• WMIC-Take Rush Limbaugh Off The Air!
    Rush Limbaugh's reprehensible attack on Sandra Fluke, the college student who spoke to Congress about women's reproductive rights, calling her a slut and a prostitute and asking her to make a sex video, should be the end of his on-air career. Let's convince WMIC to kick him off the air in Sanilac County! Local advertisers should pull their commercials as well.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerome Pijanowski
  • Connecticut workers have a right to organize.
    The Koch Brothers and others are trying to block home care and child care workers in Connecticut from democratically voting to form a union and to collectively bargain.
    395 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Tom Swan
  • Gov Haley: SC Can't Afford a Million Dollar Law Suit Over Voter ID
    South Carolina’s new law requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls was blocked by the U.S. Justice Department, which said it would “significantly” burden non-white voters. In February, SC Attorney General Alan Wilson filed suit against U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder over this ruling. The litigation could cost cash-strapped SC more than $1 million, according to two South Carolina attorneys who have practiced before the U.S. Supreme Court.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kitty Kent
  • Take back the vote.
    The time has come to end the electoral college and give the voting power in presidential elections to the people. People should sign on to end the mockary of our democracy which demeans the value of our intellegence and will as a nation.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Kangas
  • Attorney General Holder: See That Justice is Done
    On February 26, Trayvon Martin was shot and killed as he walked to a family member's home from a convenience store where he had just bought some candy. He was only 17 years old. Trayvon's killer, George Zimmerman (the community's self appointed "neighborhood watch leader"), admitted to police that he shot Trayvon in the chest. Zimmerman, who is white, called the police to report a suspicious person when he saw Travyon, a young black teen, walking from the store. In Zimmerman's words, Trayvon was suspicious because he was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and walking in the rain. Here are the words of Trayvon's mom about what happened next: "When Zimmerman reported Trayvon to the police, they told him not to confront him. But he did anyway. All I know about what happened next is that my 17 year-old son, who was completely unarmed, was shot and killed. It's been nearly two weeks and the Sanford Police have refused to arrest George Zimmerman. In their public statements, they even go so far as to stand up for the killer - saying he's "a college grad" who took a class in criminal justice." Please join me in asking Attorney General Eric Holder to ensure that Trayvon's family gets justice. Please sign this petition to ask AG Holder to order an investigation into the blatant and violent violation of the civil rights of a 17 year old boy.
    9,399 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Eric Lundy
  • We the People will Defend Our First Amendment
    A law has recently been past that limits our first amendment rights granted to us by our founding fathers through the constitution. HR 347 is violating our right to free speech, by not allowing Americans to peaceably assemble in protest where they choose. There are now "Forbidden Speech Zones" where we are denied our first Amendment right of the Constitution This is yet another step in the decline of civil rights for Americans. Please sign this petition and forward it to as many people as possible. We will not standby and have our civil rights taken from us one by one.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caleb Nelson
  • Tell the bullies at Minnewaska Schools this behavior will not be tolerated!
    A twelve year old girl in Minnewaska, Minnesota was targeted by school officials for harassment. When she posted on her private Facebook that a school monitor was mean to her, she was given detention. For asking her friends the next day who ratted her out, she was suspended. Finally, when another parent told the school she was talking to another student about sex, she was intimidated by officials and a Sheriff's deputy to surrender her login information. This harassment must stop!
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leah Somers
  • Grandparents rights in general especially when kids are in CPS care
    Wa. state does not have Grandparents Rights currently. Grandparents should have rights to visitation of their grandchildren in general unless they have records of abuse or neglect themselves. Grandparents should be able to support their vulnerable grandchildren especially in cases when CPS has removed the kids from their parents. CPS says the children have rights to see their family and friends but they don't honor it if the parent doesn't approve visitation. They should place the kids with family and allow all family members interested in helping them be there to support them. The children's civil rights need to be first and foremost in CPS placement and visitiation of children. Restore Grandparents rights to nurture our children nationally and statewide wide. Precious little money is being wasted paying for foster care when families are blocked by Child Protective Services. They also pay for unnecessary childcare when family can help.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Consuelo Alicia Cervantes
  • Gay Civil Union
    In the state of Missouri, gays and lesbians are not allowed the right to enter into a civil union. This affects issues such as family healthcare, parental rights, and end of life concerns. It is 2012. Our society needs to move forward and allow these couples the same rights as everyone else. More and more gays and lesbians are coming out, raising families, and integrating into our social structure. It is time to put an end to bigotry. At one point in history it was illegal for interracial couples to marry. This is no different. Put an end to it. Vote to legalize gay civil unions. Give them the same civil rights. They are a part of our culture.
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Trista Pini
  • Stop War on Doctors and Chronic Pain Patients
    The Arkansas Medical Board is attacking Doctors for Doing There Job and Treating People with Pain. The doctors are emergency suspended if they refuse to abandoned treatment of chronic pain patients. The patients are left with no medical care in life threatening situations by the medical board actions and no options to continue treatment with the few doctors left having long waiting lists and no medical records or referral after their longtime general practice doctor has been attacked and shut down. Chronic Pain is a disease and the Rights of these Patients need to be Protected as the rights of every citizens to be treated for pain as determined by medical doctors not the DEA and government entities. The government needs to acknowledge the epidemic that has been created by the war on doctors and enact emergency protection for the patients and doctors until an independent review can be conducted and a system to protect patients with chronic pain from being denied life saving treatment. If medical records support the need for narcotic pain medication, doctors should be not only allowed but required to provide it without fear of prosecution.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by deb larsen
  • Constitution Trumps UN!
    Our constitution is the foundation of our freedoms. The president of the United States vows to protect and adhere to the tenets therein. The moment he strays from this, he chooses to delegitimize his office. This Petition is to ensure military members are made aware that their Commander-in-Chief has become a domestic enemy of our constitution and has used the authority prescribed him to usurp its authority and destroy the very foundation of our freedom.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Justin Fondriest
  • End mistreatment of American children; Ratify the CRC!
    Three former U.S. Presidents have denied children their basic human rights, and Obama will too unless we demand action. The CRC, The Convention on The Rights of the Child, is an international treaty that has been ratified by every country on Earth except the U.S. and Somalia. The CRC can change childrenʼs lives by finally giving our children their basic human rights. These two children are paying for this: Cristian Fernandez is a 12-year-old boy who faces life in prison. http://www.change.org/petitions/reverse-decision-to-try-12-yo-cristian-fernandez-as-an-adult This 6 year old Texan boy was hospitalized after a school paddling. http://weatherforddemocrat.com/local/x980632247/School-parent-OK-with-paddling Thousands of children in America suffer in similar ways! But Obama has the power to stop this by ratifying the CRC! What does the CRC guarantee American children? •The right to play. •The right to be safe. •The right to practice the religion of their choice. •The right to an education without physical punishment. •The right to be tried as a child, and not sentenced to life in prison without parole. In 1995, President Clinton signed the CRC, but he didnʼt send it to the Senate. It is time for our President to take real action. Obama says heʼs committed to improving the lives of our children. He says he values their well-being. He says itʼs an embarrassment that the U.S hasn't ratified the CRC. Enough talk, Mr. President. It’s time for action! Over 200 non-profits support the CRC, yet a small group of people are afraid of children having rights. They think parents should have 'fundamental rightsʼ over their children, to include the fundamental right to be criminally negligent parents. Here are a few of the crimes that will start to disappear: -Child beatings occur in schools in 19 states more than 200,000 times a year. -Approximately 6 million cases of child abuse go unreported annually. -At least 200,000 children are sexually trafficked across the U.S. annually. . The U.S. is the only country on earth to imprison children for life without parole. -America is the worst offender of child abuse in the Industrialized World. It is time to end the hypocrisy, and give children their rights. It is time for our President to do the right thing. Please also sign our petition on change.org: http://www.change.org/petitions/president-obama-end-mistreatment-of-american-children-ratify-the-crc For more information about... The CRC: unicef.org/crc http://www.childrightscampaign.org/ Corporal Punishment: stophitting.com unlimitedjustice.com Imprisoning children for life: www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/issues/children-s-rights/juvenile-life-without-parole Child Abuse: www.rainbirdfoundation.org Take a Stand for the End of child abuse: rainbirdfoundation.org/takeastand Child trafficking: http://www.notforsalecampaign.org/
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Whitney Trotta