• Ex Felons needs jobs to survive.
    I'm so sick of going and applying for jobs and getting turned down because I have a felony on my background and or a backgroun d that wont clear a jobs standards.. Not all ex felons/ criminals continue down the same path. there are a lot of us that are trying to do right and make an honest buck. there has to be something done about all these jobs turning people like me down from employment. all I'm saying is stop reading a book by the cover and give people a chance to prove themselves.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregory
  • Youth Demand: End Gun Violence Now
    We are four eighth graders from New York City who believe it is time for youth to take a stand against gun violence for the sake of our future. President Obama said Newtown could have been any town. We believe him. Kids should not be afraid to go to school, walk home alone, or lose their best friend to a bullet. We do not want to grow up in a war zone. Kids' voices must matter. Stop gun violence now. Please tell everyone you know to sign our petition! View our YouTube page: www.youtube.com/youthdemand Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DemandVoice Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/YouthDemandEndGunViolence?bookmark_t=page
    2,515 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Tyrrell Moore
  • Stop these Gun Shows
    People that purchase guns at these shows do not have to under go a background check.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Curt
  • Senator Casey: Help Senior keep all their benefits.
    Seniors are struggling to make ends meet in this ecomony. Please help us keep the benefits we have. Don't let the government cut so the rich can get richer and the seniors can die because of lack of food or medine.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Rizzo
  • Ban Automatic and Semi-automatic Weapons
    Automatic and semi-automatic weapons kill people and are not needed to support Second Amendment rights.
    1,757 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joan Mangle
  • keep social security strong
    oppose all cuts to social security and oppose "means testing" for benefits, Keep retirement age at 66
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William York
  • Do NOT cut Social Security Benefits
    Social Security is money that comes straight out of our paychecks. It is based on the money we put into the system from our income, not from the President or Congress. The money we can receive is based on our income so when there's a death, disability and even retirement there is something to help us in those events. It's the money of those that paid into it! Why should the President and/or Congress be allowed to play with our money? My children receive social security from their father's death. This money is calculated based on what he "earned". No more, no less. Without his portion of income it would be an extreme hardship for my family to continue living in a regular household, especially in Maryland where the cost of living is extremely high.
    254 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Amy
  • BAN Assault Weapons Nationwide
    I live 5 minutes from Newtown, where 20 6-7 y-old children were killed. When I heard the news I cried in my car, I thought about my children. What would I do without them. What are these parents who lost their young children are going to do now?
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jordano Quaglia
  • Sane Gun Control Which Creates Jobs & Tax Revenue
    We can preserve the Second Amendment while preventing "over-kill" (by ensuring our neighbors are not stockpiling Nukes in their front hall closets) by treating weapons as we do vehicles.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Dykstra
  • Social Security cuts in any deficit reduction package
    Social Security cuts in any deficit reduction package. The cuts in Social Security are opposed by an overwhelming majority of SignOn.org members and would amount to a cut of more than 5 percent and more as the years go by. For many retirees this would mean critical cuts to benefits that cover medicine, food, and other daily necessities.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by APRIL PECHAL
  • Start the belt tightening with congress
    Congress always talks about too much spending and the deficit is too high. They spend the money and then tell us how we need to sacrifice. they never give up any of their salaries or colas. Everybody should feel the pinch. Especially congress.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert L. Booker
  • The Second Amendment Specifies Arms
    This petition seeks to ban banana clips and drum magazines from private ownership, and make possession a felony. These items feature in mass killings, and they are NOT Constitutionally protected!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by T. Black