These brave people who videotape and expose the abuse of animals, like cows too sick to walk to their slaughter, so they are forklifted, and veal calves (babies) skinned alive and then thrown, still living, still breathing, still suffering, into a pile to slowly die - are having their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS TO FREE SPEECH VIOLATED by laws by big business that want to curtail their ability to document these atrocities. If these companies are going to abuse these sick animals, skin them alive and torture them, treat them worse than being in a Nazi Death Camp - and expect us to EAT the meat thereafter, then people should be allowed to show the truth of what they are doing. How DARE big business come in and place severe limitations on exposes and their reporters' ability to showcase these horrors!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teresa C. Barnes
    Getting Warren Ballentine back on the Air
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise McCaskill
  • Boycott voter suppression
    The right to vote is essential to democratic government. Those who pass laws to take that right away under the guise of "protecting" legitimate voters are actually trying to subvert democracy. They should be voted out of office.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maryann Pitman
    I am asking you to Repeal of Section 115 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 prohibited Sates from providing Food Stamps (now the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to convicted drug felons unless the State passes legislation to extend benefits to these individuals. This Act denies benefits disproportionately to one group of people with convictions and not others. I want a change to the laws and offer equal rights for Formerly Incarcerated Persons that have served all of their time so that they can contribute to society, work, find housing and not be a continued burden on their families. People can steal millions from banks and are eligible for benefits if needed, they can steal from this agency and are only banned for a period of time. People can murder and be eligible for assistance, but they could have not ever received benefits if they have a drug offense and are ineligible for these benefits if they need it during their lifetime. Who are the people that are targets of this discrimination? **Drug charges and convictions disproportionately affect African American and Hispanics. All people with prior convictions should be made whole citizens after they have served their time, they should have the opportunity as any other citizen with rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We believe that is being denied to them.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bonita
    Ask the Justice Department to look into the consitutionality of the Emergency Manager Law.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MICHEL DUMAS III
  • Shame on CNN: Apologize for Steubenville coverage.
    Yesterday a guilty verdict was handed down in the Steubenville rape case, where a 16-year-old girl was raped repeatedly by boys on a high school football team. The verdict was the beginning of justice for this brave young girl, but CNN's coverage was awful. The entire CNN panel, including Candy Crowley, reporter Poppy Harlow and legal analyst Paul Callan focused on what a tragedy this was for the boys and what a shame it was that their lives had been ruined. It was as if the rape was some sort of unfortunate accident and they hadn't committed a very serious, invasive, and, for the survivor, life-altering crime. CNN didn't focus on what this verdict meant for Jane Doe. It only focused on sad reflections of the "destroyed" lives of these boys that were caught raping a girl. This is wrong and CNN owes us all an apology. Can you add your name to the petition?
    131,464 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet
  • H.A.R.P.: Homeless Bill of Rights for Delaware
    Homeless people Are Real People too(H.A.R.P.) is a community organization comprised of people experiencing homelessness, former homeless, and advocates to end homelessness. We are working toward the development and passage of a Homeless Bill of Rights to protect individuals and families, eliminate criminalization, and support the dignity and humanity of the homeless.
    249 of 300 Signatures
    Created by H.A.R.P.
  • Let my people live: Male? Female? You tell me
    The laws currently written in the state of Tennessee state that with or without surgery, the gender on your birth certificate cannot be changed. That is wrong. No one should have to go through life being labeled something they aren't.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Levi Michael
  • End the Patriot Act
    The far reaching intrusions of the Fedral Government should be repealed and returned to what the constitution intended.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Holmes
  • Take PA To Court
    In the last election Democrats got over 50% of the vote and less than 33% of the legislators because of gerrymandering. That means an R vote is 2x more effective than a D vote and that's unconstitutional. There's no point worrying about anything else until we fix this, because we don't have any power this way. We should put our efforts and funds into suing for equity instead of trying to lobby R's that don't care what we say because they know our votes don't count.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Schaffer
  • Violation of our Rights in Pennsylvania
    Two things that are facing the Voting Public of Pennsylvania right now are the GOP attempting to change the way OUR VOTES are counted in the Electoral College and also our most profitable agency in Pa. the Lottery and outsourcing it.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward
  • Gay marriage
    It is time for a new civil rights movement . Same sex marriage needs to be the law across the U.S.A. . I am a gay man . I have been with the same man for 22 years . We want equality that is mentioned in so many laws . Even mentioned in the pledge to the American flag . We want justice for all ! Why are WE singled out as not good enough for the justice ...?
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donald Ray