• Don’t Cut Nurse Health Benefits During Strike
    Nurses have gone above and beyond to keep the Stanford hospitals running through the pandemic and to maintain the world-class care that has built the hospitals’ reputations. In the face of a staffing crisis, unprecedented case loads and extremely high patient acuity, Nurses have continued to pour our hearts into helping our patients. Since January, we have put forward proposals in contract bargaining to address serious issues and create a sustainable workplace for Nurses at Stanford’s adult and children’s hospitals, but management just keeps saying no to many of our demands. Even after working with a federal mediator after our contracts expired on March 31, we were unable to reach a fair agreement. The hospitals have refused to acknowledge the understaffing that makes our work so hard. We are fighting to recruit more Nurses, reward the Nurses are working in the critical care areas, allow Nurses to take time to rest and recover, and to get meaningful mental health resources to Nurses who need them. When we could not get these basic commitments from the hospitals, more than 93 percent of eligible Nurses voted to authorize a strike. Now, the hospital executives are trying to use our health benefits as a weapon to break our resolve and prevent the strike. This decision is cruel and immoral. Health benefits should not be used against workers, and especially against the very health care professionals who have made Stanford a world-class health system. Please stand with Nurses and demand that the CEOs David Entwistle and Paul King immediately reverse this decision and pledge to maintain our benefits while we work to reach an agreement. Colleen Borges, pediatric oncology Nurse at Lucile Packard and CRONA president Kathy Stormberg, radiology Nurse at Stanford and CRONA vice president Eileen Pachkofsky, pediatric oncology Nurse at Lucile Packard and CRONA vice president
    30,564 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Colleen Borges
    INDICTING THESE INDIVIDUALS IS ONLY FAIR! COMMIT THE CRIME, DO THE TIME! By NOT acting, & indicting them, YOU ARE ENABLING THEM, TOO! By your inaction, you are normalizing terroristic behavior from our elected public officials. Congress has ways to deal with traitors amongst their ranks. THERE ARE LAWS TO DEAL WITH THEM! USE THEM!!!!!! CENSURE THEM! WRITE RESOLUTIONS TO EXPEL THEM! DEMOCRATS, CALL FOR THEM ALL TO BE EXPELLED! DO YOUR JOB TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC FROM FUTURE DOMESTIC ENEMIES. You took the oath, to protect us from enemies, foreign & domestic. HONOR YOUR OATH! If you DON'T indict them, they are emboldened to continue lying to the public, inciting continued violence from their supporters, & not only obstructing a Democratic agenda, but still in office, pressing for their abysmal agenda, which persecutes women, children & families across the nation. Furthermore, since they're not charged with insurrection, they can run for re-election, no problem! And continue terrorizing the country! WE CALL ON CONGRESS & WHITE HOUSE & DOJ TO DO YER JOB!!! CENSURE, CHARGE, REMOVE THESE TRAITORS FROM OFFICE, & BAR THEM FROM FUTURE ELECTIONS. I personally urge all of you to DESIGNATE THE GOP AS TERRORIST ORGANIZATION! Although this sounds fair to me, probably most Americans would not agree with this measure - yet.
    420 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Trista di Genova-CHANG
  • The Climate Crisis is Here: Tell President Joe Biden to Declare a Climate Emergency!
    Climate scientists and organizers have been sounding the alarm on the climate crisis for years. The latest findings from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tell us that regardless of what we do now, temperatures will still rise globally. But, we still have time to mitigate damage to our most vulnerable communities by using the full power of the government to tackle the climate crisis head on. Fossil fuel CEOs are set to make near-historic profits this year, while working people have been navigating everyday life between a deadly pandemic—made worse by the Trump administration—unemployment and the worst effects of this crisis, from a record-breaking wildfire and hurricane season. Scientists have told us exactly what we need to do to mitigate this crisis, but will we listen and respond? Now is the time for President Joe Biden and his administration to make change for working people across the country and declare a climate emergency.
    112,419 of 200,000 Signatures
  • Investigate Prescription Drug Middlemen
    Last month, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Commissioners Noah Phillips and Christine Wilson blocked an investigation into Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) – the pharmaceutical industry’s giant corporate middlemen that result in higher prices across the country. Now we have a chance to fight back against these prescription drug middlemen, but we need your help. 77% of all prescriptions filled nationwide are controlled by three PBMs, all owned by the largest health insurers: Caremark (owned by CVS), OptumRx (owned by United Health), and Express Scripts (owned by Cigna). PBMs decide what pharmacies you can use, which of your medications are covered by insurance, and how much you, the pharmacy, and your insurance company must pay, giving them immense control over drug prices in the United States. Defenders of Big Pharma would tell you PBMs aim to lower drug costs and help patients efficiently access medications. In reality, PBMs work to jack up the price of life-saving drugs like insulin, steal from community pharmacies until they go bankrupt, and turn pharmacy care -- one of the most important (and often only) sources of health care for rural patients -- into a living nightmare. When FTC Chair Lina Khan first pushed to investigate PBMs’ role in sky-rocketing drug prices and illegal monopolistic practices, Commissioners Noah Phillips and Christine Wilson blocked the investigation. Chair Khan can call for another vote, but Commissioners Phillips and Wilson must hear from Americans demanding that they reconsider their vote and allow the FTC to conduct this essential study. Together our voices can be louder than the pharmaceutical industry’s.
    2,500 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Fight Corporate Monopolies Picture
  • Tell Congress and President Biden: Ban ICE surveillance of money orders and cash transfers!
    Most people think sending money to a friend or family member in need is a personal matter, but ICE disagrees. We just found out that ICE has been collecting personal financial data on millions of people who use money transfer services like Western Union.1 ICE can use this data to try to target immigrants who send money back to their families, and potentially deport them. The federal government should never be in the business of spying on people who are just trying to financially help their friends and family. Sign the petition: Tell Congress and President Biden to ban ICE surveillance of money orders and cash transfers! For millions of people in California, Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas, who recently used a money order service, like Western Union, their personal information and the personal information of the person they sent money to likely ended up in a database without them even knowing – a database that is shared with ICE and other law enforcement agencies. Since 2019, ICE used administrative subpoenas to money order and cash transfer companies like Western Union to collect sender and recipient names and addresses. This essentially criminalizes people for not having bank accounts, and specifically targets immigrant communities of all kinds for the commonplace practice of sending remittances back to family members. Once Senator Wyden started asking questions about the program, ICE shut it down.2 That’s because ICE has gotten so out of control that they don’t stop to question whether their actions are legal or not – they’re just out to hunt down, detain, and deport as many immigrants as they can. This has to stop. ICE has consistently proved that they will abuse any amount of power given to them. That’s why Congress and President Biden need to act now to specifically and permanently ban ICE from spying on people’s private financial data. Sign the petition: Tell Congress and President Biden to ban ICE surveillance of money orders and cash transfers! Sources: 1. Buzzfeed, “ICE Conducted Sweeping Surveillance Of Money Transfers Sent To And From The US, A Senator Says,” March 8, 2022. 2. Ibid.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Sign the petition: Tax oil and gas company profits and stop price gouging!
    Even as the price of gas per barrel is well below recent records, gas prices remain high.1 That’s because oil and gas companies are gouging consumers, and taking advantage of the war in Ukraine to rake in as much profit as possible. Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced a bill that cuts to the heart of the problem: corporate profiteering. The Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax will stop price gouging at the pumps by forcing oil and gas companies to share their recording-breaking profits with consumers.2 This can’t wait, tell your elected officials to pass this bill and stop gas price gouging. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to tax oil and gas companies and stop price gouging at the pumps! Senator Elizabeth Warren’s bill would take on price gouging. The Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax would tax the big oil companies and also go a step further: by using that revenue to give Americans a rebate to offset how much soaring gas prices hit people’s pocketbooks. If oil and gas companies had their way, every major news event would trigger unnecessary gas price hikes at the pumps, and squeeze new record profits out of the hands of everyday Americans. We have to put a stop to this. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to tax oil and gas companies and stop price gouging at the pumps! Sources: 1. Newsweek, “Oil Prices Are Dropping — Will Gas Prices Go Down, Too?,” March 14, 2022. 2. Truthout, “Warren Says Democrats Are Working on a Bill to Tax Big Oil’s Windfall Profits,” March 9, 2022.
    184 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Tell Congress: Denounce Amazon’s plan to build a South African HQ on sacred indigenous land!
    Amazon wants to build a new HQ in South Africa by bulldozing over sacred indigenous land.1 And just like when Amazon tried to build a new HQ in New York City, local activists in Cape Town are pushing back. Amazon didn't choose a sacred indigenous site by accident. They know it has historical, cultural and environmental significance.2 They just want to destroy and build on it anyway. But since Amazon is a US company, they're particularly vulnerable to grassroots pressure here in the US. You can show your solidarity with indigenous activists in South Africa by calling on your member of Congress to denounce this new Amazon headquarters. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to denounce Amazon's plan to build a HQ on sacred indigenous land in South Africa! The indigenous land sits on the banks of the Liesbeek River where in the year 1510 Khoi peoples successfully fought back Portuguese intruders. The area is still a source of pride and cultural heritage for the Khoi, which also survived decades of oppression under Apartheid. But now Amazon wants to bulldoze it and build a sprawling campus. Over 50,000 residents in Cape Town signed a petition opposing the construction, but Amazon is pushing ahead anyway. That's why folks on the ground there are asking for your help! If US elected officials publicly denounce this HQ project, Amazon will face an international political and PR nightmare. Activists here in the US successfully blocked an Amazon HQ in New York City. Together you can show solidarity with indigenous activists and help block this new Amazon HQ in South Africa. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to denounce Amazon's plan to build a HQ on sacred indigenous land in South Africa! Sources: 1. Reuters, "Heritage dispute engulfs site chosen for Amazon's new African HQ," June 3, 2021. 2. Africa News, "Controversy over the location of Amazon African headquarters in Cape Town," May 14, 2021.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Sign the petition: Demand President Biden end IRS facial recognition!
    The IRS wants taxpayers to provide credit history and submit to facial recognition just to access their tax information online. They’ve hired a third party company called ID.me to verify user identity even though it’s common knowledge that facial recognition technology has racial and gender biases. Anyone who cares about privacy and racial justice should be up in arms. That’s why we’re pressuring President Biden to end the contract between the IRS and ID.me. Sign the petition: Demand President Biden end facial recognition at the IRS! ID.me’s verification process is so invasive that a technology reporter at Gizmodo felt “sufficiently creeped out” and refused to finish it.1 If ID.me is allowed to continue working with the IRS then every tax filer will have to give over personal information – like photo IDs and access to consumer credit reports – just to access their tax information online. But this gets much worse! The CEO at ID.me got caught lying to journalists about how it uses facial recognition2 and admitted that the company uses Amazon Rekognition, which is well known to have racial biases. The IRS already 1) has enough of our sensitive income information, and 2) is scarily underfunded. They shouldn’t be spending more of their resources on an untrustworthy third party vendor who wants to scoop up more of your information and subject you to racist facial recognition technology. The Treasury Department is already asking the IRS to reconsider this contract, but President Biden can end this private contract with the stroke of a pen. That’s why we’re taking the issue directly to him. Sign the petition: Demand President Biden end facial recognition at the IRS! Sources: 1. Gizmodo, “IRS Will Require Facial Recognition Scans to Access Your Taxes Online,” January 19, 2022. 2. Axios, “ID.me CEO apologizes for misstatements on IRS facial recognition,” January 27, 2022.
    625 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Tell Google: No contracts with the Pentagon!
    Google is aggressively pursuing the Pentagon’s Joint Warfighter Cloud Capability (JWCC) contract, despite turning down a chance at a similar contract a few years ago. At the time, they said the contract would violate their AI principles of not developing technology that causes harm. That’s still true: Developments in military technology have meant ever-more devastating weapons, drone warfare, and unfettered surveillance. Google employees are expressing serious concerns about the ethics of this contract, and we agree. Sign the petition to join us in urging Google not to work with the Pentagon!
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Tell Amazon: Stop the spread of covid, reinstate free testing for workers
    Under the highly contagious Omicron Covid variant, Amazon should be making testing easier for employees in order to stop its spread. But the world’s largest employer is failing their workers by stopping free onsite warehouse testing and scaling back paid leave from two weeks to one. Sick workers are scrambling to find free testing and support from Amazon.¹ Tell Andy Jassy, Amazon CEO (who replaced Jeff Bezos last July), to reinstate free Covid testing, longer quarantining, and sick days for their workers. Amazon is making billions off the pandemic. The tech giant, with profits that rose over 220% during Covid,² can afford to reinstate onsite testing. This isn’t the first time Amazon has brazenly risked public health and their workers’ lives. In November, Amazon settled a case with the California attorney general over claims that it concealed Covid-19 case numbers. As part of the settlement (still subject to court approval), Amazon must notify workers within 24 hours of new Covid cases and notify local health agencies within 48 hours.³ But if workers are struggling to get tests or test results, then Amazon doesn’t have anything to report — and infected employees could keep on working and spreading the virus. Take action now. Sign the petition to tell Amazon’s CEO, Andy Jassy, to stop risking lives and reinstate free warehouse Covid testing for their workers. Sources: 1. “Ailing Amazon workers struggle to find Covid tests themselves,” NBC News, Jan 13, 2022. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/ailing-amazon-workers-struggle-find-covid-tests-rcna11942 2. “Amazon's profit soars 220 percent as pandemic drives shopping online,” The New York Times, May 12, 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/29/technology/amazons-profits-triple.html 3. “Amazon settles claims it concealed Covid-19 cases from workers,” CNBC, November 15, 2021. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/15/amazon-settles-claims-it-concealed-covid-19-cases-from-workers.html
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Granate Kim
  • Mandatory Guaranteed $15/hr
    We go through a lot to pickup and drop off orders. There are examples of health issues caused due to long periods of driving to the deliver food to customers in order to make a decent hourly wage. $3 per delivery is slaves wages and should be a crime. We demand $5 minimum per delivery before customers tip. We demand $15/hr while on the app with a 50% acceptance rate. If 8 hours are spent on the platform, you should make a minimum of $15/hr. Anything other should be a crime. (GoPuff guarantees a $14 hourly pay if you do not make at least $14 an hour from deliveries).
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gabriel Wilson
    We need people to understand what Nexamp has done to us and our small community! Other large industrial solar companies are also doing this to other communities: LAWSUIT THREAT. Nexamp threatened to take the town to court because we were concerned about native wildlife and requested a larger buffer between the clear-cutting of the forest and wetland. Nexamp wanted to clear-cut 10 feet away from a wetland. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND EROSION. Nexamp promised no noise or environmental disruption, but they lied. We endured the stressful deforestation of 30 acres in our backyards. A diesel generator ran 24/7 for 8 months for “climate control” of batteries on site, which caused noise and air pollution. Lots of litter blew onto our land and into wetland streams. We documented the litter, picked it up, and notified the DEP. Heavy, loud freight trucks used Conway’s small town roads and exceeded bridge weight limits to make large deliveries constantly at early hours during construction, stressing road surfaces and disrupting our rural neighborhood’s quality of life. Erosion took place in numerous areas around the site, some going into neighboring wetlands (still not remediated), abutters’ properties, and a public road.. Nexamp allowed rock dust from drilling and dirt dust from fill brought on site created storms of dust that blew around our homes during the hottest days from failure to have water trucks on site. This caused air pollution affecting our families and native wildlife. VIOLATION OF ABUTTERS’ BOUNDARIES. Nexamp went over the property lines of abutting neighbors with silt fencing, using inadequate data to accurately make site plans realistic for visibility from abutting neighbors due to tree cover and topography of land PANEL VISIBILITY. Nexamp promised the array would not be visible because it is situated on a high ledge, but we can see the panels from our home windows and from the public road. This eyesore has taken away beauty from our small rural town and disgusted many residents. POWER SURGES AND OUTAGES. When the array went “live” the neighborhood experienced random power surges and outages due to Nexamp’s faulty equipment.. This affected many people working from home and the performance of appliances and electronic systems. HARMFUL EXPOSURE TO “DIRTY ELECTRICITY.” After the array went live, harmful high-frequency dirty electricity (confirmed by Eversource) was broadcast into our homes for 7 months, affecting our children’s mental health, as well as the adults. Because of this urgent problem, Eversource shut down Nexamp’s solar array on 1/14/22. Subsequently most of the children’s aggressive, angry behaviors have changed; their demeanor is back to normal being happier and sleeping better. (Teachers and doctors are documenting this.) Also, my neighbor and I have developed tinnitus from exposure, all due to Nexamp’s faulty equipment. NO CLIMATE STUDIES. There have been NO studies done in New England on how these arrays are affecting the climate. One panel can get to 149 degrees Fahrenheit on a summer day! If there are 18,000 panels, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that these arrays are giant ovens heating up New England’s landscape. We need to stop allowing industrial solar to prey on small rural communities with inadequate bylaws, put people’s health in jeopardy, and wipe out native wildlife, many of which are in steep decline and becoming endangered. Temperature monitors need to be in place in and around every array built, and the public needs access to these numbers. We have every right to know how hot these industrial solar parks can become and how they affect the climate around them, and have resources for people to report dirty electricity! Please see these links for more information: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/12/30/science/new-england-is-warming-faster-than-rest-planet-new-study-finds/ https://phys.org/news/2016-11-solar-island-effect-large-scale-power.html https://www.techtimes.com/articles/257268/20210221/sahara-desert-solar-panels-are-contributing-to-global-warming-scientists-find-out.htm https://www.dirtyelectricity.org/adhd https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18556048/ https://www.bostonsolar.us/solar-blog-resource-center/blog/how-do-temperature-and-shade-affect-solar-panel-efficiency/#:~:text=Solar%20panels%20are%20generally%20tested,%C2%B0F%20during%20the%20summer.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Devlin Selman Picture