Congress: Ban Assault Weapons NowThe 27 murders by semi-automatic pistols in CT dramatize, once again, the need to ban assault weapons. Every US citizen is at risk of being murdered in public by a madman using such weapons. You, I or anyone could be next.201 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Bill McCarthy
REAL Actions Towards The Gun Control Problem - Not FantaciesThe problem with "fantasy petitions" such as the recent one "Gun Control. Now." by Staci S. (and other similar ones) and realistic proposals if concerned individuals - and their legislators - truly wish to take positive action.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Larry Staton
The Real Contributor to Violence?Addressing the gaming software industry and their contribution to the senseless violent gun deaths of innocent people. While I have not been directly affected it bothers me that our son, like most people, does not accept the emotional numbing affect of the numerous "games" with violent killing by gunfire.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Cox
Gun Control NOW!!!!The excuse of 2nd Amendment Rights is a falsehood. Maybe if it pertained to Muskets would be more valid. Guns should be as rigid as Auto Insurance rules.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Calloway Simmons
If you want my vote: TAKE A STAND FOR GUN CONTROLEnough already. Politicians, take note: from now on, if you want my vote, take a stand for gun control. Period.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brett Shoelson
Keep my rights to bare armsKeep guns2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by joy
New Hope: Common Sense Gun ControlIn light of the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook, CT and the increased perception of public violence involving guns (in particular those crimes involving high power firearms capable of automatic or high rate burst discharge), it is time to reestablish a common sense approach to gun control, regulation and ownership. This petition calls for a re-examination of gun control policy and protocols but in no way is meant to inhibit legal, responsible owners from their rights. Protection of our future generations within reason and responsibly should be a top priority as a nation.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chris Rubin de la Borbolla
Westboro Baptist Church coming to CTWestboro Baptist Church is coming to CT to picket at the funerals of the children and adults who were murdered on Dec 14th at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. This group hates all people. Gays, soldiers, etc... It celebrates murder and death in every way shape and form.251 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Nanci Wylde
The Second AmendmentThe enormous amount of US citizens that are legal owners of firearms do follow all of the federal and state laws and guidelines for owning firearms. There are less than 1 % of all crimes that are committed by legal gun owners. Do not punish the innocent law fallowing citizens for what the law breaking and criminals do.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stefanie Baron
Speech Control. Now.In July of 2012, a video was posted online that led to worldwide riots with protests, violence, and even deaths. More than 50 people have died in the violence resulting from the trailer to a film. The protests echoed violence from cartoons several years earlier where violence once again resulted in deaths.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Phil McKracken
Keep our Rights IntactAs a law abiding person in possession of a permit to carry a concealed weapon, I fear the outcome if Washington makes things any harder for those of us who want to do the right thing, just because of a few law breaking crazies9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cathy Coleman
Gun Control does not workGun control does not work. Children need loving home environments and school environments to teach them to be kind to one another, and that violence does not work. Stop the violent TV programs and video games to begin with. Guns don't kill people, people do, and if they did not have guns, they would use knives, clubs, their hands or whatever else they can find. An armed populace has prevented many crimes and the right to bear arms is essential in a free country.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. Melba Mosely