Security in SchoolsGun control and school shootings need to be dealt with. For someone to walk into an elementary school and shoot children is disgusting. We need to come together and show Washington that this is something we will not stand for in this country. Something must be done, NOW. Government has one true responsibility and that is to protect the people of this country from threats foreign and domestic, its time they start to focus on the domestic side.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Futterman
Rehire meteorologist Rhonda LeeMeteorologist Rhonda Lee from the Shreveport-based KTBS-TV was fired after responding to a racist facebook comment about her hair style.1,750 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jacob
Impeach Justice Scalia Now!As the Supreme Court prepares to hear landmark cases regarding gay marriage, it is painfully obvious that justice Antonin Scalia should recuse himself based on his deeply held views which make him unfit to rule on these cases. He has recently equated homosexuality on the same moral plane as murder.First, let’s stipulate that people are entitled to be crackpots. They are entitled to hold absurd viewpoints; and in the United States, thanks to the First Amendment, they are even entitled to express them. But an associate justice on the United States Supreme Court has to play by different rules. We elect presidents and members of Congress precisely because of their political views; but we appoint judges only if we believe they will make every effort to transcend them. If they cannot or will not, it’s Congress’s job to take them out of the game. In Justice Scalia’s case, the time for that drastic action has long since arrived.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Best
Supreme Court Justice Scalia Recuse YourselfJust days after Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia shockingly equated homosexuality with murder in an appearance at Princeton University, another troubling revelation has emerged: Scalia’s son Paul, a Roman Catholic priest, has served as chaplain for the Arlington, Virginia chapter of Courage, an official Catholic apostolate that ministers to people with so-called “same-sex attractions” — or what the rest of the world refers to as lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. In an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Michael McGough writes that Paul Scalia’s anti-gay beliefs are so extreme that he isn’t even willing to concede the fact that gay people exist: He has written: “We must always distinguish the person from the attractions. Most errors in this area come from the reduction of the person to the attractions: to say, ‘A person who has homosexual attractions must be homosexual.’ This reduces the human person to the sum total of his sexual inclinations.” The last time I heard that frighteningly dehumanizing lie was when I was undercover receiving “ex-gay” therapy at the Bachmann clinic. No joke. McGough also points out that when the Vatican acknowledged the reality of homosexuality, it too earned the wrath of Scalia the Younger: In a 2005 article in the magazine First Things, Paul Scalia warned against the labeling of high school students as “gay” and even took the Vatican to task for using the term “homosexual person,” which, the younger Scalia said, “suggests that homosexual inclinations somehow determine, which is to say confine, a person’s identity.” Of course, this is a straw man; psychologists and other who speak of a gay identity don’t argue that “gay” is an exhaustive description of an individual’s personality traits, only that there is more to being gay or lesbian than participation in sexual acts. Courage, the “ministry” that Paul Scalia was affiliated with, uses a 12-step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous to encourage Catholics struggling with “same-sex attractions” to suppress their sexuality and live totally celibate lives. It’s essentially a Catholic version of the widely-discredited “ex-gay” programs, just wrapped in a more subtly-colored bow. As I read McGough’s op-ed I couldn’t help but be reminded of the lyrics of a song from the legendary musical South Pacific: You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear, you’ve got to be taught from year to year. It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear — you’ve got to be carefully taught. . . You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late — before you are six or seven or eight — to hate all the people your relatives hate. You’ve got to be carefully taught.156 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Gerald Tolomeo
Defend free speech at La Trobe UniLa Trobe University is attempting to victimise several students who were involved in a campaign of peaceful civil disobedience against cuts to the La Trobe Humanities and Social Sciences department468 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Danica Cheesley
Pass the Uniting American Families ActMy partner lives in Indonesia, and I cannot bring him here thanks to DoMA. Please repeal DoMA and support the United American Families Act.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eric Berlin
Agent Orange Birth Defect ChildrenIn 2008 Congress has passed legislation (PUBLIC LAW 110-387 SECTION 408) to provide comprehensive health care for the birth defect A/O children of Vietnam combat vets exposed to Agent Orange.. Five Years LATER, the VA has STILL NOT provided the care legislated by Congress in 2008. They stall and verbally tap dance for year after year. My mission with this petition is to EMBARRASS the VA bureaucrats into simply obeying federal law PL 110 387 SECTION 408. I will do so, or bust a gut. All help appreciated. Ron Nesler 812 270 06991,147 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ron Nesler
Antonin Scalia: Recuse YourselfSoon after the Supreme Court agreed to hear cases on gay rights, Justice Antonin Scalia made inflammatory and insulting remarks comparing homosexuality to murder and bestiality. Antonin Scalia should recuse himself from the cases dealing with California's Proposition 8, and the Defense of Marriage Act. See story at http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/2012/12/11/32163/571 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Kenton Gardner Shaffer
Tell Obama: Speak out on Prop 8 at the Supreme CourtPresident Obama has said same-sex marriage is fine by him, but the Supreme Court will consider a more fundamental issue than that: whether Prop 8, and possibly state bans on same-sex marriage nationwide, violate the guarantee of Equal Protection under the U.S. Constitution. The Supreme Court often asks the Administration for its views on cases, and the position of the Department of Justice carries significant legal weight -- so we need the President and the DOJ to weigh in. As attorney Ted Olson commented on December 7th, 2012, "...given the stand the president of the United States and the attorney general of the United States made with respect to marriage equality, we would certainly hope that they would participate...I think that, given the position that the government has taken in the DOMA cases and the reasoning that they have used in filing their brief would apply with great effect in our case, the Perry case, as well." President Obama and the Department of Justice can fulfill this request by filing a friend-of-the-court brief arguing that a state ban on same-sex marriage violates the U.S. Constitution. With the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments in March 2013, and the civil rights, respect and dignity of potentially millions of same-sex couples on the line, we need the President to lead and speak out.116 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Adam Bink
Stop Serving Chick-Fil-A in the West Cafe!As we all know, Chick-Fil-A is a hateful organization. They have openly spoken out against the rights of LGBT citizens and have donated to organizations who promote beliefs similar to those of CFA. Unfortunately, my high school still serves Chick-Fil-A in their West Cafeteria.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alec Camhi
Tell Scalia to apologize to homosexualsJustice Antonin Scalia recently compared homosexuality to murder in a speech at Princeton University.105 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mary Jane Akel
Take Back Dishonorable and General Discharges from Don't Ask Don't TellDon't Ask Don't Tell resulted in general and dishonorable discharges from the military that led military personnel to lose their employment, veteran status, veteran benefits, medical benefits, and ability to apply for unemployment benefits. Veterans have been subjected to insults, such as needing to repay their college assistance received from the military for their service. Now that we have recognized that our LGBT military personnel deserve our respect and admiration, regardless of sexual orientation, it is time for us to undo the wrongs against these veterans and offer a formal apology.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Erin Lavery