• Congressman Gallego: Support Marriage Equality
    The United States Supreme Court is currently considering the rights of same-sex couples to enjoy the same responsibilities and privileges as opposite-sex married couples. Polls indicate that the American public supports marriage equality, and it is important that public officials affirm their support as well.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Steven G. Kellman
  • Representative Pete Gallego: TAKE A STAND
    Now is the time for all good Democrats to come to the aid of of our brothers and sisters who cannot be married simply because they are the same sex. The Supreme Court will rule soon on both DOMA and Proposition 8, either striking down discriminatory laws against same sex marriage or letting this prejudice continue. ASK REP. PETE GALLEGO TO TAKE A STAND FOR EQUAL JUSTICE!
    8 of 100 Signatures
  • Urge Bennie Thompson to stand publicly with District 2 in support of equality for all Americans!
    Support for marriage equality in Mississippi has nearly doubled in the past 8 years. It's time to make sure the rest of the country, and our Supreme Court, understands that Mississippi is moving forward! Especially in the light of the poor press exposure Mississippi recently faced regarding Amendment 13, let's stand together in urging Rep. Thompson to publicly voice our district's support for equality of ALL Americans!
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mandy Robbins
  • Private Room for Breastfeeding Mothers
    My grandson's mother, as well as numerous friends have been directly affected by the criticism of society for the natural act of nursing a baby. If this offends so much then there should be a private area (other than the restroom) to feed their babies
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley McKendree
  • Allow same-sex couples at St. John's prom
    Saint John's is an all-male high school in Worcester County, Massachusetts. They do not allow same-sex couples to attend semi-formals or proms. As an Alumni of Saint John's I would like this policy changed. I want all my fellow Pioneers to have an equal access to all of the experiences Saint John's offers. This is the second petition on this issue. The first was taken down.
    1,503 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Will
  • Vox Populi
    Compulsory Voting for all Citizens 18 and older.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Tobias
  • SouthernConcept of "FAIR AND EQUAL"
    YES !!!! The national belief "THAT JUSTICE IS BLIND" Has absolutely no meaning in Alabama . !! When Federal Judges openly permit "PURJERY" in their court; With knowledge of it's occurrence ; and state civil court judges , hearing your case :Tell you not file because you can't win ; Because and only because you are of "COLOR" and are fighting the "WHITE" establishment . Even the "Alabama Bar Association". Refuses to hear your "DOCUMENTED" complaint.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Jefferson
  • Voting Irregularities in Waukesha County, WI
    Votes in Waukesha County have been under scrutiny for several elections. Some people went to jail, some are barred from holding the Clerk's office, but things have not changed. The judges in power are there because of these tainted elections. I have seen and photographed tampered voting materials. We need Jimmy Carter to help effect a change.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C.
  • Mr. Giles should resign Saline County Commission
    Mr. Giles used the terms like "niggerigging and "colored" folks to discuss Saline county business. He thinks it is appropriate to use these terms. He apologized for using the term niggerigging By saying he meant Afican Americanized. Some of his best friends are "colored" he said to show he is not prejudiced. He is living and thinking in another century. He is unfit to serve as a commissioner in Saline county Kansas today, where I pay taxes.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liz Wilson
  • Stop the hurt: Petiton against bullying
    I Have been in South Eastern School District all of my life, and there are very many children there who are bullied everyday. Such as myself, I have been devastated with family loss, and I am made fun of for not having a mom. I think bulling should be put to an end, so join me and my petition to end it today.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kara Lynn
    I want people to stop bullying people and help me put an end to bullying because I was bullied in school and I want it to stop .
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ashley
  • Their debt to society is paid.
    A felon who has done his time is forever paying for his mistake. They loose many of their rights, rights guaranteed them under our constitution. They have 'OFFENDER' stamped across their state I.D. and not just sex offenders. The way the system is set up makes it almost impossible for them to find employment, in turn leading them back to crime in order to support themselves.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Jo Ryan