New gun registration and inspection lawsLet's keep guns out of the hands of anyone but licensed owners by promoting secure storage and yearly accountability inspections and background checks.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Bottalico
NO MORE ASSAULT WEAPONSIt's time to collect and destroy all assault weapons and huge ammo clips in our country (except police & military) and close gun show and private sale loopholes.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by P. A. Anderson
STOP THE VIOLENCEWe are all heart sick over the killing of twenty innocent children and the adults who tried to protect them from harm. If bullets and assault rifles were not so readily available perhaps we could reach the mentally ill and help prevent such violence. The solution has to start somewhere....let is start now with each of us.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jane St. John
STOP THE VIOLENCEThe episodes of violence in our community is obvioious. Gun control is not the answer. We need to control the culture of violence in this country. Children do not need to learn that "killing" is a game or a sport. Violent videos, movies and sports need to be controlled....not guns.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Bono
Strict Laws against violence in movies,video games and music including subliminal messages having...our culture of violence which is sweeping across this globe!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ruth bullard
Right to Protection from Gun violenceNineteen mass shootings in five years--no action. The typical gun rights advocates respond in the same way--more guns are the answer, any gun control represents a violation of their 2nd amendment rights, do not politicize the tragedy, and then we're stuck again. I propose to change the debate. One's right to own a gun does not supercede other's rights to be protected from gun use and gun violence. Therefore, I propose national "Protection from Gun Violence" be presented throughout the country as a potential Amendment to the Constitution.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr.Tim McManus
Dear N.R.A.: Help Us End the ViolenceWe've all heard the National Rifle Association's slogan that "Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People." But after all the mass shootings deaths that America has suffered recently, even the N.R.A. must admit that while guns by themselves don't kill people, guns certainly make it easier for one person to kill an awful lot of other people very quickly. I experienced the helpless terror of someone threatened by a masked gunman with a semiautomatic weapon when one entered my place of employment in fall 2010. Fortunately, that young man chose not to kill anyone but himself, but I don't think that more guns would have helped the situation. If we'd all been armed and had all opened fire on the gunman, we probably would have just wounded or killed each other accidentally.229 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Meg Eastwood
Congress: Ban Assault Weapons NowThe 27 murders by semi-automatic pistols in CT dramatize, once again, the need to ban assault weapons. Every US citizen is at risk of being murdered in public by a madman using such weapons. You, I or anyone could be next.201 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Bill McCarthy
REAL Actions Towards The Gun Control Problem - Not FantaciesThe problem with "fantasy petitions" such as the recent one "Gun Control. Now." by Staci S. (and other similar ones) and realistic proposals if concerned individuals - and their legislators - truly wish to take positive action.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Larry Staton
The Real Contributor to Violence?Addressing the gaming software industry and their contribution to the senseless violent gun deaths of innocent people. While I have not been directly affected it bothers me that our son, like most people, does not accept the emotional numbing affect of the numerous "games" with violent killing by gunfire.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Cox
Gun Control NOW!!!!The excuse of 2nd Amendment Rights is a falsehood. Maybe if it pertained to Muskets would be more valid. Guns should be as rigid as Auto Insurance rules.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Calloway Simmons
If you want my vote: TAKE A STAND FOR GUN CONTROLEnough already. Politicians, take note: from now on, if you want my vote, take a stand for gun control. Period.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brett Shoelson