• Tell YouTube: Stop election denialism
    It’s not just YouTube. The Social Media Monitoring team at Common Cause spends every Election Day tracking blatant attempts to convince people their votes don't count or that we can't trust election officials. But the response we’ve received hasn’t been enough. We, along with 120 other groups, called on social media platforms to make specific policy changes to help moderate election lies before the 2022 elections. Instead, these platforms continued allowing harmful content to spread—to say nothing of right-wing sites like Gab and Parler that are designed to spread disinformation. Social media platforms should not put profit over corporate responsibility and democracy itself. Extremist groups have exploited the corporate greed and reluctance by the platforms to moderate content allowing disinformation and hate speech to spread. This allows marginalized voices to be silenced while polarizing voices, and those advocating violence are amplified exponentially. We must send a clear message that consumers—and our democracy—deserve better from our social media platforms.
    463 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Tell Congress to create safeguards against artificial intelligence (AI) risks
    More than 350 executives, researchers, and engineers who work on artificial intelligence—including the CEO of OpenAI, the company behind the infamous ChatGPT—signed a statement declaring that, "Mitigating the risk of extinction from A.I. should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks, such as pandemics and nuclear war." The statement was drafted in such a way that a broad range of experts signed on to identify the problem, but the many potential solutions are up to Congress. We know that Big Tech companies, including Microsoft and Google, spend a lot of money—bankrolling politicians, funding lobbyists, generating propaganda, and hiring armies of lawyers—blatantly trying to weaken regulations or prevent them from being enacted in the first place. The dangers of AI being exploited for identity theft, privacy violations, and disinformation campaigns are concerning—and so are the risks of massive job losses, abuse by authoritarians, and the unknown limits of this technology's ability to evolve beyond humans' ability to implement safety protocols. The rapid pace at which AI is evolving requires appropriate action from Congress. We need safeguards now while there is still time to embrace innovative technology while protecting the public.
    483 of 500 Signatures
  • Tell these companies to stop lobbying against children's well-being.
    Multiple reports this year alone make it clear that social media's impacts can be detrimental to the health and well- being of children. And, just recently, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy warned that social media can be a "profound risk" to youth. The harmful effects of social media are directly linked to the design of the products themselves—Big Tech makes a decision to create products that have addictive and dangerous features. A survey we did with YouGov found that half of American teenagers report losing sleep because they feel 'stuck' on social media, and more than one third say they do not get as much homework done as they want to because they get stuck on social media. Pew Research Center found that almost half of U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 experienced cyberbullying, with teenage girls more likely face abuse. Pew's findings also point to a significant racial component for children experiencing online harms—seven-in-ten Black teens and 62% of Hispanic teens say online harassment and bullying are a major problem for people their age compared with 46% of white teens. Yet, with each passing moment, Big Tech uses its almost limitless capacity and resources to out-maneuver and out-lobby efforts to make digital environments safer. State legislators, inspired by concerned families nationwide, are fighting to pass rules which keep the benefits of social media without the harmful effects of Big Tech's toxic business model. Yet, with each passing moment, Big Tech uses its almost limitless capacity and resources to out-maneuver and out-lobby efforts to make digital environments safer—their business model leverages personal data for profit while people pay the cost. Many of these corporations hide behind their membership in a trade association called TechNet, which lobbies against legislation to protect children. While Apple, Etsy, Samsung, Salesforce, and others constantly promote privacy, safety and security—TechNet fights against those principles. Add your name to demand that Big Tech companies stand up for kids' safety online by withdrawing from TechNet and committing to designing products that are not addictive and harmful to families.
    840 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Target: Stop caving to bigots, homophobes, & transphobes & reinstate Pride merch at ALL stores NOW!
    Right-wing extremists have said themselves that their goal is to make Pride toxic for companies. That they want to eradicate us from public life. We won’t let them. We are here, and we aren’t going anywhere.  Sadly, these attacks on the LGBTQ+ community are not new. Just this year alone, across the U.S, Republicans have introduced a RECORD-BREAKING 520 violent, abusive, and hateful anti-LGBTQ+ bills in state legislatures, many of which have already passed. Our community is under attack every single day. LGBTQ+ people, especially trans and nonbinary people, have faced rising threats and acts of violence due to the constant dehumanization at the hands of right-wing legislators across the country. Target enabled these bigots, but, the truth is, you cannot appease homophobes and transphobes. So, by removing Pride merch from their stores, Target is sending a very clear and harmful message to our community that they will abandon us and that our identities should be hidden when confronted by bigotry. And the decision by Target's executives to remove Pride merch is only going to embolden right-wing extremists.  Corporations like Target participate in “rainbow capitalism” to sell their products to the LGBTQ+ community to make money off of us, but then abandon us and fail to stick up for us the minute they are faced with backlash from right-wing extremists. It’s disgusting. If Target really cares about the LGBTQ+ community, they will stop caving to anti-LGBTQ+ bigots, reinstate the Pride merch to support our communities and queer, trans, and nonbinary creators, and will do more to support our community by rising up against anti-LGBTQ+ bills passing across the country. We all have to be in this together, in solidarity with all LGBTQ+ folks—especially Black, brown, and Indigenous LGBTQ+ people. The LGBTQ+ community deserves the right to feel safe and supported, whether that’s at home, at school, or in their communities.  Target has a responsibility to do what is right, starting with reinstating their Pride merch NOW.
    151,076 of 200,000 Signatures
  • Tell AmerisourceBergen: Distribute medication abortion in all states where abortion is legal!
    Recent reports reveal that AmerisourceBergen—the country's sole distributor of mifepristone, the safe and vital abortion pill-—circulated a list to corporate clients of 31 states where it will not distribute the pill to pharmacies. Mifepristone is still legal, and it's critical for health care—we can't let right-wing tactics limit access to this medication. It's a cruel plan that, if implemented, will have devastating consequences on people of color, people with low incomes, disabled people, immigrants, and those who live in medically underserved communities—all of whom already face barriers to receiving abortion care. Despite the lies of anti-abortion extremists, mifepristone, which has been widely and safely used by millions of people for 23 years, accounts for more than half of all abortions in the U.S. and is a necessary medication for those experiencing miscarriages as well. It is supported by hundreds of studies and has a proven safety rating of 99%. And let's be clear: despite efforts of right-wing judges, it is still legal, as well as being safe, common, and essential. That's why we need to let the pharmaceutical giant know that we are onto it and will not let up the pressure until it answers to public health needs rather than extremist bullies.
    625 of 800 Signatures
  • Tell Delta Air Lines to Stop Union-Busting
    50,000 Delta Air Lines workers including ramp, cargo, and tower workers, attendants, and mechanics are being denied workplace representation that has been earned by pilots and dispatchers. There is no way to explain this other than to say that wealthy executives and powerful shareholders do not trust or respect workers enough to provide a fair and equitable workplace for all employees. The Association of Flight Attendants, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, and International Brotherhood of Teamsters are offering support, but it’s so important to show that the airline customers nationwide also support Proposal 6, because the ultrawealthy pay attention when their reputation and bottom line are at stake. Supporters of Proposal 6 firmly believe that all workers deserve dignity and safety. We are fighting hard for Proposal 6 because we know that it will help us advocate for better health and safety practices, provide pathways for professional development, and establish guardrails to ensure fair, equitable, and humane treatment for all workers. The Proposal’s opponents claim that, “Delta has always respected its employees' choice, encouraged honest, transparent, and respectful dialogue among its people, and has not suggested stifling any group or point of view.” It's simply unbelievable knowing that Delta has been caught pouring tens of millions of dollars into anti-unionization efforts, produced appalling flyers encouraging employees to buy video games instead of joining a union, and maintains a culture of intimidation through emails, videos, meetings, and signs degrading those who support unions. Sign the petition to demand Delta to stop union-busting. Tell the shareholders you know to vote FOR Proposal 6 (Adoption of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Policy).
    10,863 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Gameli Appiah
  • Demand Target Put Pride 2023 Merch Back Into the Stores!
    The LGBTQ community has faced backlash on a level not seen in over a decade. State after state is trying to ban gender-affirming care for people under to the age of 19 and removing children from the homes that support their child’s gender and/or sexual identity. If Target was willing to accept our money for 10 plus years, they should hold strong rather than removing items WE and ALLIES wear to support LGBTQ persons, their families, and the future of all those who will be a part of OUR community.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Cirino
  • Help Save Independent Local Wine Shops in Your Neighborhood!
    If allowed to pass, this proposed bill would put real families out of work, the wine selection for the consumer would suffer and local winegrowers would be forced to downsize.
    2,211 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Matt Yaeger
  • Add Your Name: Support the Writers Guild of America Strike! #WGAStrike
    President Biden said, “I sincerely hope that the writers’ strike in Hollywood gets resolved—and the writers are given the fair deal they deserve—as soon as possible. This is an iconic, meaningful American industry. And we need the writers, and all the workers, and everyone involved to tell the stories of our nation.” Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Discovery-Warner, NBC Universal, Paramount and Sony, acting under the umbrella of the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), are refusing to treat writers with dignity and respect. In a letter to its members, the Writers Guild of America’s Negotiating Committee wrote that “From their refusal to guarantee any level of weekly employment in episodic television, to the creation of a "day rate" in comedy variety, to their stonewalling on free work for screenwriters and on AI for all writers, they have closed the door on their labor force and opened the door to writing as an entirely freelance profession.” The impact of the companies' greed is not just causing harm to these workers, it is limiting the stories that come from the communities we need to hear from most. As the industry’s business model becomes unsustainable for emerging writers there will potentially be fewer stories penned by historically marginalized communities. The lack of representation impacts us all —and it’s especially jarring given right-wing attacks on sharing diverse stories in classrooms and libraries. It also just means the range of TV shows we get to see will be worse. It's pretty clear that writers and creators should be fairly compensated to ensure creative talent of all backgrounds can contribute to the quality content we all love. The Writers Guild of America simply wants a fair contract. Please add your name to support these writers and the millions of people their work impacts every day.
    981 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by David Levinson Wilk
  • Tell NYU to Cut Ties to Fox host Maria Bartiromo
    Trump’s first interview after losing the 2020 election was with NYU Trustee and Fox host Maria Bartiromo. Before the interview even took place Bartiromo ran the questions by The White House. During it, she set Trump up to spread conspiracies by noting, “you’ve said many times that this election was rigged, that there was much fraud. And the facts are on your side. Let’s start there.” She also told millions of people, “This is disgusting! And we cannot allow America’s election to be corrupted,” during her interview. Maria Bartiromo was a key pipeline for Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani to spread conspiracy theories against Democrats and voting integrity. She also helped disgraced propagandist Sidney Powell spread the false idea that there were “voting irregularities.” Bartiromo was going to be called as a witness in the defamation case Dominion voting systems brought against Fox News before it was settled for $787 million. Furthermore, Bartiromo’s actions were so unethical that she is named as a defendant in voting election technology company Smartmatic's $2.7 billion defamation case against Fox News because she was part of a “conspiracy to spread disinformation.” An appellate court declined to toss out the Smartmatic lawsuit, writing that Smartmatic “alleges in detailed fashion that in their coverage and commentary, Fox News, Dobbs, and Bartiromo effectively endorsed and participated in the statements with reckless disregard for, or serious doubts about, whether the assertions or implications that plaintiffs had participated in election fraud had any basis in truth or were supported by any reliable evidence.” This should be simple for NYU. Bartiromo’s abuse of her power goes against the NYU Code of Ethical Conduct so the university should cut ties with Bartiromo. The Board of Trustees is expected to provide reliable guidance to the university, and as a documented liar on an issue as important as the federal elections, Maria Bartiromo has no business being associated with NYU.
    20,895 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Ackoff
  • Tell Google to Stop Collecting Location Data and Aiding Abortion Prosecutors
    After Roe v. Wade was overturned, Google promised in July 2022 to protect sensitive health data by deleting the Location History of users who visited abortion clinics. However, Accountable Tech’s latest experiment shows that the Location History for a short trip to an abortion clinic — like someone dropping off a friend or family member — is still collected and retained if a user has Location History enabled on their Google Account. On top of that, Google is collecting and retaining location search queries for abortion clinics by default for 18 months. That means if you search for an abortion clinic on Google Maps, that information will be kept in your Google Account for 18 months, possibly putting you at risk. It’s unacceptable that Google made a promise to protect users in a post-Roe America and is still falling short. Join us in calling them out and demanding they stop aiding abortion prosecutors.
    41,277 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Accountable Tech Picture
  • Stop Funding Fox!
    Fox News agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems nearly $800 million in a defamation lawsuit for broadcasting lies about the 2020 election to boost their profits and rating. It's never been publicly clearer that Fox is a right-wing propaganda machine. The truth is that Fox News will continue spewing lies and hatred, further destructing our democracy, until they start losing profits. With Fox's reputation on the line, this is a prime opportunity to demand that advertisers change course and stop doing business with Fox. In just a couple of weeks, these corporate advertisers will be striking new deals with Fox News for the next year. AT&T, General Motors, and Subway have a choice to stop future advertising deals with Fox News or to continue funding the hate and lies that undermine our democracy. Our message is clear: Stop Funding Fox!
    71,375 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Kelsey Herbert