African Americans are decendents from the most dreaded time in America's history, slavery. Banks, corporations and America can trace it's wealth back to the enslavement of African Americans. After never receiving the 40 acres and a mule, (a means of compensation for the free labor that built the wealth of America), African Americans are in a state of poverty, poor education, poor health and permanent underclass status. It is time to give justice, reciprocity, and moral repair to our collective consciousness by granting reparations to our African American citizens.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tahira Ahmad
  • Stop the Ban on Affirmative Action: Say NO to State Question 759
    Oklahoma Legislature just passed a bill that will send an affirmative action BAN to the ballot in 2012. Affirmative action is described as: any measure that considers race, gender, disability, or veteran status that is adopted to provide opportunities to qualified individuals who have historically been denied opportunities and to prevent future occurrence. We do not believe opportunities will be available to some qualified people if this ban is passed.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanine Ridener
  • Rein in the TSA
    It's time to end the overly invasive violations of our freedoms imposed on us by the TSA. The scanners and invasive pat downs are not making us any safer, their effectiveness has not been illustrated at all. Our right to travel has now become a 'privilege' granted by the government. This loss of dignity imposed on us has severely damaged our moral character. We need to tell our elected representatives to stand up to this abuse and make it stop.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Akers
  • A.G. Holder: Strike Down FL's Voter Suppression Law.
    Floridians’ right to vote is under attack–again. What Rick Scott and Tallahassee politicians are attempting to do is change the rules of the game, leaving only their players on the field.
    15,977 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Casey Dayhoff
  • Stop Scott Walker's attack on same-sex couples' rights.
    Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is trying to undo a law that gives same-sex couples a few basic protections like visiting each other in the hospital, taking leave to care for a sick partner, and making end-of-life decisions. This isn't Walker's first anti-gay move. Before he was governor, he vetoed a county resolution to give benefits to county employees' same-sex partners, and he voted for a 2006 ban on same-sex marriage or substantially similar arrangements. Walker claims to oppose the new law on constitutional grounds, saying it violates the 2006 ban. But make no mistake: this isn't a principled stand like President Obama's decision not to defend DOMA – it's a political move by a man who's been undermining equality for years, including on the campaign trail. The new law doesn't violate the ban because it's not remotely similar to marriage; it doesn't even extend basic protections like joint tax filing or adoption. Walker needs to know the whole country is paying attention. Tell Governor Walker: Stop attacking same-sex couples!
    9,144 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Human Rights Campaign (hrc.org)
  • Gone too far: Gov. Walker wants to ban same-sex visitation
    Scott Walker continues his assault on the rights of Wisconsinites. Now he's targeting the rights of same-sex couples to have the most basic and human of experiences - the ability to visit a loved one in the hospital. Let him know that hatred is not okay.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrea
  • Desecration at Wailuanuiahoano
    "Progress" in Hawaii means digging up burials, in this case for a septic leach field. See the arrest video at www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxCp48_rVss. Imagine your parents' or forebears' graves being dug up by a backhoe. Severing their connection to the past is the means to a culture's genocide. Kaiolani and James, acting with the authority of state and local law requiring cessation of digging when remains are found, put their bodies in front of the backhoe and were arrested for their brave act. Their court appearance is May 25.
    461 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Kip Goodwin
  • Petition 888
    About the corrupt, way CPS handles cases, children, parents, and illegally takes children from homes and families without proof or documentation. Anyone who has been treated wrongfully by CPS or who thinks CPS needs to be investigated sign. Or anyone who knows someone that has been wronged by CPS, CPS needs more schooling and investigated They also violate our Civil rights
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Miller
  • Equality for the LGBT community
    All people are equal in our constitution. Our country is sectoral and therefore not governed by a single faith or religion. Religion must never be used as a basis for denying rights for a chosen minority.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ted Larson-Klebes
  • President Obama stop persecuting online card players
    The atty general is waisting millions of taxpayer dollers to harass online poker players who play with small amounts of their own money in the privacy of their own homes.This petition would ask the President to order the justice department to treat the UIGEA (unlawful internet gambling enforcement act) the same as the DOMA (defence of marriage act),a law that is unconstitutional because it violates personal freedom.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Fred Craig
  • End Disability Discrimination in Federal Offices
    Despite reams of legislation that prevents discrimination against the disabled in federal employment, such discrimination continues in many local branches of federal offices, particularly in the United States Post Office. Federal oversight for the protection of employee rights needs to be strengthened.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Kittrell
  • Stop H.R. 3
    The H.R. 3 bill would create a law that women and small businesses provide health insurance covering abortion to pay more on taxes. So a woman would have to provide documentation to IRS, that the abortion was due to forcible rape, incest, a life threat to the mother, OR that the health insurance she has doesn't cover abortions. It would prevent most women from receiving any financial help from health insurance companies for abortion. We should put our money and efforts in sex education and prevention and ASSIST victims of rape and assault, not make it harder. And remember... All this is following a recent budget cut threat to Planned Parenthood.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dragana Drobnjak