Counseling for Racist Tweeter During President Obama's SpeechI call on the University of North Alabama to require immediate and regular counseling for the student who posted racist Tweets before allowing him to return to campus or classes.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Josh T
THIS IS NO LONGER AN "ISOLATED INCIDENT", IT IS A PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE!Friday’s school massacre in Connecticut is a national tragedy. It marks the 19th mass shooting in our country within the past 5 years and 31st school shooting since Columbine in 1999! This is no longer an "Isolated Incident", it's a Public Health Issue!8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charn Robinson
Online BulletsJust loving and having children breaks my heart for those that are now mourning their babies, young or old. Let families grow old all together without such heartache.101 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Valerie Elias
Union families for common sense gun controlAs members of America's unions, we reject the NRA's claim that union members support its destructive agenda. We are teachers, nurses, first responders, builders, information workers, government workers, and others who believe that our nation should act now to end the senseless slaughter in our community.259 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lane Windham
Demand for safe schools for childrenThis petition is in response to the massive slaughter of 28 innocent children and teachers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday, December 14, 2012, by a deranged man who had access to guns and went on a killing spree in this school.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joan M martin
Ban Assault Rifles NowAs a high school student in 1999 the mass shooting at Columbine was seared into my brain. It literally gave me nightmares about going to school. As a high school teacher now, I still face the fear of a mass shooting each day I go to work. Don't we all? After all the workplace, school, mall, theatre and church mass shootings, there is nowhere left that feels safe. I'm not suggesting something so extreme as banning all guns, but I think most sensible people agree that assault rifles are terrorist weapons of mass destruction, neither useful for sport or self defense. Let's join together to honor those children and teachers at Sandy Hook and ask our leaders to ban assault rifles! Stop the mass shootings!12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brea Wiblemo
gun control periodsemi automatic guns should not be owned by anyone who is not a policeman, or in the military.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by vivian reynaldo
Arm all citizens to stop crimeThis position will arm all productive members of society. If one is fully employed in a private sector job and has completed high school with at average grades they will be provided with a handgun and ammunition allowance by the federal government. This will end crime. Police forces can be reduced and jail populations will drop. The courts have proven incompetent and corrupt so a board of machinists or dairy farmers will determine if victim was correct in his use of weapon to preserve order. No lawyers will be necessary in the process and they will be required to enter the work force in a non parasitic vocation determined by machinist and dairy farmer board. Please pass this on! Marc13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marc Murawski
Ban on Assault weaponsThe tragedy in Sandy Hook should have touch every American heart . Private citizens do not need these Assault weapons to protect their homes nor do deer hunters need Assault weapons to hunt game. These weapon were made to kill peoples and it's time that we get them out of our streets and communities . Call on President Obama and congress to decree a total ban on Assault weapons in this country .1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott
More security in our children's schools!After Friday's events at Sandy Hook elementary, our schools need more security in place! I cannot imagine being one of the parents at Sandy Hook walking away with out my child. It is time to take action and do what we can to stop anymore violence in our schools! Clearly, schools are a target at this point, and as my children's protector I will do what I can. Please sign this petition and help protect our children!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Krista Smith
Require insurance for gun ownershipWe propose a practical method to keep the second amendment right to gun ownership, while protecting society from accidents and senseless shootings.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stewart Thomas
NRA-"Not Relevant Anymore"We must break the grip of the gun lobby on our nation's leaders. Our civil right to live in a safe & sane society is now more relevant than the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. There needs to be reasonable restrictions on gun ownership including full & thorough background checks.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven Gilmer