• Fight back against banking & ATM junk fees!
    Junk fees are squeezing the middle class, taking money out of their pockets and putting it in the hands of big businesses. And these are not small nuisance fees attached to luxury items — Americans are being overrun by junk fees in critical sectors, like banking. Consumers deserve the freedom to bank without the fear of unexpected or unexplained fees surprising them around every corner. It's time to eliminate bogus junk fees! Add your name to demand our government put consumers before corporations.
    31,106 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Soraya Vaezi
  • Fight back against airline junk fees!
    In recent months we’ve seen record numbers of flight cancellations and skyrocketing ticket prices. The way the airlines mistreat passengers and workers alike makes clear: big airline corporations have too much power already. 
We’re tired of paying up for unexpected and hidden fees. While lower-income Americans are already struggling to pay bills, corporations (like Delta, JetBlue and American Airlines) are racking up and expecting record profits. 
 It's time to subtract junk fees from our lives! We've had enough. The time for us to finally tackle corporate greed is now, and this is just the beginning. If you're tired of corporations increasing their fees and lining corporate executives' pockets, sign the petition!
    44,332 of 45,000 Signatures
  • Honoring J. Clark Robinson at Lagoon
    To give back to those who have selflessly given us their all.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Stelling
  • Put people over greed and give writers and actors a fair contract!
    A common misconception is that writers and actors are all super rich, but it couldn’t be further from the truth, which is that 95% of the 160,000 actors with the Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) make less than $25,000 per year, and they need to make $26,000 a year to even qualify for health insurance. And not to mention that the top studio executive made 384 times the average writer the past five years. The reality is that the massive wealth inequality that we see between the ultra wealthy and everyday working people is reflected in the entertainment industry too. Streaming companies make BILLIONS of dollars in corporate profits each year, pay top executives hundreds of millions of dollars combined, while giving writers and actors the short end of the stick. This cannot continue, and this is why actors and writers are on strike. And the impact of the companies' greed is not just causing harm to these workers, it is limiting the stories that come from the communities we need to hear from most. As the industry’s business model becomes unsustainable for emerging writers and actors there will potentially be fewer stories penned by historically marginalized communities. The lack of representation impacts us all—and it’s especially jarring given right-wing attacks on sharing diverse stories in classrooms and libraries. It also just means the range of TV shows we get to see will be worse. It's pretty clear that writers and creators should be fairly compensated to ensure creative talent of all backgrounds can contribute to the quality content we all love. Writers and actors simply want a fair contract, and together, we can make that happen. Sign the petition to tell ultrawealthy entertainment executives to put people over corporate greed and give writers and actors a fair contract NOW!
    854 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Take action to stop Meta’s new social platform, Threads, from spreading hate and disinformation
    We cannot jump from one mishandled, corrupted social platform to the next. Meta needs to listen to the public, establish trust, and address serious concerns from the start if they want to grow this new platform. Sign the petition now.
    920 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Stop turning Facebook into an online junkyard.
    Social media companies have turned the community power of social media into a blizzard of distraction. Instead of bringing us together, social media CEOs keep making decisions that make matters worse. Now Facebook is flooding its users with irrelevant posts that we didn't sign up for. CEO Mark Zuckerberg must reverse this decision and stop Facebook from becoming a total junkyard of useless distraction.
    2,669 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sunjeev Bery Picture
  • Tell Google's CEO: Stop promoting and profiting off of ads from predatory anti-abortion centers!
    Google is well aware of the dangerous and harmful impact that ads from fake clinics have on pregnant people seeking abortion care. Google already came under fire after a report was released in 2021 regarding fake ads about “abortion pill reversal.” But despite their own policies against advertisers promoting “misleading information about products,” they have continued to host (and profit off of) similarly predatory ads. Additionally, they have a policy that clearly states: “if you want to run ads using queries related to getting an abortion, you will first need to be certified as an advertiser that either provides abortions or does not provide abortions. If you are not certified, you won’t be able to run ads using queries related to getting an abortion.” They are clearly not consistently enforcing their own policies.
    21,984 of 25,000 Signatures
  • Tell Google to support freedom of expression of drag and future LGBTQ+ events
    Google boasts about supporting its LGBTQ+ employees, stating “authenticity should always be embraced.” Yet they were quick to cave to bigots who claimed that their optional Pride drag performance was “a direct affront to the religious beliefs and sensitivities of Christians.” If only a few hundred signatures could result in them canceling their sponsorship for a Pride event, what else might they be willing to roll back in an attempt to align themselves with anti-LGBTQ+ extremists? LGBTQ+ people and allies need to show up LOUDLY and STRONGLY in support of LGBTQ+ employees at Google and make it clear that we won’t allow Big Tech to cave to discrimination.
    567 of 600 Signatures
  • Museum of the American Revolution & Marriott: Don’t host Moms for Liberty!
    Moms for Liberty's national convention will bring hundreds of dangerous extremists to Philadelphia and feature right-wing politicians who are a threat to our democracy, including Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The Museum of the American Revolution should never have agreed to host the Moms for Liberty national convention welcome reception. Employees and patrons of the museum agree and have called on the museum to cancel, with over a third of staff signing an internal petition against hosting. The rest of the convention will take place at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown hotel. And unfortunately, this isn't Marriott's first go at enabling Moms for Liberty—they also hosted their convention last year in Tampa, Florida. Our freedom to learn—and to make decisions about what our students and children can learn—is being stripped away by concerted attacks from right-wing parents like Moms for Liberty and Republican legislators dead set on politicizing our schools. It’s no surprise that Moms for Liberty targets LGBTQ+ books and books about race and racial diversity. It's the right wing's latest tactic designed to eradicate conversations students have in the classroom around genocide, white supremacy, gender, and sexuality. The Museum of the American Revolution and Marriott must do the right thing and refuse to host Moms for Liberty.
    40,002 of 45,000 Signatures
  • Starbucks: Let Workers Show Their Pride!
    Starbucks workers will not be silenced. Just this weekend, Starbucks Workers United striked over Starbucks’ hypocritical treatment of LGBTQIA+ workers and their illegal union-busting campaign. 21 stores temporarily closed, including the flagship Reserve Roastery in Seattle. This is historic – there has never been a strike on queer and trans workers rights. Starbucks has built its business on claims of being a progressive company. Yet all too often, its actions don't live up to these proclaimed values. Reports and videos of managers refusing to allow rainbow flags are not the first attacks on the queer workers and customers who help drive their stories. Let's hold Starbucks accountable and make it clear that we're not buying their empty claims to be a good company.
    36,264 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Starbucks Workers United
  • Stand With Trader Joe's Workers!
    Trader Joe's is a company that carefully cultivates a progressive reputation. But over the past few years, we have seen the company culture shift from a workplace with incredible pay, benefits, and atmosphere, to a company with increasing turnover, declining benefits, and stagnating wages. The pandemic put those changes into stark relief as “essential” workers everywhere were asked to risk their health in order to keep the economy going. These two factors—the company’s internal changes and the pandemic—made it clear that we needed to have a say in our workplace, and that a union was the only answer to that need. A union could also bring Trader Joe’s back into alignment with its own core values, the values that had made it a great place to work and shop in the first place. Even though we have won elections in four stores, Trader Joe’s continues to union bust and refuse to bargain in good faith. Recently, Trader Joe’s fired Steve Andrade, one of the crew members in Hadley, MA for completely frivolous reasons. In his termination paperwork, management claimed that a power tool belonged to Steve, and its presence in the store created a safety issue serious enough to warrant firing him. The catch? This tool didn’t even belong to Steve. In fact, the tool was at the store long before Steve started working in Hadley nine years ago. Since we won our first union election, we’ve heard from hundreds of crew members across the country eager to unionize their stores, and we are helping many of them organize right now. But instead of allowing the free and fair elections they promised their workers, or bargaining in good faith, Trader Joe’s has hired a union-busting law firm and is fighting us every step of the way. Trader Joe’s has fired union supporters, threatened and coerced workers, and continues to drag their feet at the bargaining table. We can only win when we stand together in solidarity. Can you take a moment to sign our petition to demand that Trader Joe’s stop union-busting and reinstate workers fired for organizing?
    24,392 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Trader Joe's United
  • Green Amendment Violation
    We’re breathing in dirty air right now which will decrease our life expectancy. We have a fundamental right to a healthy environment. With the current AQI levels in and around the state of PA, many of us are experiencing health issues because of the Canadian Wildfires. Scientists have expressed to us that events like this will continue to happen more frequently due to Climate Change inaction. We deserve a future and that is why we should all sign this.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kaileigh Murphy