Don’t allow a repeat of Amazon’s union-busting tactics: Pass the PRO Act now!Amazon knew exactly what a unionization win by its Bessemer workers would mean: It would have paved the way for more organizing across the country and built power for the working class, who have been exploited to enrich the ultra wealthy time and time again. It’s why Amazon used every union-busting tactic in the book (and even pioneered new ones!) to stop the organizing effort. To prevent a few thousand workers from unionizing, one of the richest companies in the world: hired a Koch-backed anti-union consultant, sent up to 5 harassment texts a day to workers, forced employees to watch anti-union videos, changed the stoplight by the warehouse so organizers couldn’t hand out union flyers to drivers, offered $2,000 severance checks for workers to quit, retaliated against pro-union workers, collaborated with the USPS to put up a fake dropbox for the union votes—and more. These union-busting intimidation tactics aren’t isolated to Amazon—giant corporations have used these and more throughout history to fight back against working people organizing for living wages and better working conditions. If the PRO Act were law right now, Amazon wouldn’t have been allowed to engage in these sorts of repressive anti-organizing tactics, and would be held accountable for union-busting. But since it isn’t, there’s a real risk that other corporations will see what Amazon did in Bessemer and replicate it around the country. Thanks to union members who fought and died to build power for the working class, some workers have weekends off, an 8 hour work day is the norm instead of 12, and kids aren’t forced to work. Unions are good for workers: They protect workers from exploitation, they bring fairness into the workplace, they allow employees to have a say in the workplace policies that affect them, and they win fair wages and protections for all workers, including working mothers, Black, brown and disabled workers, as well as undocumented immigrant workers who are especially at risk for facing exploitation and unsafe working conditions on the job. Giant corporations and the ultra-wealthy, like Jeff Bezos, know that a unified working class will hold them accountable for their anti-worker tactics, abuses, exploitation, and greed. That’s why we need the PRO Act, which would allow the National Labor Relations Board to impose monetary penalties against employers who violate workers' rights, empower collective action and worker strikes, ensure that employees are not misclassified as independent contractors, and eliminate “right-to-work” laws, a relic of the Jim Crow era designed specifically to separate workers and undercut collective bargaining rights. Every Senator who cares about protecting working people from exploitation and intimidation by corporations like Amazon needs to co-sponsor the PRO Act immediately, so we don’t see a repeat of the shameful behavior by Amazon anywhere in the country ever again.22,564 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Bates
Simon & Schuster: Cancel your book deal with Breonna Taylor's killerBreonna Taylor was fatally shot by police officers, while she was sleeping in her apartment. She was only 26. Today, none of the three officers who fired into her home have been charged in her death. Now, they are now seeking fame and profit over Breonna's name and memory. The book, which is titled “The Fight For Truth: The Inside Story Behind the Breonna Taylor Tragedy" is a brazen attempt to rehabilitate the image of Mattingly, who still has his job and has never served time. Breonna has already lost her life due to the actions of this officer. She will never be able to tell her story. Mattingly shouldn't either.46,868 of 50,000 SignaturesCreated by Nandini Jammi
A Message From the Community to Emily PowellDear Emily Powell, You have addressed us, the Powell’s community, several times over the past year to offer insight into Powell’s health and challenges during the pandemic. We’ve appreciated those updates and your candor, as well as the acknowledgement that we, the community, play a role in the company’s success. We have responded to your letters with patience and online orders while the stores were closed, and our continued patronage and support now that they’ve begun to reopen. While the most recent community message came from the new Powell’s CEO, Patrick Bassett, we don’t yet know Mr. Bassett the way we’ve come to know you and your family over the years. We also know that because you are the owner of the company, Mr. Bassett's message carries your endorsement, so we would like to continue the conversation with you. Your workers — many of whom have devoted years, some decades, to Powell’s success — are what makes your stores special. Their friendly faces, depth of knowledge, and devotion to their work are what has kept us coming back for so many years. We were saddened by your announcement of mass layoffs at the beginning of the pandemic, but also heartened to learn that the contract between Powell’s and ILWU Local 5 would ensure your workers' rightful return to the workplace, in order of seniority, as jobs became available. We understood that it might take a while, but we trusted that on the other side of things, we would be able to walk into a Powell’s store, see a familiar face, and breathe a collective sigh of relief as things returned to some kind of normal. So you can imagine our dismay when we read the recent announcement and learned that many of those workers — who lost their jobs through no fault of their own — were no longer eligible to be recalled and would have to apply for their former jobs. That is unconscionable. We understand there’s some dispute over the language in the labor contract or what was agreed to in conversations between the company and the union at the onset of the pandemic. We want to be clear that this letter has nothing to do with either of those things. This is about what is kind and morally right. This is about going above and beyond whatever is minimally required by a labor contract or by law and showing compassion for the dedicated workers who have made Powell’s a success. This is also about what we, as a community, are willing to support, and frankly, we need you to do better. We, the members of the Powell’s community, ask that you immediately halt all external hiring and begin recalling your laid-off workers in order of seniority. It's the right thing to do, and we’re saddened by the fact that we even have to ask. Sincerely, The Powell’s Community2,696 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Bridget W.
Tell Corporations: Stop Florida Legislature's voter suppression and removal of personal freedoms!We must all Stop Florida from becoming a citizen suppression state like what is happening in Georgia. Stand up for freedoms, stop voter suppression, and support citizen voices.237 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sandra Cadena
Corporations: Withhold campaign contributions from anyone who enacts voting restrictionsRepublicans think they can get away with taking the lazy option of choosing who votes instead of the courageous option of learning, and getting behind, what voters really want. This is partly because they have historically held the support of large corporations who benefit from their anti-labor stance of tax breaks, subsidies, and loopholes. But the support of business leaders helped Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., be recognized in his own state for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2006, pressure from business leaders helped incentivize the Republican-led Congress to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act. Big business responded to the January 6 riot by pulling campaign contributions from members of Congress who voted to interfere with the electoral vote count. And current activism by voting-rights advocates in Georgia and elsewhere have spurred major US companies to come down on the side of democracy. Voters are consumers, and companies ultimately answer to us. Tell US companies to stand up and put their money and their clout where their mouth is. No more mealymouthed finger-shaking in the face of brazen attempts to resurrect Jim Crow: It's time to make the same decision they made after January 6. No more funding for the campaigns of any lawmaker, anywhere, who votes to enact policies that restrict voting rights in the name of the Big Lie. There was no fraud. There was no steal. What there SHOULD be is consequences for the liars and cheats who want to steal votes from Americans. Tell big business to make anti-democratic lawmakers get reelected on their own dime if this is how they're going to "serve" the people.612 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Cat D
Mitch McConnell must give back all corporate moneyWe all know that corporations give to both sides of the aisle. It's how they get legislation that's favorable to what they want to do in business. It's been like that for decades, and until we pass legislation to get rid of dark money, it will stay that way. But now Mitch McConnell says corporations must stay out of politics. Well, staying out of politics means no more corporate contributions to politicians then. Since Mitch doesn't want corporations sticking their noses in politics, Mitch has to give back ALL the money he has taken from them. After all, we wouldn't want him to get any more corrupted than he already is, right?68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Byra
CNN, time to leave Georgia. No to state legislated voting discrimination.A state political party should be sent a very clear message that abusing government power to suppress votes will not be tolerated by businesses because supporting unethical state legislatures economically funds corrupt government and it will not and should not be tolerated. The legislatures and ELECTED representatives should be held responsible for driving businesses out of state. Businesses should only support states economically that support democracy not actively suppress it. Because that is what is truly at stake.80 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Katz
End corporate funding of the anti-democracy GOPThe destruction of our democracy is being enabled and financed by Coca-Cola and many other corporations through contributions to Republican committees, candidates and the PACs that support them. It's not enough to issue belated press statements against voter suppression laws being enacted across the country, corporations must ACT. This is far more effective than choosing to buy Pepsi.36,780 of 40,000 SignaturesCreated by John M.
Sign the petition: Tell Congress to protect Amazon delivery drivers!Amazon thinks it can get away with anything. Now the tech giant is forcing delivery drivers to either agree to intrusive surveillance in their vans, or lose their jobs.1 New reporting shows Amazon often forces drivers to choose between keeping their jobs and using the bathroom.2 Rather than solve this dilemma, Amazon wants to install artificial intelligence cameras and force drivers to submit biometric data in order to stay employed. Agree to constantly be spied on by your company or get fired: How can that possibly be a legal workplace standard? Congress can’t let Amazon mistreat their workers. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to protect delivery drivers and investigate Amazon labor practices! This isn’t just micro-management, it’s a dangerous pattern for Amazon. Amazon uses their vast tech resources to spy on workers and push their productivity to the physical brink, all in the name of profit. In Amazon warehouses, algorithms like Rate and ToT (time off task) have contributed to so many workplace accidents and injuries that working at Amazon is considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the US.3 But whenever workers stand up for themselves against Amazon, the tech giant fires back with fury. Amazon hired a Koch-backed anti-union consultant to try to stop workers in Alabama from organizing a union.4 They force employees into “classes” where pro-union workers are intimidated and threatened with pay cuts if they continue to form a union. Amazon thinks that just because they’re rich and large that means they’re in charge, and that they can treat their employees however they want. They think no one is strong enough to stop them. But they’re wrong. Congress can regulate how Amazon operates and treats their workers. They could do it now, if you speak up. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to protect delivery drivers and investigate Amazon labor practices! Sources: 1. The Verge, “Amazon delivery drivers have to consent to AI surveillance in their vans or lose their jobs,” March 24, 2021. 2. The Intercept, “Documents Show Amazon Is Aware Drivers Pee In Bottles And Even Defecate En Route, Despite Company Denial,” March 25, 2021. 3. Futurism, “After Deaths, Amazon Lands on List of Most Dangerous Employers,” October 18, 2019. 4. The Intercept, “Amazon Hired Koch-backed Anti-union Consultant To Fight Alabama Warehouse Organizing,” February 10, 2021.1,061 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress
Voter Suppression is unamerican and undemocraticThe freedom to choose our leaders, and to speak up for what we believe in, is foundational to American democracy. Restricting someone’s vote, their right to assemble, or their right to speak is taking away their freedom. Voting, the right to assemble, and free speech should be accessible for all citizens, no matter where they live, the color of their skin, or how much money they make. To make every vote and voice count, we need a system that is free and fair to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. Florida lawmakers are pursuing bills that are meant to remove voting rights and personal freedoms. We need Walt Disney World, Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, JM Family Enterprises, and Publix to come out publicly and denounce any attempts of voter suppression or removal of personal freedoms by the Florida legislature. Currently two bills are making their way thru the Florida legislature and both are dangerous to the personal freedoms and voting rights of Floridians. HB1 the Combating Public Disorder bill enacts heavy-handed punishments designed to curb free speech by criminalizing acts of dissent. This bill has one purpose only: to further embolden racism in Florida. SB90, is another voter suppression bill which, if passed, would disenfranchise Florida voters by removing ballot drop boxes and enacting additional burdensome vote-by-mail requirements. We are urging Walt Disney World, Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, JM Family Enterprises, and Publix to follow the lead of the Black Economical Alliance, and speak out on behalf of Floridians for their personal freedoms and voting rights. Several corporations like Delta, Coca-Cola, American Airlines, and Dell have all come out against similar bills in Georgia and Texas. As beneficiaries of a democracy, we need you Walt Disney World, Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, JM Family Enterprises, and Publix to do your civic duty and publicly denounce any attempts of voter suppression or removal of personal freedoms by the Florida legislature. Works Cited: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/31/business/voting-rights-georgia-corporations.html863 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Laurie Woodward Garcia
Hazard Pay for Grocery Workers King CountyBecause everyday that we leave work we do not know if that is the day we are bringing this deadly disease. We do not know if it is going to kill us or one of our family members. We are tired we get cussed at daily because we are out of a product. Some of my fellow workers are going to loose their homes because they do not have enough money to cover rent because they are having to pay for child care because our children are not in school. We need help so please pass this around so we can take this back to the city council Thanks for your time please share82 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lindsay Young
Support Amazon workers' right to form a unionThis is a BFD: President Biden spoke out in support of a unionizing drive at Amazon's Bessemer warehouse in Alabama, where over 6,000 workers are about to vote whether to form Amazon's first unionized warehouse in the US. This could pave the way for more worker organizing against the dangerous Big Tech behemoth. In response, Amazon hired a Koch-backed anti-union consultant to help thwart the crucial election. Organizing a union at a monopolistic company Amazon isn't easy. Jeff Bezos is using every bit of the power and wealth he has amassed to stop workers. We need to support them -- and that includes regulating and breaking up Amazon's power, reducing their overall power and size and making it easier for workers to organize.840 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress