Antonin Scalia: Recuse YourselfSoon after the Supreme Court agreed to hear cases on gay rights, Justice Antonin Scalia made inflammatory and insulting remarks comparing homosexuality to murder and bestiality. Antonin Scalia should recuse himself from the cases dealing with California's Proposition 8, and the Defense of Marriage Act. See story at http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/2012/12/11/32163/571 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Kenton Gardner Shaffer
Tell Obama: Speak out on Prop 8 at the Supreme CourtPresident Obama has said same-sex marriage is fine by him, but the Supreme Court will consider a more fundamental issue than that: whether Prop 8, and possibly state bans on same-sex marriage nationwide, violate the guarantee of Equal Protection under the U.S. Constitution. The Supreme Court often asks the Administration for its views on cases, and the position of the Department of Justice carries significant legal weight -- so we need the President and the DOJ to weigh in. As attorney Ted Olson commented on December 7th, 2012, "...given the stand the president of the United States and the attorney general of the United States made with respect to marriage equality, we would certainly hope that they would participate...I think that, given the position that the government has taken in the DOMA cases and the reasoning that they have used in filing their brief would apply with great effect in our case, the Perry case, as well." President Obama and the Department of Justice can fulfill this request by filing a friend-of-the-court brief arguing that a state ban on same-sex marriage violates the U.S. Constitution. With the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments in March 2013, and the civil rights, respect and dignity of potentially millions of same-sex couples on the line, we need the President to lead and speak out.116 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Adam Bink
Stop Serving Chick-Fil-A in the West Cafe!As we all know, Chick-Fil-A is a hateful organization. They have openly spoken out against the rights of LGBT citizens and have donated to organizations who promote beliefs similar to those of CFA. Unfortunately, my high school still serves Chick-Fil-A in their West Cafeteria.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alec Camhi
Tell Scalia to apologize to homosexualsJustice Antonin Scalia recently compared homosexuality to murder in a speech at Princeton University.105 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mary Jane Akel
Take Back Dishonorable and General Discharges from Don't Ask Don't TellDon't Ask Don't Tell resulted in general and dishonorable discharges from the military that led military personnel to lose their employment, veteran status, veteran benefits, medical benefits, and ability to apply for unemployment benefits. Veterans have been subjected to insults, such as needing to repay their college assistance received from the military for their service. Now that we have recognized that our LGBT military personnel deserve our respect and admiration, regardless of sexual orientation, it is time for us to undo the wrongs against these veterans and offer a formal apology.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Erin Lavery
no RFID tag implantspresident obama has signed off on a bill that will require all Americans to be implanted with RF ID tags. he claims this to be for health benefits. however we should not have to subject ourselves to that kind of invasion of privacy. if this goes on, in 2014 every newborn child will have this tag implanted at birth.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christian Duncan
U.S. Business's enslaving overseas workers8th grade Social Studies: freeing the slaves. But what about those workers who are slaves in other countries because US business practices? Many fashion companies are producing overseas where people are treated like slaves. Computer Co. 14 hr. work days/6 day weeks Here, we pay high dollar for those items when workers should get better compensated.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JudithFerraro
Legalize recreational use of marijuana.It's time to stop spending money to keep it illegal and tax it; Creating jobs and lowering national debt.665 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jenna
Federal Justice for Kenneth Chamberlain Sr.On November 19, 2011 68 year old Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. was shot and killed by members of the White Plains Police Dept. He accidentally triggered his life aid pendant which he wore around his neck because he suffered from COPD and a mild heart condition. He had committed no crime. The entire incident is captured on audio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5MSP48NH4U Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUwNHZr_nUM Part 2 When acting under color of law the City of White Plains and its elected officials have made it very clear through the lack of a criminal indictment in this case that it is ok to mock, taunt, use expletives and call a man a nigger before killing him and that the word NIGGER was used as a tactic to distract the victim.26,325 of 30,000 SignaturesCreated by Kenneth Chamberlain Jr.
Federal Spouses of Same-Sex Marriages Need ID cardsI am a Federal Government employee stationed in South Korea and have a military ID card so I can enter the bases, commissaries, and post exchanges, on the bases. My same-sex spouse has been denied an ID card even though "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has been repealed. This means he can't shop on base to buy groceries and his personal needs at the PX. He must wait in the car while I stop. This is total discrimination toward spouses of gay employees.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Ball
Repeal the Mondale ActI raised my Granddaughter from birth, and was working on my Masters Degreee. I had never been in trouble with the law. Child's mother signed her rights away to avoid a drug test, and CPS came into Private Christian School and removed Haley and threw her into Orphan adoption. I found CPS policy Procedure Law 1230 enacted 4 months before Haley was taken, CPS testified under oath that there was no 'eminent danger' ...testified they took her "Because they werent sure I would take her to her follow up appointment at the dentist." This deposition is Public Record. I wrote to State authorities about the Court proceedings, and the Judge was so angry at me for standing up to him that he adopted Haley out to strangers. I raised her for 6 + years, and some strangers decided that she would forget me if they cut off all contact with her and I. There was no eminent danger, no charges. In addition to Repealing the Mondale Act, we need CPS reform. Thank you for listening. Katie Caldwell164 of 200 SignaturesCreated by katie Caldwell
Preserve the 4th Amendment.The 4th Amendment to the constitution of the United States has been attacked from mostly conservatives who weaken the protections it affords from overzealous law enforcement agencies. The war on drugs, and now terror, have dealt serious blows to the protections that are as important as the 1st Amendment is for fee speech!!8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hanns Barker