• Tax SpaceX and Blue Origin so Musk and Bezos can't use public airspace for free!
    In the last few years, SpaceX has caused fires, leaks, explosions, or other disasters near Elon Musk’s $3 billion corporate compound in Texas. A SpaceX launch recently flouted wildlife protections, while burning 7.5 million pounds of fuel, destroying some surrounding wildlife habitats. A New York Times investigation found that Musk’s SpaceX is exploiting federal agencies to achieve its corporate, private space travel mission. Far too often, Elon Musk and mega-corporations like SpaceX believe they can get away with anything. SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin don’t even have to pay the same taxes as airline companies — taxes that fund air traffic controllers and the safe use of airspace. President Biden has called for private space travel companies to start paying up, and now it’s up to Congress to start taxing Bezos’ and Musk’s companies. Sign the petition: Urge Congress to make Musk’s SpaceX and Bezos’ Blue Origin pay their fair share of taxes for private space travel! Musk and SpaceX have pit the Federal Aviation Administration against the Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service, and misled the environmental and wildlife agencies from the very beginning. Every time a SpaceX rocket is launched, the environment and wildlife are at risk. And every time a SpaceX or Blue Origin rocket is launched, these corporations don’t pay the taxes that airlines do to fund air traffic controllers who ensure airspace is clear to prevent collisions. We shouldn’t be handing billionaires even more loopholes to avoid paying their taxes.That’s why President Biden is calling on Congress to raise taxes on SpaceX and Blue Origin. Add your name: Tax SpaceX and Blue Origin now! SOURCES: - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/07/us/politics/spacex-wildlife-texas.html - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/04/us/politics/spacex-biden-musk-taxes.html
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Make HIV treatment accessible for all!
    Despite the fact that there has been significant progress in the healthcare field around HIV treatment, nearly 700,000 people still died from HIV complications just last year. Insurance companies and Big Pharma make their money off of the few people who can afford these expensive treatments and drugs, while those without insurance suffer. The pharmaceutical industry is a multibillion dollar business, and even cutting the price to $40 a year, they'd still make a 30% profit. Gilead has the opportunity to still make a 30% profit. There is medication to extend people's lives and suppress the worst symptoms of HIV, if we can make people's lives easier and better, why wouldn't we? Will you sign the petition to encourage Gilead make the HIV medication Lenacapavir as affordable as possible to all?  Image: Tom Williams, CQ-roll call, Getty Images
    324 of 400 Signatures
  • News media: STOP racism and sexism in your Kamala Harris election reporting NOW!
    Vice President Kamala Harris is a Black, South Asian, daughter of immigrants who has tirelessly advocated for and fought for our communities. She’s fought to raise the minimum wage, to protect our voting rights, to make higher education tuition-free, to reform the cash bail system, to expand access to health care, to hold sexual abusers accountable, to protect our reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy, to protect the LGBTQIA+ community, and so much more.  Harris has a proven track record of putting people over corporations by taking on fraudsters trying to cheat the American people—and winning, successfully going after Big Oil, greedy pharmaceutical companies, and predatory mortgage lenders to deliver wins for working people. This is what the media should focus on instead of racist and sexist attacks. Unfortunately, attacks against Black candidates, especially Black women candidates, are not new. When former Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to the House of Representatives, ran for president, she was not taken seriously. When Stacey Abrams ran, Republicans talked about her relationship status, her weight, they darkened her skin in political ads to rile up their racist base, and so much more. And now, Republicans like Congressman Tim Burchett are calling Vice President Kamala Harris a “DEI hire." We have to call it what it is: A racist dog whistle against Vice President Harris that bigots also use to diminish and discredit Black and brown people, LGBTQIA+ people, and women’s experiences and accomplishments. “DEI'' which stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, is being weaponized similarly to how the word “woke” has been weaponized by bigots. And news outlets stoke the flames, reporting on these statements without providing necessary critical analysis or context regarding the underlying racism and sexism. We must come together to fight back against this.  The truth is that Black women have powered the Democratic Party for years. In 2008 and 2012, 96% of Black women voted for President Barack Obama, providing the margin he needed to win two presidential terms. In 2016, 94% of Black women voted for Hillary Clinton. Black women powered the blue wave in 2018, and 90% of Black women voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020. We can’t sit idly by as MAGA Republicans and bigots continue to hurl racist and sexist attacks and news and media outlets legitimize their most offensive and baseless claims. Vice President Harris has broken glass ceiling after glass ceiling many times throughout her life. But when trailblazing Black women and women in politics like Harris are put in the spotlight, they are far too often subject to sexist and racist disinformation campaigns, made worse by news publications looking for "hot takes" and social media virality for clicks, views, and money. We need news outlets and journalists to be held to the highest standards of integrity, ensuring that they are not spreading harmful misinformation, recklessly sharing racist or sexist commentary that undermines Harris's qualifications, or publishing biased and unbalanced reporting on Harris.  Harris is a beacon of hope and representation for young Black and brown girls and women, not only across the country but the world. MAGA Republicans are afraid of her because they know she will continue to expose their dangerous Project 2025 agenda that will give Trump unchecked powers to eliminate abortion, hurt working- and middle-class people, fire civil servants, and roll back our rights and freedoms while reshaping all aspects of the government. They are afraid of her because they know she will fight for the working class instead of big corporations. So they resort to racist and sexist attacks against her. We can only imagine how low MAGA Republicans will go to discredit a successful, qualified candidate like Harris. But we can and must demand better from independent journalists now to STOP these sexist and racist attacks in their tracks. The media has a significant influence on the public narrative, and journalists have a responsibility to address racism, sexism, misogynoir, and any biases that can influence their election reporting when it comes to Harris.  Will you add your name to the petition? 
    1,971 of 2,000 Signatures
    The two largest private employers in the U.S.—Amazon and Walmart—are using abusive and invasive surveillance tactics to get even richer at the expense of workers’ rights, safety, and dignity. Warehouse workers are being constantly monitored, creating environments where they have no choice but to keep up with inhuman, unsustainable productivity standards. These often result in health and safety risks, with workers reporting they don't have time to use the bathroom because of how fast they are pushed to work. This is unacceptable. Add your name to the petition to demand Amazon and Walmart stop the hyper-surveillance of their warehouse workers that compromises their health, safety, and well-being.
    473 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Alyssa Grinberg
  • General Motors: Withdraw your sponsorship of the RNC & stop funding attacks on our democracy NOW!
    Unfortunately, this is not the first time that General Motors has had to be held accountable for this. In the aftermath of the white supremacist attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, General Motors was part of a wave of companies that suspended donations to election deniers, pledging to pause their political contributions and reevaluate their standards. But in 2021, it was revealed that GM broke its promise and its PAC donated tens of thousands of dollars to reelect lawmakers who voted to overturn the election, making them one of the top corporate donors to insurrectionists. By donating to the RNC, where MAGA Republicans will spew lies, hatred, bigotry, and disinformation, GM is undermining our democracy. The implementation of MAGA Project 2025 under a second Trump term would cause irreparable harm to our country—from sabotaging our electoral process, implementing a national abortion ban, and eliminating Social Security and Medicare all the way up to the complete degradation of laws that protect bodily autonomy and marginalized communities. All protections and regulations are at risk, and if you think you and your community will be unaffected, you're wrong.    Trump claims to not know anything about Project 2025 or who is behind it. That is a lie. Many of members of Trump’s former administration and Trump allies are involved with Project 2025, and in 2022, when talking about the Heritage Foundation, Trump said, “This is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America." Is this really something GM wants to associate with? For years, we've seen Republicans both enable and support Trump as he attacks our communities over and over. And after Trump incited the January 6 insurrection, the Republican Party did nothing to hold Trump accountable, and now, he is about to be chosen to become their presidential nominee. This is what General Motors' donations are enabling. It's unacceptable. They must stop this NOW.  This is what General Motors’ donations are enabling. It’s unacceptable. They must stop this NOW. Will you add your name to the petition?
    36,785 of 40,000 Signatures
  • Help Save Sacred Lands in Arizona From Destruction!
    Right now, Chí’chil Biłdagoteel Historic District of Arizona, a high desert oasis sacred to multiple Indigenous tribes and commonly known as “Oak Flat,” is under extreme threat. Rio Tinto, a UK-Australian mining company — notorious for polluting Papua New Guinea, causing an environmental disaster in Brazil that left 19 dead, and blowing up Juukan Gorge, a treasured 46,000-year-old Aboriginal site in Australia — would destroy the area by carving out a 1,115-foot deep, 1.8 mile-wide crater for strip mining. A coalition of Western Apache tribes and their allies is taking their case to the Supreme Court after the Ninth Circuit narrowly ruled against them earlier this year. It’s the necessary next step in this fight. Still, we’ve seen the Court fail to protect Native rights and the environment before — that’s why we need to work every possible angle to #SaveOakFlat. As the litigation continues, we’re piling the pressure on Congress to pass Rep. Raúl Grijalva's Save Oak Flat from Foreign Mining Act. This bill would reverse the land transfer and permanently protect the area — and building enough support to pass it in the House is one more way to ensure Oak Flat remains sacred and pristine for generations to come. Can you take two seconds to act to uphold tribal sovereignty and permanently protect this sacred space? Urge your Rep. to support and pass this legislation now.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Get Primal Moon on 95.9 The River, and start a Local Radio Hour
    This one is truly for all artists in the area that want to be heard. It's also for people that are not afraid of discovering great new music, in their own backyard. 
    328 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Brunker
  • Unacceptable Living Conditions at Chase Arbor Apartments
    This is important because the condition of property does not coincide with the price of rent . Chase Arbor Apartment complex are scamming people into signing these lease agreements and pay unnecessary fees. If future residents were informed of these issues beforehand, many would choose not live at Chase Arbor. Residents deserve a safe comfortable home to stay in.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Demi Wiggs
  • Want Control Over your PTO hours?
    As many of you are aware, our company has made the decision to discontinue the Paid Time Off (PTO) donation program, a move that has left many of us concerned about the well-being of our colleagues during times of need. I believe strongly in the importance of supporting each other, especially in times of difficulty. The PTO donation program was a tangible way for us to demonstrate our solidarity and compassion for our fellow employees facing unexpected challenges. While the decision to end the program may have been made with good intentions, I believe that together, we can advocate for its reinstatement. Our voices matter, and by joining together to express our support for bringing back this invaluable program, we can make a difference in the lives of our coworkers. I invite each and every one of you to join me in signing a petition urging our leadership to reconsider their decision and reinstate the PTO donation program. By showing our unity and determination, we can work towards creating a more supportive and inclusive workplace for all. Please take a moment to sign the petition and spread the word among your colleagues. Together, we can make a difference. Thank you for your support,   Montrell
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by montrell Bond
  • Stop Instagram AI Integration Policy
    Instagram is going to use your photos, your likenesses, your images, your art, to train their Artificial Intelligence, Meta, without consent or compensation. This will affect artists, who will be out of a job if and when AI becomes advanced enough to create art without human involvement. This will affect people who decide to put their faces on the app, that will have to worry about fake inappropriate photos of them being spread across various platforms. We witnessed this happen with celebrities such as Taylor Swift a few months ago. None of this is acceptable, and we cannot let them get away with this.
    3,286 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Juliet Love
  • STOP the Suffering of Millions to Benefit Insurance Companies
    90% of us will have a parasitic infection or bout at some point in our lives . These infections can cause life threatening health complications.   Please help us, as we have suffered entirely too long. Help us improve the system for you and your loved ones future's. We do this so no one will ever suffer the health problems, isolation, and possible suicide from feeling helpless.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nikki Everett
  • Investigate Dollar General for deceptive pricing practices
    With nearly 20,000 stores across 48 states, Dollar General and other discount retailers have become ubiquitous, particularly in low-income and rural areas. Often, they are the only retail option available, especially in food deserts—areas where affordable food is limited. These fraudulent practices further exploit the very people who depend on these stores the most.  Dollar General's price manipulation isn't just a minor inconvenience; it's a calculated scheme driven by corporate greed that exploits our communities and undermines trust in retail fairness. Our communities deserve better.  Join in fighting for justice and ensure that companies like Dollar General can't take advantage of everyday shoppers. 
    909 of 1,000 Signatures