• Leaving a Legacy for Equality
    As a LGBT Native American in South Dakota, served by the tireless efforts of Sen. Tim Johnson, it’s important for our senator to leave a lasting legacy of legal marriage equality that will protect and defend the rights of all LGBT citizens in South Dakota and the United States. Please join me in inviting our senior senator to make one more stand for doing what’s right for all citizens of the United States.
    529 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Alfred Walking Bull
  • 100% Youth Voter Pre-Registration Now
    Each year, thousands of California youth leave the locker-lined halls of high school, diploma in hand. But they'll be missing something important: a voter registration card and information on how to vote. The Millennial Generation is unique; with the brush of a touchscreen, young Americans are more plugged-in, informed, engaged and involved than ever before. Voter pre-registration engages them with our democracy, encouraging these informed voices to participate. Hawaii, North Carolina, Florida and Maryland are among a growing number of states that allow any future eligible voter to pre-register to vote at age 16. At 18, these pre-registered voters are added to the voter rolls. Voter pre-registration has little-to-no fiscal impact and no particular burden on election officials, but boosts voter registration rates and participation. In California, SB113 has been introduced to implement voter pre-registration. It needs your support!
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FairVote Action Team
  • 100% Youth Voter Pre-Registration Now
    Each year, thousands of Colorado youth leave the locker-lined halls of high school, diploma in hand. But they'll be missing something important: a voter registration card and information on how to vote. The Millennial Generation is unique; with the brush of a touchscreen, young Americans are more plugged-in, informed, engaged and involved than ever before. Voter pre-registration engages them with our democracy, encouraging these informed voices to participate. Hawaii, North Carolina, Florida and Maryland are among a growing number of states that allow any future eligible voter to pre-register to vote at age 16. At 18, these pre-registered voters are added to the voter rolls. Voter pre-registration has little-to-no fiscal impact and no particular burden on election officials, but boosts voter registration rates and participation. In Colorado, HB1135 has been introduced to implement voter pre-registration. It needs your support!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FairVote Action Team
  • 100% Youth Voter Pre-Registration Now
    Each year, thousands of Washington youth leave the locker-lined halls of high school, diploma in hand. But they'll be missing something important: a voter registration card and information on how to vote. The Millennial Generation is unique; with the brush of a touchscreen, young Americans are more plugged-in, informed, engaged and involved than ever before. Voter pre-registration engages them with democracy, encouraging these informed voices to participate. Hawaii, North Carolina, Florida and Maryland are among a growing number of states that allow any future eligible voter to pre-register to vote at age 16. At 18, these pre-registered voters are added to the voter rolls. Voter pre-registration has little-to-no fiscal impact and no particular burden on election officials, but boosts voter registration rates and participation. In Washington, HB1279 has been introduced to implement voter pre-registration. It needs your support!
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FairVote Action Team
  • Tell Sen. Carper to support marriage equality now!
    ***VICTORY!*** Sen. Carper has come out for Marriage Equality! Sen. Tom Carper has announced his support for marriage equality. Thank you for signing this petition and for making your voice heard! ------------------- Only a handful of Democratic U. S. Senators do not support marriage equality for same-sex couples. Unfortunately, Delaware's Tom Carper is one of that tiny minority. My marriage to my husband should be treated equally under the law, and the same is true for other same-sex couples throughout our state and nation. Please send Sen. Carper a clear and simple message--It's time to support marriage equality.
    264 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ezra J Temko
  • Boycott Online Slavery Video Games and remove www.anno1777.com.
    Boycott Online Slavery Video Game that aims to reintroduce slavery. Anno1777.com is an online game that uses images of African Slavery to advertise their product. Players can also capture and trade slaves for real money. That is a dangerous thought because in real life slavery innocent people are beaten or killed if they refuse to work for little or no pay. Boycott and sign the Petition for removal of anno1777.com. The boycott address is https://www.facebook.com/events/505224176200464/. A second petition address is: http://itsyourad.com/s/?uri=2013514B2044C4456. Governmental Agencies: We requested that you block the domain http://www.anno1777.com from your country. Spread the word by forwarding this message to 10 of your friends. Supporting this boycott and petition puts you one step closer to ensuring that you or some one you know does not fall victim to human trafficking. Your support is appreciated, Sulaiman The WordSmith
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sulaiman The WordSmith
  • Jim Gerlach support marriage equality and repealing DOMA now!
    Dear Rep. Jim Gerlach According to the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), the so called Defense of Marriage Act, forces the federal and state governments to deny same-sex couples 1,138 federal rights and benefit. It is time for you to stand up for the US Constitution, and the Equal Protection Claus, and support repeal of the discriminatory law that is DOMA. Stand up for equal rights under the federal law for the same-sex couples in the USA.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jared Monteith
  • Protect Citizen Privacy From Drone Surveillance
    Petition in support of LD 236 "An Act To Protect the Privacy of Citizens from Domestic Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Use"
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Paul Drinan
  • U.S. House of Representatives: Don't Criminalize Using the Internet
    It's a slap in the face. As people across the country demand reform, some members of Congress are actually trying to make our computer laws even more harsh. Many people will have heard of our friend and colleague Aaron Swartz, who tragically killed himself at the age of 26 while facing prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) - an outdated law that heavily criminalizes victimless online activities like violating a website's terms of service--that long fine print you "agree to" but never read. Aaron's supposed crime? Downloading too many academic articles from a site to which he had legitimate access. But law enforcement threatened to put him in prison for decades -- because that's how over the top the CFAA is. But instead of fixing the CFAA, some members of the House Judiciary Committee are now pushing a bill that will expand the CFAA, and create even harsher penalties. This new law would heighten penalties by creating the possibility of up to 30 years in prison for certain broadly-defined offenses. It would make it easy to be considered a conspirator -- meaning you wouldn't have to actually commit a crime to be punished the same as if you had committed one! The whole Internet is calling for Congress to fix the CFAA because it stifles innovation and can even imprison activists and innovators like Aaron. (And could easily have been used against Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and countless others.) This is an awful affront to the cries for justice in the wake of Aaron's passing. Please help us beat this thing down!
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Segal
  • Joe Manchin: Support Marriage Equality
    Joe Manchin, with his history of walking the fence of partisanship is still yet to make a statement in regards to marriage equality. It's time to be on the right side of history.
    1,275 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jason Lockart
  • Senator Mary Landrieu: Take A Public Stand In Support Of Marriage Equality
    Don't let Louisiana be the last state to join the marriage equality revolution, have Senator Mary Landrieu take a stand.
    1,432 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Reed Fox
  • Tell Sen. Bill Nelson to support marriage equality now!
    Only a handful of Democratic U. S. Senators do not support marriage equality for same-sex couples. Unfortunately, Florida's Bill Nelson is one of that tiny minority. Please send Sen. Nelson a clear and simple message--It's time to support marriage equality.
    5,184 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Heather Daneshgar