• Restore voting rights to former felons.
    After convicted felons have completed their sentence and been released, their return to society should be acknowledged by the immediate restoration of voting rights. Over 1 million felons were denied the right to vote in Florida in the last election. This is not the way to encourage positive and active participation in society.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marsha Shearer
  • Give us back our "Right to Referendum"!
    I awoke one morning with the sun shining through the window as I listened to the early morning dj give the morning news and I heard words that were tantamount to a declaration of war against the residents of the State of New York. "During the night while Registered Voters and Tax Payers slept, Albany took away the Peoples Right to Referendum."
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Diodato
  • Demand the state of Massachusetts investigate and stop the abuse of segregation (Special Manageme...
    For years, inmates have been emotionally abused and tortured by being put in segregation for months and years, which is against the DOC's own regulations of a maximum of 30 days. Administrative Segregation, being made to stay in ones cell for 23 hours a day for months, is also counterproductive to rehabilitation, inhumane, and illegal. It is used, among other times, for the first 6 months of arriving in any facility. The sensory deprivation and degradation worsens the mental and physical condition of the individual who is supposed to be receiving services to return to society a healthier person.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Currier
  • America: Guarantee the Right to Vote for All
    The U.S. Federal Constitution does not guarantee the right to vote for all American citizens. We need a guarantee at the federal level that all citizens can and may, if they so choose, exercise their right to vote and that right may not be abridged.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Diggs
  • Citizens Rights In America
    To The Congress, White House and State Legisture and all who stand up for equal rights for all Citizens of this Country.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clinton E. Stokes
  • Let the People Vote!
    The citizens of Alabama have the right to either vote up or down on the topic of lottery and gambling; thanks in part to the over imagination of the Alabama Supreme Court and the Attorney General, Luther Strange, the people of Alabama are being subjected over and over again to the political tug of war over something that can be settled once and for all by the people.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Wade
  • 3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Taylor
  • non custodial threats to remove a child from custodial parent without probable cause
    my petition is about making a threat illegal. The same level of criminal punishment should be taken into consideration if it were a threat of violence. My petition is to instate laws against non custodial parents threatening to remove a child from a custodial parent without true cause. There should be levels of criminal charges according to how many documented offenses as well. In the end , im here for our texas children who are pulled from great custodial parents. They suffer the most behind the negligence of a non custodial parent abusing texas rights and laws.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keva Scott
  • Invisible, No More: Data Equity for Asian Pacific Americans
    I want to ensure that New York State Agencies Utilize a Standard Approach to Data Collection, Disaggregation, and Reporting on Asian Pacific Americans.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Coalition for Asian American Children & Families
  • Invisible, No More: Data Equity for Asian Pacific Americans
    We want to ensure that New York State Agencies Utilize a Standard Approach to Data Collection, Disaggregation, and Reporting on Asian Pacific Americans.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Coalition for Asian American Children & Families
  • Invisible, No More: Data Equity for Asian Pacific Americans
    Ensure that New York State Agencies Utilize a Standard Approach to Data Collection, Disaggregation, and Reporting on Asian Pacific Americans.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Coalition for Asian American Children & Families
  • Utah Lawmakers: Ban Domestic Drone Surveillance in Utah
    The imminent importation of drone tactics from the war on terror into the U.S.A. is the most perilous development in the world of civil liberties. When combined with high-definition cameras, facial recognition technology, infrared technology that can see through walls, or cellphone interception technology, surveillance drones pose a very real threat to a citizen's civil liberties and rights of personal privacy. Domestic intelligence and law enforcement agencies have no business spying on us in our own backyards. Now is the time to oppose the Dept. of Homeland Security and any other agencies involved in these activities.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sean H