• Allow Cigar Stores to Open
    Cigar stores in Dallas County are closed because the businesses are considered non essential. Like liquor, tobacco is a product people have legally used and enjoyed since before the founding of this Country. Curb side is safe for food and liquor, why not tobacco? It is nuance without a difference. When I see 80 cars at Loews and 50 cars at major liquor stores what is the impact of 1 or 2 cars at the cigar store? It is safer! Allowing a customer to order ahead and pick up on a couple of cigars at curb side at a Cigar store is safer than it is to go through the drive through at McDonalds.
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by JAY DAVIS
  • Reopen Pennsylvania Tattoo Studios May 1st
    Ever since COVID-19 it has been affecting us in major ways and forcing people to make tough decisions for their families. We are going through financial hardship. We were promised bail outs through small business loans or grants yet the government has made the stipulations on these grants nearly impossible for our type of business to qualify for the loan to become a grant.not to mention there is no money left for these grants, and a large percentage of the grants went to large businesses and not small businesses. Most tattoo shops, if not all tattoo shops, have been/ will be denied . We have no help when we have been promised help. We are still waiting for an application for independent contractor unemployment. Most of us have gone without making any money for 4 weeks or more. And are looking at another 2 weeks for an unemployment application. Then another 2 to 4 weeks for payment of any kind. The Quarantine was implemented to flatten the curve of the spread of COVID-19 to assure that hospitals were not overwhelmed all the once in to help prevent such a rapid spread . The numbers of infected people is on the decline . We tattoo artists are trained and certified in blood-borne pathogen‘s and cross-contamination as well as many other medical safety and sterility procedures we are just as safe if not safer than most hospitals. tattoo shops are very clean and we take this very serious. This is our livelihood and if we do not return back to work by May 1st many Tattoo businesses will be lost as well as Barbershops, Beauty Salons ,and Groomers among many others. We will not be able to pay our bills, rents/mortgages, Insurances, we have the very potentially of losing everything. We still have to pay our mortgages/ rents and phone bills and gas and electric none of this has stopped for us . Yes, we can postpone them, but they’re not going away! "Some" of us can sustain for a while, but most can't. That doesn’t mean that we are doing OK Governor Wolfe. This is how we pay our bills. This is how we feed our families and we are not getting any help from anyone, nor are we asking for it. We just want to be allowed to return to work, and be able to sustain ourselves. Pennsylvania Tattoo Artist
    630 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jo Santos
  • Open Salons and Spas in PA for one client at a time
    We are able to safely implement precautionary procedures to allow our clients to see us as they’re requesting. This will allow us to save our businesses. With zero income and expenses still coming in most of us can not survive another month.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Ethier
  • Hair Salons/ One Client at a time /Soft Opening April 27
    The survival of the independent beauty professionals is at risk. We are facing grave financial hardship.
    310 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Anderson
  • Stop SF Planning pre-application processes until Shelter In Place has been lifted
    (Español abajo) Currently, the coronavirus crisis has left many in the Mission community without jobs, with many struggling just to pay the rent, feed their families, and to take care of those who have become ill. In San Francisco, the corona infection rate among Latinos is at 25% while the citywide Latino population is only 15 %. Historically, the Mission District has been home to many low-income families and immigrants, many of whom do not speak English and 34% who do not have access to a computer or the internet. To continue with a pre-application meeting in a largely digital format for this major proposed large project at 2588 Mission Street with such a charged history - being burned down three times, one life lost and so many residents and small businesses homeless - is unjust and does not recognize the equity challenges of the community, its history, or the crisis at hand. The process approved by the Planning Department is exclusionary to our Mission community, providing preferred access to those who can afford the technology and are largely unaffected. We ask that the City postpone the pre-application process on all market-rate projects until the Shelter In Place directive has been lifted, a thorough and sensitive City evaluation has been made as to the level of recovery in the community, and a joint decision with community is made that hearings can resume with meaningful community participation. ========================================================= Actualmente la crisis del coronavirus ha dejado a muchos de nuestra comunidad sin trabajo, muchos de ellos luchando para poder alimentar a sus familias y cuidar de los que se han enfermado. En San Francisco, el porcentaje the infección entre Latinos es de un 18% mientras que en la Ciudad entera la población Latina es solo 15%. Históricamente el Distrito de la Misión ha sido el hogar de familias e inmigrantes de bajos recursos, muchos quienes no hablan Inglés, no tienen acceso a una computadora o internet. Continuar con una junta de pre-solicitud en forma mayormente digital en el proyecto de 2588 Calle Mission es injusto y no reconoce las dificultades de inequidad de la comunidad, su historia ni la presente crisis. El proceso aprobado por el departamento de planeación excluye a nuestra comunidad de la Mission, provee acceso preferido a aquellos quienes pueden costear el acceso a tecnología los cuales en su mayoría no se ven afectados. Pedimos que el proceso de PPA en todos los proyectos de vivienda a precio mercadeo sean atrasados hasta que se levante la orden de refugio y la comunidad se recupere.
    611 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Calle 24 Latino Cultural District
  • Hair Salons/One Client At A Time (Soft Opening April 27th)
    The survival of the independent beauty professionals is at risk. We are facing a grave financial hardship. Also believe that our profession helps our clients improve mental wellness with feeling good about their appearance.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valine Marrero
  • Photographers Allowed To Offer Services During COVID19
    Many people find that documenting their lives through photos is very important and with this being spring time and a very busy time of year, professional photographers should not have to turn people away if they would like to take advantage of this service.
    368 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ginny Paiano
  • Hair Salons/One Client At A Time (Soft Opening April 27th)
    The survival of independent beauty professionals is at risk. We are facing a grave financial hardship.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gina Reynolds
  • Pet Grooming is Essential
    Pets are part of the family and need regular care to maintain their coat, ears, nails and overall health. Some pets need regular medication baths to control skin issues or help with their owners allergies. Pets need their nails trimmed so they do not hurt their owners skins. These services need done by professionals to prevent injuries.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tamarind Truax
  • Tattoo Shops/One Client At A Time (Soft Opening April 27th)
    The survival of the independent tattoo professionals is at risk. We are facing a grave financial hardship.
    3,704 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey Abbott
  • Fitness Centers/With Restrictions (Soft Opening April 27th)
    There are several small business gym owners across the United States that may not survive if they do not have the chance to open back up with these restrictions and soon. The key word is in the name, small business means not alot of people at one time anyway. Most small business owners took the leap and used their own money to make that move. Now several will not survive. Please help small business gym owners open back up so we have a fighting chance of surviving and making sure that our communities have a gym to go back to. Alot of small communities rely on the small business gyms to survive.
    6,406 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Randy Fry
  • Tattoo and piercings soft openings April 27,2020
    The survival of the independent tattoo professionals is at risk. We are facing a grave financial hardship.
    242 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tim Casey Aitken