• Remove MyPillow products from Walmart’s shelves
    Walmart is a great place to find a wide array of low-cost essentials among other things. However, recently it has caught my attention that Walmart stores are still selling MyPillow brand pillows. I like Walmart for the quality products I get for a specific price point. With the CEO of MyPillow supporting the capitol insurrection and the lies about election fraud, I’m disheartened by Walmart’s refusal to cease the sales of these products. I worry that allowing CEOs to lie publicly and spark unnecessary discourse about our democratic elections. Hopefully with enough signatures, we can let Walmart know that we’d like to continue shopping at their stores, but not while they sell products who’s profits go towards overturning a democratic election.
    2,133 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by James Holmes
  • Break Up Amazon!
    Amazon continues to feel the heat in Alabama. Earlier this month the NLRB ruled that Amazon unfairly tampered with the union vote in Bessemer, Alabama.1 Amazon used their massive power to pressure the postal service into putting a mailbox at the workplace in Alabama -- which may have caused workers to feel Amazon could see when and how they voted, potentially influencing the result. This is just further proof that Amazon has too much power, and is abusing it to undermine workers' rights. One way we can help fight back: pressure the federal government to break up Amazon. Sign the petition: Tell the federal government to support workers and break up Amazon! Amazon isn't just a tech giant, it's a global monster with tentacles gripping nearly every part of daily life. And Amazon workers, especially Amazon warehouse workers, continue to feel the squeeze. Amazon warehouse working conditions are notoriously bad. So much so, the National Council of Occupational Safety and Health named Amazon one of the most dangerous employers in the country.2 On top of that, during the historic heatwaves earlier this summer, Amazon warehouses pushed workers to their physical brink, without providing air-conditioning. But the tide is turning. Activists like you and me are speaking out and demanding Amazon be held accountable. In Alabama, that might mean a new worker union election. But we can't stop there. Amazon has proven time and again that they have too much power and influence, and use it to undermine their workers and their right to a safe workplace. So now it's time for action. Together we can raise our voices and pressure Congress to act boldly to break up Amazon's monopoly. Sign the petition: Tell the federal government to break up Amazon! Sources: 1. Vox, “The Amazon union drive isn't over yet,” August 3, 2021. 2. Futurism, “After Deaths, Amazon Lands on List of Most Dangerous Employers,” October 18, 2019.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • No more plastic water bottles Costco!!!
    We need as many voices speaking out as possible to stop the waste being created on a daily basis at Costco. Plastic doesnt just "go away", and the fact that the manufacturers are not made to take responsibility for the trash they create is unacceptable anymore. Taking water from the earth, thereby depriving citizens of it, and bottling it to make a profit, as well as destroying the earth with plastic, is obscene and should be treated as such. Please sign and share my petition with as many people as you can, and lets see if we can change one thing that is wrong now simply by collectively speaking out! Thank you!
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Linda McDonald
  • Hold DTE accountable for excessive power outages and lack of infrastructure investment & maintenance
    Hard working individuals and families across southeast Michigan have been adversely impacted by DTE Energy's continued failure as our sole electrical service provider for far too long. From frequent brownouts to complete power outages – citizens are left without much needed power and often significant financial loss resulting from damaged appliances and spoiled food with no compensation. DTE Energy continues to respond to outages with only promises made for improved infrastructure investment and maintenance that simply does not take place or produce lasting results. DTE Energy must be held accountable for the poor state of their system and make real financial investment to provide lasting and sustainable improvements that greatly reduce the frequency and duration of power outages.
    963 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by City of Southfield, MI
  • Tell Congress: Denounce Amazon’s plan to build a South African HQ on sacred indigenous land!
    Amazon wants to build a new HQ in South Africa by bulldozing over sacred indigenous land.1 And just like when Amazon tried to build a new HQ in New York City, local activists in Cape Town are pushing back. Amazon didn't choose a sacred indigenous site by accident. They know it has historical, cultural and environmental significance.2 They just want to destroy and build on it anyway. But since Amazon is a US company, they're particularly vulnerable to grassroots pressure here in the US. You can show your solidarity with indigenous activists in South Africa by calling on your member of Congress to denounce this new Amazon headquarters. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to denounce Amazon's plan to build a HQ on sacred indigenous land in South Africa! The indigenous land sits on the banks of the Liesbeek River where in the year 1510 Khoi peoples successfully fought back Portuguese intruders. The area is still a source of pride and cultural heritage for the Khoi, which also survived decades of oppression under Apartheid. But now Amazon wants to bulldoze it and build a sprawling campus. Over 50,000 residents in Cape Town signed a petition opposing the construction, but Amazon is pushing ahead anyway. That's why folks on the ground there are asking for your help! If US elected officials publicly denounce this HQ project, Amazon will face an international political and PR nightmare. Activists here in the US successfully blocked an Amazon HQ in New York City. Together you can show solidarity with indigenous activists and help block this new Amazon HQ in South Africa. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to denounce Amazon's plan to build a HQ on sacred indigenous land in South Africa! Sources: 1. Reuters, "Heritage dispute engulfs site chosen for Amazon's new African HQ," June 3, 2021. 2. Africa News, "Controversy over the location of Amazon African headquarters in Cape Town," May 14, 2021.
    4,083 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Sign Now: Congress must implement oversight of Pegasus
    Pegasus, a spyware created by Israeli company NSO, surveilled over *50,000* individuals — including private citizens — through their phones: tracking their messages, monitoring their locations, and even remotely activating their microphones to listen in on their conversations. This kind of mass surveillance is a threat to each and every one of us. That’s why we’re calling on Congress to protect our privacy and implement oversight of Pegasus spyware. Will you add your name to join us in calling for an end to unchecked surveillance?
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Restore Press Freedom!
    Today the entire mainstream media is owned by only FIVE corporations, all of which are run by people who are invested in weapons and war. The result is a media that always starts with a pro-interventionist position and is staffed by former intelligence officials and generals that protect the government narrative instead of the truth. Additionally, it is extremely rare for mainstream media outlets to have on opposing viewpoints, especially from the left, to have debates and discussions. We need a return to fairness, truth and civil debate.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jason Kishineff
  • Support Workers Unionizing at Great Lakes Brewing Company
    1. Workers are proud to work at Great Lakes. The beers they craft are a Cleveland institution. The workers have made the success of Great Lakes possible and they must be treated with the respect and dignity all workers deserve. 2. Labor unions are the best way to ensure fair treatment and long term stability, for both employees and the company. 3. Great Lakes management must voluntarily recognize the union and not interfere with the worker’s right to collectively bargain. Cleveland is a union-friendly town that respects working families – not union-busters!
    1,589 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by DSA Cleveland
  • Appoint a fifth FCC commissioner and restore net neutrality!
    The fate of the open internet is in the hands of two Trump appointees -- unless Joe Biden acts now. Ajit Pai, who as Federal Communications Commission chair under Donald Trump led the repeal of net neutrality, resigned from the FCC when Joe Biden became president. Nearly half a year later, the fifth FCC seat remains empty. Meanwhile, two of Trump's appointees are still on the FCC. With a 2-2 deadlock, they can continue to block key priorities until the vacancy is filled. In order to reinstate net neutrality and protect internet users from corporate control, we need President Biden to fill the fifth seat.
    384 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Facebook: Stop advertising for seditious MyPillow Guy
    As a Facebook user, I was shocked to receive an advertisement for MyPillow on my Facebook feed. MyPillow's CEO, Mike Lindell, is a dangerous liar and conspiracy theorist. During Donald Trump's crusade to overturn his defeat in the 2020 election that resulted in a deadly insurrection led by white supremacists, the "MyPillow Guy" outdid even disgraced figures like Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell in trumpeting false information and lobbying Trump to turn the military on the American people. His lies were so bad that major retailers like Kohl's and Bed Bath and Beyond stopped selling MyPillow products. But Lindell has doubled down on his aggressive lies, and is now holding rallies at which he spouts the QAnon fiction that Trump will somehow be reinstated as president. Department of Homeland Security officials have told lawmakers that they expect this conspiracy theory to inflame the threat of extremist violence, just like the lies Trump and Lindell spread helped fuel the racist violence of January 6. These are the kinds of dangerous lies that got Trump booted from Facebook for violating its terms of service. Yet Facebook is still making money off of MyPillow's CEO, who has increased his online advertising as a result of being kicked out of retail stores. Enough is enough. It's time for Facebook to be consistent, and stop taking money from MyPillow, indirectly propping up and amplifying Lindell's conspiracy theories.
    76,571 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by David Sievers
  • Congress: Stop companies selling killer baby products
    The last thing new parents want to worry about is whether their baby gear can actually HURT their baby. If it’s on the shelves at baby stores, families should be able to trust that it’s safe. But right now, they can’t -- a report just released by Congress shows kids’ company Fisher Price ignored years of safety warnings and kept selling a popular baby sleeper even after 50 infants died in them! Millions of sleepers were sold to unsuspecting parents before it was finally recalled in 2019, while Fisher Price made $200 million in profits. It is unacceptable that a major company like Fisher Price cut corners by ignoring consumer and regulator warnings. According to NPR, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is supposed to oversee such products, allows companies to sell goods with little to no safety standards. The government regulators that were supposed to protect us didn’t. And that has to change. Sign this petition asking Congress to give government watchdogs the power to protect kids!
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Manasrah
    "Whether you are a fan of Star Trek or not the following has universal appeal to all. "A dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars." – James T. Kirk, 2269 (TOS - "Whom Gods Destroy") "The United Federation of Planets was a supranational interstellar union of multiple planetary nation-states that operated semi-autonomously under a single central government, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, peace, justice, and progress, with the purpose of furthering the universal rights of all sentient life. Federation members exchange knowledge and resources to facilitate peaceful cooperation, scientific development, space exploration, and MUTUAL DEFENSE."** I've emphasized "Mutual Defense" because its important! While an obvious interpretation is "military defense", it also means Mutual Defense of Morals, Mutual Defense as in Care of Each Other. The US Senate are the rare few who are given the honor and duty of representing us all. But Minority Leader McConnell has vowed to put all of his efforts into blocking Democratic legislations to help all of us. We need to pass the President's Infrastructure Bill, the country needs roads, bridges, transportation, Broadband Internet, and We Need Clean Water. We need to Pass the For the People to help protect us from malicious voter suppression bills that are being passed by State Legislatures in multiple states. We need to have a commission to investigate the seditious attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6th, who are the Republican's trying to protect? We also need to Pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, The John Lewis Act, The Equality Act, The Pro Act, The Breathe Act, American Jobs Plan, American Families Plan, and Washington DC (our nation's great Capitol, is home to 712,000 people that are taxed hire per capita than any other state) should 100 percent be a state! We need common sense gun control like Mandatory Background Checks. We need the multiple Immigration Acts to Pass, We must raise taxes for the wealthiest one percent, they must pay their fair share, TAX THE RICH, We need NON-TRUMP JUDGES and damn it WE DIRELY NEED CLIMATE CARE!! WE NEED ALL THE THINGS NOW! WE CAN'T HAVE ANY OF THE THINGS WITHOUT ENDING THE FILIBUSTER! The Conservative Dems like Joe Manchin (WV) and Kristen Sinema (AZ) have said they want bi-partisanship. We have tried this to no avail. The Republican Senators do not represent the majority of the country, they do not speak for all of us, and they do not even speak for their constituents they claim to be speaking for. These policies are overwhelmingly popular with over 80 percent of the country's population. Enough is Enough. The Filibuster was established to protect Systematic Racism, and it continues to be in the way of changing that racist system.We need all of our Democratic Senators to ABOLISH THE FILIBUSTER NOW because WE NEED ALL THE THINGS NOW!! **(c/o https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/United_Federation_of_Planets)
    839 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Witten Picture