EQUAL SACRIFICEmiddle class America2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by EQUAL SACRIFICE
Don't Demolish Stmford's Commuter Parking GarageThe current plan by the CT Dep't. of Transportation (CT DOT) is to allow a private developer to develop a mixed-use, for-profit project on the site of the current public garage for commuters at the Stamford train Station. The developer WILL NOT have to provide ANY PARKING SPACES for commuters. Instead, the CT DOT will build a new garage for commuters FAR AWAY from the train station. Hearings on the plan are not being adequately publicized; in fact no signs are ever posted in and around the commuter garage to inform commuters about the hearings.Hearings are held with little or no notice, and citizens are not even allowed to see what the developers' project is, thus they do not allow for "hard look" at the project because the project remains a secret! I am a commuter who parks at this station and has been unable to attend the 2 hearings that have occurred, because I don't have adequate notice, and am unavailable at such an early time, when I, and most commuters are still working. Unfortunately, this lack of attendance at hearings is being interpreted by the CT DOT as lack of opposition to this scheme. Commuters will be very upset to learn that their commuter garage is about to be demolished, and that some developer is about to make a lot of money on a secret real estate development deal with the CT DOT!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Zoila Atencio
Tell the media it's time to leave the people of Newtown aloneThe media coverage has been non-stop since the terrible events of December 14th at sandy Hook Elementary. The people of Newtown, Conn, are dealing with prying reporters as they try to grieve. As the holiday's approach, the media needs to be respectful and leave these people alone.67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Isaac Gonzalez
Equal Rights for Men in Divorce ProcessI signed this petition to the House of Congress and Senate and to President Barack Obama for the entire country because we live in a land where EVERYONE should be treated equally. In divorce process men are being treated unfairly by the family laws. Men should be given equal rights in divorce process. There are men who are good husband, good father, good provider and good citizens but when it comes to divorce men are treated like 4th class citizen. The kids and the father have to suffer for the consequences. It is dangerous. I am affected by the very unfair family law and my kids and I are suffering because of that. How many times do we hear a mentally unbalanced person or a nut case was raised by a bad father? But we do hear a lot more often that a killer was raised by a single mother. We as a good father, good provider and a good person deserve a fair chance. But that is not the case, when it comes to divorce the wife’s attorney takes her case like an automobile accident victim because the attorney know it is a win win situation but the husband is asked several thousand dollars as a retainer., Why is that? Because the divorce law is discriminative towards men and it needs to be changed We need to be treated fairly.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sulwan Rehman
Prayer IN ALL school settings, classrooms and enviromnetsLet's put prayer back in our school systems. Our county was founded on the words In God we trust.This statement is on every piece of currency we have yet we do not stand by this statment. It is nessassary that we stand on faith as the united people we pose as16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie Swims
A LICENSE TO SHOOT?Driving an automobile on the streets of America is a "privilege" not a right. We know that automobiles in the hands of incompetent drivers are dangerous. This begs the question; are guns not more dangerous than automobiles? Still, many of us, object to imposing controls on the use of these dangerous weapons.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Johann Wagener
It’s time to put our mouths where the NRA’s money is!Too many members of congress have been cowed for far too long by the powerful gun lobby – we must join together to give them the encouragement and the backbone to do the right thing. We proved in the last election that when we stand together and speak out, YES WE CAN defeat the big money interests in this country.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by fredi hamilton
the national gun registryThe citizens of the United States of America have the right to know who owns guns in their communities. Whether it be the apartment above you or the neighbor across the street, we have the right to know that a deadly weapon exists within our comfort zone. School officials also have the right to know if a student's family has an arsenal in their home. Police have the right to know if a family member is armed when they approach a home, especially in cases of domestic violence. We have the right to know if a home is safe before we send our children over to a friend's house to play.42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by lucian cucchiarella
Get Cpl Hammar Home for ChristmasRelease the former Marine, Jon Hammar, who is locked up for no good reason in a Mexican prison after he secured permission from U.S. Customs to carry an antique rifle across the border. He then checked in with Mexican officials, who arrested Hammar, threw him in prison, and chained him to his bunk. Let's get him home to his family by Christmas.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ronnie Foster
Impose Gun control in USAReform gun control laws to reduce violence using guns.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Goutam Debnath
Ban All Sales of Guns from Gun ShowsThe biggest loophole in gun sales and background checks is guns old at gun shows.Guns sold at gun shows do not require a background check. Gun show dealers then sell guns without doing background checks.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ann Buran
No More Guns!What are we most proud of as Americans? In the wake of the most nonsensical death of 20 beautiful children, how should Americans stand as a country to the world and our children now?4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Annie