• Discharge the Debt of Corinthian Students
    Many of us had the dream of getting an education that would lead to a better future; instead we were scammed, have degrees that are worthless, and are deep in debt.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Eliason
  • Assemblymember Allen: Please vote Yes on the California DISCLOSE Act
    This month the 2015 California DISCLOSE Act, AB 700, faces its first key test in a vote of the Assembly Elections Committee. AB 700 is crucial to letting voters defend ourselves against the deluge of ballot measure ads from billionaires and other special interests that attempt to buy elections by deceiving voters. AB 700, authored by Assemblymembers Jimmy Gomez and Marc Levine and sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign, will make ads for ballot measures clearly and prominently display their top three REAL funders. No hiding behind front groups with confusing names displayed in fine print. Assemblymember Travis Allen is on the Elections committee. Please sign our petition now asking him to vote for AB 700 to stand with the voters and against Dark Money!
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by California Clean Money Campaign
  • Assemblymember Mullin: Please help pass the 2015 California DISCLOSE Act
    This month the 2015 California DISCLOSE Act, AB 700, faces its first key test in a vote of the Assembly Elections Committee. AB 700 is crucial to letting voters defend ourselves against the deluge of ballot measure ads from billionaires and other special interests that attempt to buy elections by deceiving voters. AB 700, authored by Assemblymembers Jimmy Gomez and Marc Levine and sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign, will make ads for ballot measures clearly and prominently display their top three REAL funders. No hiding behind front groups with confusing names displayed in fine print. Assemblymember Kevin Mullin has already said he'd like to coauthor AB 700. Please sign our petition now thanking him and asking him to do everything he can to help AB 700 pass!
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by California Clean Money Campaign
  • Assemblymember Ridley-Thomas: Please pass the California DISCLOSE Act through the Elections Com...
    This month the 2015 California DISCLOSE Act, AB 700, faces its first key test in a vote of the Assembly Elections Committee. AB 700 is crucial to letting voters defend ourselves against the deluge of ballot measure ads from billionaires and other special interests that attempt to buy elections by deceiving voters. AB 700, authored by Assemblymembers Jimmy Gomez and Marc Levine and sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign, will make ads for ballot measures clearly and prominently display their top three REAL funders. No hiding behind front groups with confusing names displayed in fine print. Assemblymember Sebastian Ridley-Thomas is the chair of the Elections committee, so AB 700's fate is in his hands. Please sign our petition now asking him to vote for AB 700, and to stand with the voters and against Dark Money!
    2,042 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by California Clean Money Campaign
  • Repeal Immunity for Drug Companies Against Vaccine Injuries
    Drug companies should be responsible for their products.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by matthew
  • We Need Toxic Chemicals Out of Our Bodies, Not a 'Free Pass' for Chemical Companies
    I will never know what caused my son’s learning disability. But researchers at the National Academy of Sciences state that at least 25% of all learning disabilities (like dyslexia) and developmental disabilities (such as autism) can be linked to toxic chemicals found in products, in the air, and in our homes. No family should have to suffer through the anguish caused by a disability from a preventable cause like toxic chemicals in every day products. That's why I started this petition. In the United States, 1 in 6 children has a developmental disability. These disabilities are rising every year at an alarming pace, especially for autism (now 1 in every 68 children) and ADHD (now 11% of children). It's time to prevent these disabilities whenever we can. Unfortunately, the federal government is failing to protect us from exposure to toxic chemicals. Of the 85,000 chemicals in use today, only 200 have been tested by the EPA for health and safety and only 5 chemicals have been banned or restricted. It's hard to imagine Congress could make this situation worse, but they are now considering a bill written and supported by the chemical industry which would undermine our already weak protections. Join us in urging Congress to support real reform of our chemical safety laws—reform that truly protects our families and communities.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen with the Learning Disabilities Association
  • Colorado Safe Flooring
    A story was done by 60 minutes exposing the illegal importation and false labeling of flooring products sold by Lumber Liquidators. I want a full investigation done on our local branch. Not only was this story not picked up locally but once the story broke on 60min the local branch put these dangerous materials on sale to try and get rid of the evidence. Hundreds of homes in Colorado now have flooring installed with dangerous levels of chemical fumes emitting from them. This is a violation of state and federal law but because they are a major campaign contributor and large advertising customer of local media stations no one has done anything and now hundreds of people are at risk. These fumes have been proven to cause many illness in children, pets, and elderly adults. The research has already been done and proven by 60 minutes this is not an allegation, it is a fact. Lumber Liquidators must be held accountable for their actions.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chuck Liss
  • Please hold drug companies accountable
    My family member became autistic after a round of vaccines. I have since done research and found many more stories like ours and some with much worse outcomes. It is especially important now that legislation is being pushed to mandate vaccines. If not the makers of the vaccines, and not the healthcare professionals that administer them, than who will pay to care for these families? What motivation do drug companies have to guarantee their safety if they are not legally liable?
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marianne Marks
  • Recall Alan Arakawa
    We the people are taking the power back, no longer will we stand by and allow our elected officials to be bought by corporations that do not have the best interests of the people in mind. We will continue to root out corrupt leaders and vote in new progressive leadership for change.
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Beau Hawkes
  • The Art Institutes (EDMC ) ARE scamming Students & Parents
    In 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Education Management Corporation (EDMC), who operate the chain of Art Institutes, for $11 BILLION! So what about the parents and the 151,000+ students who attended during the years 2003 to 2011, who were innocent of the crimes committed? Would paying back the student loans make them accessories to the fraud? Making these parents and students pay monies that were intended for education, but were used for salaries and bonuses for executives in the company, is NOT in line with our Constitution. Consider THIS: Then-President (and now CEO) Edward West received $1,551,802 in compensation for 2009, $5,486,905 in compensation for 2010, and $6,355,982 in compensation for 2011. Then-CEO (and now Chairman) Todd Nelson received $1,812,996 in compensation for 2009, $3,804,121 in compensation for 2010, and $13 million in compensation for 2011. The year 2006 saw the takeover of EDMC by Goldman Sachs and its private equity partners. Source: Huffington Post article below. I enrolled in the Art Institute of Ohio - Cincinnati, sister college to the Art Institute of Chicago-Illinois, back in 2010 and wasn't able to graduated with a Bachelor in Cinematography. I, like many others, had been lured in by their claims of high employment ratings and being the first, therefore the best, school for Cinematography, and also making a claim of having the largest green screen room in the Midwest. This is far from the truth as many of the courses had only scratched the surface when it came to cinematography and or studio production and failed to provide the tools needed for the professional field, such as having enough equipment for multiple shoots. If there were multiple shoots on a desired day, there wouldn't be enough for different projects. I endured the same situation as Matt Bors in the Huffington Post article saying, "that many of the students in his classes had no talents to speak of, and it was clear that they would not be able to get jobs as artists or designers." This created an atmosphere not of creativity, but of confusion, discouragement, discontentment and low spirits. As they say, "If I only knew then what I know now" I never would have signed up my parents or myself for a $50,000 debt for a lack of education, only to find out that my enrollment directly contributed to the fraud. $11 BILLION seems quite unfathomable to students and parents now burdened by sums that are miniscule in comparison. I have paid money directly from my own pocket, even having financial aid advisers grab me out of classes as if asked to go to the principal's office to pay for this week's courses, contributing to this company's fraudulent action, and I refuse to pay a cent more, or let disciplinary action be taken on myself or my parents. Also, I worked with Career Services to assist with payments, so imagine having to manage coursework, homework, maintaining a part time job off campus, on-site shoots in various locations around Ohio and also work study, and then having watched the "WELCOME TO THE COMPANY" intro video seeing for a brief moment what this company actually does and how they manipulate countless people. There were also advisers who gave me a small insight about the SEQ FUND, which was a student need's basis fund for students who financially couldn't pay for school to tap into that pool of funding. So, if no student asked about that fund, the money from that fund is dispersed among the faculty and staff, avoiding its true intent of helping students pay for schooling. I was also asked to drop from a Bachelor degree to an Associate's to help with payments. I REFUSED, STATING "WHY WOULD I WANT TO CUT MY EDUCATION SHORT?" Also, having lost a family member just as my 2011 course year was beginning, AI offers counseling for students, which was a hotline that only prompts you to press 1 if you're thinking about suicide, which was the last thing I wanted to hear. Also, I have spoken with Bonnie Byrns, a loving heart, but she told me that there wasn't anything she could do to help my situation. I was later told if I wasn't able to find a co-signer, then I would be forced to leave the school on the grounds of non-payment. I was also forced to move out of campus housing due to non-payment and had to live in a camping tent for 4 months trying to reestablish my own place to live. It was a challenge, but I kept my attitude on life in a positive light. The loan companies are threatening wage garnishments. How is this possible when they are accomplices to a HUGE fraud scandal? This scandal has been recognized by the Supreme Court, who then took action against EDMC. Loan agency Sallie Mae, now Navient, was hand-in-hand with EDMC, handing out loans to anyone who asked. So what happened to the $11 BILLION? While a civil court case could prove punitive damages to the ones affected, the least I am asking for is the debt to be lifted for all those in attendance at the Art Institutes from 2003 to 2011. View these articles on the EDMC money scandal, read the comments people have made on these articles, sign the petition, and help out those who have been conned into this scheme. http://www.pdnonline.com/news/The-Art-Institutes--3531.shtml http://www.huffingtonpost.com/davidhalperin/edmc-professors-and-stude_b_1909449.html http://petapixel.com/2011/09/02/us-gov-sues-the-art-institutes-for-11-billion-fraud/ http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/09/education/09forprofit.html?_r=0 http://www.studentsreview.com/specific_detail.php3?uid=3147 Quote from Huffington Post article: "Senator Tom Harkin's Health Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee calculates that 77.4 percent of EDMC's 2010 revenue came from U.S. Department of Education student financial aid." In 2012, an online petition was started by Vaughn Reynolds at Change.org. He sought to unite Art Institutes students at various campuses in opposition of the teacher layoffs,...
    330 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jeshajah Israel
  • Don't Fire the Tyrone public school cafeteria employees!
    The Tyrone School Board wants to subcontract the 38 cafeteria employees who work in the Tyrone Public Schools. It is wrong for the school board to allow an out of town for profit corporation to make a profit off our students! And it is wrong to fire these dedicated employees!
    905 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Harlow
  • Make them post the price, please.
    Hospitals might be the only business in America that gets away with keeping their prices a secret. This prevents competition, drives up health care costs, and leaves consumers in the dark. Hospitals should post their actual prices on the web, just like every other business.
    310 of 400 Signatures
    Created by David Rosenfeld