• 88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelley
  • human rights vs corporate rights
    The rights granted to corporations have become more powerful than those of the citizens of the Republic. Legislation is needed to affirm the supremacy of citizens in this country.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gonzales
  • Save Our Children!
    The gun lobby cares more about access to weapons of mass murder than the lives of our children. It's time we amended the Constitution and put in place a nationwide ban on access to and ownership of the weapons of mass murder that have put our children in constant mortal danger.
    432 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Robert Pokress
  • Stop Selling Automatic Weapons & their Ammunition
    Tired of a government that won't stand up to the NRA? Tell the President & the Congress that civilians should not be allowed to own military weapons. Civilians should not be able to purchase ammunition for military weapons. And tell them to make it a crime if negligence leads to your weapon being used to commit a crime.
    463 of 500 Signatures
    Created by JC Gilman
  • Require Training and Testing to Possess a Firearm
    This petition is intended to show your support for a mandatory, Federal training, testing and licensing program for the possession of a firearm. Your signature shows your support of this proposal. We require training, testing and licensing for everything from beauticians, to doctors, lawyers and even driving cars, but we do not require this to possess a firearm. We need this change. Before a license is granted, people need to prove, through training and testing, that they can control both themselves and a firearm. Requiring a firearms possession license does not violate the 2nd Amendment. People need to prove they are competent enough to be granted the right to bear arms.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Teags
  • Stop the Interviewing of Traumatized Children!
    The news is flooded, today and other days, with news of school shootings and violence. While many want to know the relevant facts, the practice of interviewing children on camera is unethical and lacking in integrity. These interviews are re-traumatizing and exploitative of children for purposes of "entertainment". Urge the news media, both local and national, to stop this practice of interviewing children at crime scenes.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Visible Child
  • Re-Enact The Federal Assault Weapons Ban
    The Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired in 2004. Assault Weapons are manufactured for rapidly firing at human targets from close range. It should be a top priority for the safety of Americans to re-enact the Federal Assault Weapons Ban as a positive step toward keeping our citizens safe, our law enforcement safe, and our children safe.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Klotz
  • Ban Online Gun Sales
    Gun purchase is too easy and to many times guns fall into the wrong hands. Guns and ammunition should not be sold online. The only way that anyone should have access to the purchase of a gun and/or ammunition is through a rigorous face to face sale and background scrutiny. Look at all the young lives that were lost in the elementary school shooting. How could a 20 year old get access to such a gun - easy just check online - anyone can purchase any type of gun without any type of background check. Sign this petition and ask our President to ban online gun sales.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathy
  • Ban on assault weapons NOW
    The killings in Newtown CT today were a preventable tragedy. Assault weapons should be illegal in the United States.
    692 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca
  • Gun control/metal detectors
    We need to keep guns off the streets and away from children, there is no reason a child or a teenager should be able to get there hands on a gun...also I think there has to be metal detectors in all schools asap.Something has to be done...
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jill
  • Enough is Enough!
    I do not know about anyone elses feeling but I am so tired that our children are paying with their lives the decisions the adults have made!There has to be something done about the Guns in America! This is so Insane! I do not care what the Politics are or the Financial gain or loss! We need to stop this Insanity NOW! How many more times does this need to happen? How many more lives will be taken? We need GUN CONTROL! Not partial but FULL in your face GUN CONTROL! Please do something or tell us what to do! Twenty Children and 7 adults died needlessy today! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hazel E Wyche
  • Enough is Enough!
    I do not know about anyone elses feelings but I am so tired that our children are paying with their lives the decisions the adults have made!There has to be something done about the Guns in America! This is so Insane! I do not care what the Politics are or the Financial gain or loss! We need to stop this Insanity NOW! How many more times does this need to happen? How many more lives will be taken? We need GUN CONTROL! Not partial but FULL in your face GUN CONTROL! Please do something or tell us what to do! Twenty Children and 7 adults died today and IS so Senseless! There is and never will be any rhyme or reason for ANY of this!Could anyone even come close to imagining how YOU would feel if this happened to you! No! So we need to React NOW not later our Children are counting on us! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hazel E Wyche