• Dear Sensationalist Media: Accept Responsibility
    This peition focuses on how the media's constantly sensationalizes tragic events such as the Newtown school shooting massacre. It calls for them to evaluate their reporting tactics & accept some responsibily for perpetuating these horrific events.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Grochowski
    Why does the United States allow so many gun related crimes and deaths to occur? We are alone in the world of civilized societies. We have become an outlaw country - supposedly in the name of civil rights.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Rupe
  • Ban Assualt Weapons for use by Civilians
    I live in Paducah Ky where the Heath High School shootings took place.This must stop. Our Humanity demands it.....
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Harmon
  • Save Social Security without cutting benefits
    Save Social Security by removing the income cap. People who make more than $110K pay no additional SS tax, yet most of these people will still collect benefits. Remove the cap.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gina K
    "Our second amendment rights are long overdue a reevaluation. How many more senseless and entirely PREVENTABLE shootings have to occur before we do something about Gun Control. As a citizen and constituent of this great country, I am asking that you take a firm stand and make a positive change by restricting access to guns and saving lives
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mozart Chevalier
  • Health Care and Gun Violence Intersection
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Champlion
  • Ban high capacity military type assault weapons.
    Keep high capacity military type assault weapons out of private citizens hands, along with Hi velocity Hi impact ammunition designed to mutilate and destroy human flesh. The Second Amendment did not anticipate machine guns nor did it anticipate television, special effects and vidio games that desensitize the weak minded, mentally ill or distraught towards suicide or mass murder. Hunting rifles and revolvers should be sufficient for hunting and self-defense.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JOHN SORG
  • Scalia Must Recuse Himself From Supreme Court Deliberations on DOMA and Prop 8
    Judge Scalia has openly stated over and over again his contempt for GLBT issues, and has compared Marriage Equality to "murder." Enough is enough. This biased judge, who has made it clear that his biases are more important than the fairness of the law, should recuse himself NOW for any deliberations on DOMA and Prop 8.
    5,594 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Brandy Harris
  • Direct decedents of Native American tribes
    Neglected children of native tribes. We are direct children of enrolled tribal members who are discriminated against from our own people. And abandoned by the federal government by allowing the enrolled people of the tribes discriminate their own people as they press their grievances on a federal level. There are programs and benefits set a side for us but with out regulation from the B.I.A. They the enrolled tribal members with hold from us. We just want to know why only half of all tribes in America are considered native where as the direct family members born to a enrolled father is not enrolled or born to an enrolled mother are not enrolled are not considered native by there own people. And the government lets this blatant discrimination endure? Why do we get left out because of a rule the government created to divide an conquer our people? In New York where were from dead beat dads go to jail. Why do they have the right to discriminate? But at the same time complain on how they the enrolled members have been wronged? And this all has to go thru on a federal level. Thank you to all if any who will respond and help us with our epic challenge that lies ahead of us.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Ficek
  • Gun control!
    I truely believe the only one who needs a gun is a police officer. I mean you have these crazy people running around with guns killing our children. How many more people have to die before this stops.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen
  • End the sale of malicious video games such as "Call of Duty, & Black Ops"
    People should be concerned about the sale and advertisement of these games because it desensitizes people, especially our children, to being cold blooded murderers.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Willie Mays
  • Ban assault weapons
    There is no need for assault weapons in everyday life. When the 2nd amendment was crafted we had muskets that fired 1 or 2 shoots, not assault weapons that can kill 20-30 people at one time. The military, swat teams, etc... should be the only ones to have them. Then lock them up when they are done. We have all been affected by what has been happening in this country.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald C Medeiros