• Driving while black
    A Black American may be driving in a neighborhood where White Americans live and a white policeman stops him feeling that he has no business being there. I understand that freedom allows a person to travel any where he wishes without driving while being black. I do not know why these racist policemen can feel that they can disrespect citizens the way they do especially when they have not broken any law? I may be driving a new Mercedes and wearing ragged jeans. This causes the cop to think that I have broken the law. The policeman needs to go some sensitive training all over this country especially in the southern areas of this country.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James
  • Stop the massacres; ban automatic weapons!
    I am a first grade teacher and I say enough is enough! Call all representatives and ask them to sponser and vote for a bill that would ban all automatic assault weapons.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Torrez
  • protect our schools
    We protect our property, our banks, our cars. Why are we not protecting our Children in school. Why are schools not protected better. Ask the parents that lost their children if we could do better at protecting that which is most precious to us. This unbelievable tragedy could only have been prevented by the shooter's mother or a well protected school. Access to our schools is too easy for all the wrong people.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vinicio Colon
  • Don't leave us defenseless!
    I live in a rural community and there are more and more break-ins every day. I have to be able to defend myself and my family!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Stonebraker
  • Protect the Majority
    Tighten Gun Restrictions
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harriet Vines
  • Institute State Gun Licensing Similar to Auto Licensing
    In our current political climate, the 2nd Amendment will not be repealed. However, the Supreme Court will likely not interfere if individual states apply licensing requirements similar to those required to operate a motor vehicle. Since individual states control gun licensing, I am asking my state to take up the matter, and institute a reasonable set of prerequisites for gun ownership.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Taaj Jaharah
  • No fame for murder
    I worked in a television newsroom for over 39 years.We can report the news without showing the picture of a murderer or speaking his or her name. Let's take the fame out of murder.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne goodman
  • Limit personal gun ownership.
    The United States is #1 in gun ownership of all industrialized countries. The U.S. far exceeds all of these countries in gun violence and homicide. Statistics show that gun owners are not more secure but actually more likely to die by gunfire. Ask Congress to pass a law banning personal ownership of firearms except for those with a special permit to hunt. Hunters will be allowed to own only weapons designed for hunting.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Harkins
  • Tax Florida "Business Churches"
    In an atmosphere of tax cuts and service reductions - fire stations and school being closed - churches remain tax free. While using the same infrastructure that tax paying businesses and taxpayers use - roads, police, firefighters - churches are exempt from paying taxes. Some churches are clearly for profit business that make money off of their members. These "business churches" do not contribute to the economic well being of the community nor help support the infrastructure. This petition seeks to gain support for a constitutional amendment to the Florida constitution requiring any church that makes over a 33% profit above its demonstrated operating costs and charitable work to pay taxes like other businesses pay. This is NOT an anti-religion action - it is a pay your fair share action. Please sign and pass along and look for the FaceBook group - Taxing Florida "Business" Amendment
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Blonsick
  • Strengthen gun control laws to ban assault weapons
    All of America is anguished by the killing of little school children. We must act now--- before it happens again and again.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by roselle luciano
  • The General Assembly and U.S. Congress: Repeal the Prohibited City of Norfolk, Virginia At Large ...
    Repeal of those provisions of the city charter relating to prohibited at large city council election of mayor, a voting member that diluted African-American voting power on council. It passed the General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Mark R. Warner on March 28, 2005, SB1174, which is Chapter 893, and HB2739, which is Chapter 897. See: Collins v. City of Norfolk 883 F.2d 1232: 1989 U.S. App. LEXS 12398, in which the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the District Court by mandate to enjoin at-large elections for City Council and from implantation of a new plan until approved by the Court. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOxlNbFmdb4&feature=youtu.be
    5 of 100 Signatures
  • Gun Security
    Gun Security Warning. Maybe even requirement of gun owners to lock and secure their guns, while not is use.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Young