Stand with equality for all.All Americans are equal under the law. However in the matter of marriage, some people are denied this civil right based on who they are. A majority of Americans support ending this discrimination, and are speaking out in favor of marriage equality. Support for marriage equality is growing rapidly.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marlo Dullum
Fathers Who Care: Granting Fathers Equal Rights to their ChildrenSince I do not have physical custody of my son, I have no rights and the mother will not let me see him. No father should have to deal with this and this petition could help fathers get equal rights after birth and proof of DNA. Lets help fathers who care!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wilson Rodriguez
Support Religious FreedomA friend of mine, an ordained minister, went to register with the State of Virginia so she could perform marriages. She was told that Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli had sent out a directive stating that only religions he approved of would be allowed to perform marriages in Virginia. No one should be able to tell people what religion they can follow - Not in the United States.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Caggiano
A bill to exclude Arkansas residents from the NDAA provision 1031The Arkansas legislature should enact a law to effectively nullify and exclude Arkansans from the NDAA of 2012 from provision 1031 wherein american citizens can be indefinitely detained.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JOSHUA M HUCKABA
Gov. McDonnell: Restore Voting Rights to People with Felony ConvictionsIt's been tough telling my sons why their dad can't vote I made some mistakes when I was younger that have stripped me of my right to vote. You see, I was arrested for a fight when I was 16 and convicted of a felony drug possession when I was 29. I'm now 40 years old and I haven't been able to vote for most of my life. I'm also a single dad who is trying to set a good example for my boys. I'd really like to have a chance to show the that I care about the world around me and that I can do something to make it a better place. Governor Bob McDonnell said in his annual State of the Commonwealth that he believes in second chances and that he supports automatically restoring voting rights to people with felony convictions who have done their time and paid their fines. But the House of Delegates killed a bill that would have made that a reality. Now I'm asking Gov. McDonnell to sign an executive order that would allow people like me to get a second chance and be a part of our democracy. --Darrell Gooden648 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Darrell Gooden
Change the LawYou might not believe it, but in Michigan, you can be fired for being gay. Republican politicians like Jase Bolger and Bill Schuette aren’t interested in changing this - in fact, since taking power they’ve launched numerous attacks on the rights of anyone who looks, acts, or loves differently than they do. Write your lawmakers today to tell them you believe it’s wrong that Michiganders can be fired for being gay, and that you support amending the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation.1,928 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Progress Michigan
Tell Sen. Casey to support marriage equality now!***VICTORY!*** Sen. Bob Casey changes heart, comes out for Marriage Equality! Thanks to your tens of thousands of calls and emails, Sen. Bob Casey has announced his support for marriage equality. * * * Only a handful of Democratic U. S. Senators do not support marriage equality for same-sex couples. Unfortunately, Pennsylvania's Bob Casey is one of that tiny minority. Please send Sen. Casey a clear and simple message--It's time to support marriage equality.12,882 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Michael Morrill
Marriage Equality for AllIf you agree that our U.S. Senator, Mark Pryor, needs to step forward for equal justice for all and support marriage equality, please sign this petition. Marriage is a right that deserves equal protection for all, straight and non-straight.1,595 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Dee Ann Newell
Privatize MarriageEnding the licensing and regulation of marriage by government, and ensuring that laws will not differentiate between, or apply to, personal relationships.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rowan Millar
Keep Hoosiers Deciding Indiana Political RacesStudents who attend college in Indiana for nine months of a school year should not be allowed to partake in state elections. HB1311 would prohibit this. Tell your Congressmen and Governor Pence to vote Yea on HB1311.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Debra Cusck
Senator Heidi Heitkamp: take a public stand in support of marriage equalityFolks in North Dakota want Senator Heidi Heitkamp to take a public stand in support of marriage equality as the Supreme Court gets ready to decide the future of Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act. Will you support this please; everyone deserves equality no matter who you love, same-sex or not.806 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Jammie
Same Sex MarriageOpponents of same-sex marriage claim that marriage for the purpose of procreating and/or raising a family , they must not allow marriage between a man and a woman who are unable to, choose not to, or are too old to raise a family. The point is, they will never demand that, thereby they are being highly hypocritical.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by George Streissguth