• Do not disenfranchise voters
    This petition is about preserving the rights of all Americans who choose to exercise their right to vote.Here in South Carolina, Gov. Haley has joined others in trying to deny citizens their constitutional right to vote.Being a Black man from the south, it particularly haunts me when I see elected officials trying to suppress voters rights.Too many people have fought and died for this right and privelege, and I will fight tooth and nail to preserve this right.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Simmons
  • Emancipation Day, 151 Years strong
    August 31st. Marks the 151st anniversary of our nations first emancipation day- The signed official military order became known as our nations first emancipation by the premier Emancipator John C. Fremont. To voice our cause to celebrate and remind all Americans that Freedom is a daily battle for economic freedom, civil liberties and to understand our civic rights and responsibilities we ask you to join us in this cause to help educate our Republic. We share this day in hopes to remind citizens that oppression and slavery still exists around our globe and economic oppression is a new form of slavery we must educate and celebrate and expand upon freedom and liberty everywhere.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex "Aleq" Boyle
  • Civil Rights for All Persons
    Civil rights should apply to all persons regardless of sexual orientation/status, etc. Idaho needs to value and respect and value all people.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Anne Hedrich
  • Tell Obama to Veto Bill HR 347
    The House and the Senate just passed a bill that creates a legal go-around to the First Amendment, making it a federal crime to protest at government buildings or gatherings where Secret Service is employed. It now goes to President Obama to either sign in or veto. Tell him to Veto this bill!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cage
  • Unconstitutional practicum of MPAA/RIAA
    The MPAA/RIAA are censoring material distributed to the people of these United States. The MPAA specifically hires a public board who is then kept private, as well as their rules, practices, associations, affiliations, etc. whilst involving the military, heads of church, and a sleu of those who make/distribute/profit off of these movies in the decision making of how films are rated. There are no appeals and they maintain the power to keep what films they wish from release.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Smith
  • Boycott Rush Limbaugh Advertisers
    The tyrades of attack radio host Rush Limbaugh has reached evend a new low that it demands action. Rush Limbaugh recently preached to his cult that Georgtown College student, Sandra Fluke was a "slut" and "prostitute" for supporting recent healthcare legislation for providing the inclusion of contraceptive healthcare despite some right wing religios objctions.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Drew Pearce
  • Allow for Homosexuals to Donate Blood!
    It's time to take a stand and help save lives.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Watkins
  • "Protect Our Right To Vote"
    As a fair nation we must protect our right to vote. It should not be more difficult to vote but more convenient for the people, especially in the difficult times we Americans are living in. This is an issue that will effect us all. Our right to vote is the very thing that makes a difference in everything we want for America.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mia Al-Uqdah
  • Lets put a stop to the Don't Say Gay bill!
    The Don't Say Gay bill would ban the discussions of LGBT issues and limit all sexually related instruction to "natural human reproductive science" in kindergarten through 8th grade. This bill will go to the TN. senate educational committee in a few weeks. The bill violates our first amendment rights, sends the wrong message to our kids and could jeopardize their safety!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Cravens
  • Marriage Equality
    My petition is about everyone being allowed the same rights when it comes to marriage. The rest of the United States is coming around to marriage equality, so Louisiana should join. Love is Love, no matter if it is in a gay, lesbian, and straight relationship.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shanitra
  • Abuse Of Accessible Parking Spaces: Let's put a stop to it now!
    Abuse of accessible parking spaces is a growing problem. The use of handicapped parking spaces by individuals who aren't physically challanged is rampant all over the nation, despite the Americans with Disabilities Act and laws in place to stop parking in handicapped spaces so something else has to be done to stop this from happening. These parking spaces are for people who are physically challenged to ensure safe and equal access to goods and services. Physically challenged people have run out of places to park, as their designated accessible parking spaces because they are being taken by fraudulent people. Every state needs to enforce The Citizen Observer Program, it acts as an extra set of eyes and ears to help deputies keep the community safe while patrolling in the Sheriff’s office jurisdiction. The volunteers in this program patrol the community in Sheriff’s Office vehicles and report suspicious activities to deputies and issue traffic citations to motorist who illegally park in accessible parking spaces. Also, RFID transmitters should be enforced that way they are able to communicate with parking signs to authenticate registered handicap drivers. This way when someone with no tag or using a fake one pulls into a accessible parking space, a light will signal, this will stop the abuse of accessible parking spaces and spaces that are needed to lower van lifts. Van Accessible signs must be changed to "Wheelchair Loading Van". These signs and vehicle license tags and placecards, should also be color-cordinated to identify violators easier. Accessible Parking spaces that are showing International Accessible Parking signs on private property where the public is invited to enter and park, should also fall in the same Accessible parking laws as public property. Something else that should be enforced is the requiring of the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue placards with the holder's photo printed on the placard, strict enforcement of qualifications for physically challenged Placecard recipients where the only way that a placecard is issued is if proven to have total and permanent disability, substantially impairs his/her ability to walk, clarify and tighten the types of impairments that make people eligible for the placards and keep the metered free parking. We as a communitity mandate the same Accessible Parking laws in each state to protect the civil rights of people with physical challenges, who have serious mobility impairments needing these Accessible parking accomodations. As individuals with physical challenges, we have serious concerns about the number of Accessible Parking Placards being given out and the decisive factor used for the giving of these permits. A person with a physical challenge requires an accessible parking space because of its size (accessible parking spaces are larger than the standard parking space) and proximity to daily facilities. These accessible spaces provide vital access to community facilities and services, and support the participation of people with physical challenges .
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linnette
  • Add The Words Idaho!
    This petition is about building support for amending the Idaho Human Rights Act to include LGBT people. People should sign it because currently LGBT people can be denied housing and employment and be otherwise discriminated against and that's not right.
    1,315 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tim Teater