the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014I am an advocate of social justice and human rights FOR ALL in a country that espouses that while certain politicians try to deny the poor, the underprivileged and the elderly those rights. Our constitution and the Declaration of independence support this view of inalienable rights140 of 200 SignaturesCreated by John Cook
Cosponsor and Improve the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014The right to vote is main the support of our democracy. Our vote gives us voice in our government. Last year the Supreme Court decision weakened provisions of the Voting Rights Act causing some of us to have less of a chance to exercise this right. Congress can restore and protect our voting rights by passing this important bill. Representative Judy Chu should support the effort to pass this Amendment by cosponsoring and fighting to strengthen it.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jackie Fisher
Petition to Representatve Wittman t Support Voting RightsThe Voting Rights act is one of the most important pieces of legislation Congress ever passed. Last year's Supreme Court decision weakened key critical provisions of it. Right now, congress can restore those protections by passing this important bill. Representative Wittman should support this effort by cosponsoring and fighting for a strong bill.946 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Mary Minor
Rep. Joe Pitts supports voting rights for all citizensThis petition is about restoring easy and open access to the voting process for all Americans. This petition asks Rep. Pitts to cosponsor the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan E. Safford
Rep. Cotton: Be a Real Hero - Stand up for Voting Rights!The Voting Rights Act has been one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation ever passed by Congress, but last year the Supreme Court made a decision that severely weakened certain critical parts of the Act. Now, Congress can restore those protections by passing an important bill. We urge Rep. Tom Cotton to support this effort by cosponsoring a strong bill and fighting for its passage.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Meredith Nisbet
Representative Gutierrez: Support Voting RightsThe Voting Rights Act ( VRA) is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed. Last year the Supreme Court based their decision to weaken critical provisions of that Act on the assumption that conditions in the states no longer warranted Federal intervention. However, since the Supreme Court's decision there have been moves in various states to institute measures once again impeding access to voting. Our democracy: of the people, by the people and for the people, is based on the enfranchisement and participation of citizens, not corporations. For this reason, I am initiating this petition.609 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Joyce Weber
Rep. Cotton: Support VOTING RIGHTS ACTThe Voting Rights Act is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed. Last year's Supreme Court decision weakened critical provisions of it. Right now, Congress can restore those protections by passing this important bill. Rep. Cotton should support this effort by cosponsoring and fighting for a strong bill.342 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Loren Loberg
Voting rightsMy mother would not be able to vote if she were alive today. She would not be able to produce a birth certificate with her name on it.1,182 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Mike Haxton
Restore the Voting Rights Act“The Voting Rights Act is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed. Last year's Supreme Court decision weakened critical provisions of it. Right now, Congress can restore those protections by passing this important bill. Rep. Smith should support this effort by cosponsoring and fighting for3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosemarie Sprouls
Restore the Voting Rights Act.Help restore the "The Voting Rights Act" to what it was prior to the decision made last year by the Supreme Court which weakened critical provisions of it. Right now, Congress can restore those protections by passing this important bill. Rep. Latta should support this effort by cosponsoring and fighting for a strong bill.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew Myers
Restore the Voting Rights ActBecause every American has the RIGHT to vote, and some In government want to make it possible to buy a gun and hard as possible to vote when it should be the other way around.480 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Jerry mitchell
Rep. Costa: Support voting rights“The Voting Rights Act is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed. Last year's Supreme Court decision weakened critical provisions of this act. Right now, Congress can restore those protections by passing this important bill. Rep. Costa should support this effort by co-sponsoring and fighting for a strong bill.”302 of 400 SignaturesCreated by E.A. Leone