contractors from discriminating against LGBTQ individuals! However, we have just a few weeks to ensure that this executive order doesn't contain exemptions for religiously-affiliated groups that would drive a big hole through the middle of it. Federal contractors are paid with taxpayer money — and using taxpayer money to pay for discrimination is simply wrong. We know the religious right is already putting up a fight about this, and we must do the same. We will deliver your signature directly to the White House, and we want to include as many voices as possible -- sign the petition today to make sure that we secure equality without asterisks!14,893 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by GetEQUAL
Magic City on East EndA known person was sliced from his head all the way down to the mid-section of his torso Inside Magic City. The person who had the razor was patted down and allowed in the club. When the person was sliced open, the owners stated that the ambulance was downstairs as well as the police. When the parties went outside there were no police or ambulance, while the male involved in the incident bled until the ambulance was called. The person who had the razor was unconscious from a gash.172 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lamarr Jones
Demand Mexico release Dr. Mireles and his groupConcern for human rights and to stop corrupt and repressive government actions!62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cruz R. Gomez
Gordon College President Requests Permission to Discriminate on the Basis of Sexual Orientationhttp://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/07/03/gordon-college-president-signs-letter-asking-for-religious-exemption-from-order-banning-anti-gay-discrimination/79cgrbFOuUg7lxH2rKXOgO/story.html3,948 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Brian D. Boyd, Esq.
Lift the ban on the statute of limitations for all 50 states in reporting cases of child sexual a...All to often, childhood sexual abuse goes unreported. Many children are shamed into silence. Others may mentally block the trauma until years later when they feel safe enough to reveal it. Some cases are even covered up once reported in family and religious settings. This may further cause legal complications when the perpetrator moves to another state. Conditions like these cause more children to be abused. The law was created to serve and protect. Please sign this petition so that pedophiles may be brought to justice.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicole Personette