Give Back The $11billon To Mental Health Care!My son and thousands more need help, this also includes Veterans! Their homeless and families are helpless! Help me fight for their rights and hold the Government responsible! Thank You, Gayla Joe- Huckaby5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gayla Joe - Huckaby
Free Jon Hammar! He Fought for You, Now It is Our TurnJon Hammar is an ex-marine who was on his was down to Costa Rica, when he was arrested on the Mexican border after being told by the US border officials that he would not have any issue. He has since then been charged with a serious offense, with a great deal of cloudiness surrounding the charges. He is now being held in a jail supposedly run by a drug cartel where his life is constantly threatened.96 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julian Falgons
John Henry Lawson, Civil War HeroJohn Henry Lawson was an African American who won the Medal of Honor for his actions aboard the USS Hartford at the Battle of Mobile Bay on August 5, 1864. For a significant portion of his life, Lawson lived in Camden, New Jersey. He also chose to be buried in Jersey soil. With the 150th commemoration of the Civil War currently taking the NJ Sesquicentennial Committee has elected to exclude John Henry Lawson from its list of New Jersey Medal of Honor winners, Also, Lawson, who was an African American, is the only MOH winner excluded by the committee. We want Lawson's name added to its roll of MOH winners.80 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. James Johnson
FIGHT RIGHT TO WORK & EMEG MGR LAWThe Republicans in Michigan have move on the Right to Work Law which is actually the right to less pay, the right to less or no retirement and the right to get fired with no explanation. The emergency manager law is destroying democracy when your vote is taken away by a dictator.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by MICHEL DUMAS III
Same Sex Marriage in UtahI support making allowing same-sex marriage in Utah and making sexual orientation a protected class. I have been affected by this with some of my jobs here in Utah but no one will help me fight against it because sexual orientation is not a protected class here in Utah.77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brady Jensen
same sexs getting merryed.Leting gays get marry.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by sara
End 'Stellar Wind' Program Spying On U.S. CitizensIt is long past time to end the secret Stellar Wind' program (OK'd by President Bush after 9/11) that the NSA/FBI uses to conduct surveillance of US citizens internet communications/e-mail. The program was exposed by Whistle-blower Wm Binney! This program is clearly unconstitutional but far from it being ended by President Obama at this time, a huge storage facility is currently being completed near Boulder CO for storing data from this ongoing program! !5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Neil Hunt
Immigration & Same Sex CouplesMy partner is Australian. She cannot apply for residency in the US based on our relationship. We are therefore forced to spend longer periods of time out of my country than in it. Thousands of same sex couples face the same dilemma. A dilemma not shared by straight couples whose marriages are recognized federally.300 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Diane Sullivan
WI Act 10 Anticollective Bargaining LawWisconsin Act 10 essentially eliminates collective bargaining for general public employees, but allows public safety employees to be exempt. The lack of the right to bargain does not preclude the existance of a right to be treated evanhandedly as employees. The employer cannot have it both ways. When corporations are deemed to be people for the purpose of campaign contributions (US Supremem Court Citizens United case), unions should be deemed to be people too. It should be a constitutional right to assemble into a union and be able to bargain with your employer, public OR private. .402 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Larry Legro
No change to Pennsylvania's electoral-vote system.Senate Majority Leader of Pennsylvania, Dominic Pileggi, is proposing to change the state's electoral college system, so that it would give a clear advantage to Republicans.1,023 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Richard L. Weber
Governor of MichiganA vote for or a signature on the Right to Work legislation in Michigan is a vote against not just the unions, but all middle and lower income workers, and against democracy as we know it in the United States. I have lived in countries without the worker rights we did possess. I know what an impoverished and exploited working class looks like. I know that workers in right to work states make significantly less than workers in other states. I know that workers in right to work states have 53% more worker related injuries than workers in other states. It sickens me to see you, the Governor of Michigan, dismantle worker rights in Michigan.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by lavinma
End Un-Equal US Citizenship; Puerto Rico's Un-democratic StatusThsi Petition is about ensuring individual civil rights for all under our American Flag; advance our representative democracy; protect civil rights. The 2d Class US Citizens (American Veterans) residing in the US Terriotory of Puerto Rico can't vote for their President, in Federal elections; don't have just representation in Congress nor a perment US Citizenship if born in Puerto Rico. After 115 years, Congress hasn't done anyting to change this un-democratic status; ensure equal US Citizenship!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dennis Freytes, US Army Retired