• Voter Suppression is unamerican and undemocratic
    The freedom to choose our leaders, and to speak up for what we believe in, is foundational to American democracy. Restricting someone’s vote, their right to assemble, or their right to speak is taking away their freedom. Voting, the right to assemble, and free speech should be accessible for all citizens, no matter where they live, the color of their skin, or how much money they make. To make every vote and voice count, we need a system that is free and fair to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. Florida lawmakers are pursuing bills that are meant to remove voting rights and personal freedoms. We need Walt Disney World, Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, JM Family Enterprises, and Publix to come out publicly and denounce any attempts of voter suppression or removal of personal freedoms by the Florida legislature. Currently two bills are making their way thru the Florida legislature and both are dangerous to the personal freedoms and voting rights of Floridians. HB1 the Combating Public Disorder bill enacts heavy-handed punishments designed to curb free speech by criminalizing acts of dissent. This bill has one purpose only: to further embolden racism in Florida. SB90, is another voter suppression bill which, if passed, would disenfranchise Florida voters by removing ballot drop boxes and enacting additional burdensome vote-by-mail requirements. We are urging Walt Disney World, Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, JM Family Enterprises, and Publix to follow the lead of the Black Economical Alliance, and speak out on behalf of Floridians for their personal freedoms and voting rights. Several corporations like Delta, Coca-Cola, American Airlines, and Dell have all come out against similar bills in Georgia and Texas. As beneficiaries of a democracy, we need you Walt Disney World, Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, JM Family Enterprises, and Publix to do your civic duty and publicly denounce any attempts of voter suppression or removal of personal freedoms by the Florida legislature. Works Cited: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/31/business/voting-rights-georgia-corporations.html
    863 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Laurie Woodward Garcia Picture
  • Hazard Pay for Grocery Workers King County
    Because everyday that we leave work we do not know if that is the day we are bringing this deadly disease. We do not know if it is going to kill us or one of our family members. We are tired we get cussed at daily because we are out of a product. Some of my fellow workers are going to loose their homes because they do not have enough money to cover rent because they are having to pay for child care because our children are not in school. We need help so please pass this around so we can take this back to the city council Thanks for your time please share
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lindsay Young
  • Support Amazon workers' right to form a union
    This is a BFD: President Biden spoke out in support of a unionizing drive at Amazon's Bessemer warehouse in Alabama, where over 6,000 workers are about to vote whether to form Amazon's first unionized warehouse in the US. This could pave the way for more worker organizing against the dangerous Big Tech behemoth. In response, Amazon hired a Koch-backed anti-union consultant to help thwart the crucial election. Organizing a union at a monopolistic company Amazon isn't easy. Jeff Bezos is using every bit of the power and wealth he has amassed to stop workers. We need to support them -- and that includes regulating and breaking up Amazon's power, reducing their overall power and size and making it easier for workers to organize.
    840 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Tell Attorney General Merrick Garland: Investigate Trump and Associates
    For at least the past five years, Donald Trump, and his aides and associates, have engaged in a flurry of unethical, unconstitutional, and often criminal activity, culminating with the seditious insurrection on the United States Capitol on January 6th, incited and encouraged by the Trump and his allies. If we are to begin the process of restoring the integrity of the Department of Justice and the rule of law to our nation, it is essential that the Department thoroughly investigate these actions and, where warranted and appropriate, hold accountable those who have violated the nation’s laws.
    39,907 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Alexandra Flores-Quilty
  • Girls dress code for all schools
    Girls are always treated like objects and it’s not ok if we show some skin then it’s wrong but then we get ISS if and have to cover in duck tape too it’s not ok girls populate this world and all we get in return is these stupidly high expectation standards and ofc we get punished when we do anything that isn’t in these expectations girls are already objectified enough and we deserve more respect for everything we all have to go through and I know for a fact that half of the adults now tried to wear stuff kinda like how we do today and then we’re told they couldn’t and then got mad don’t let y’all’s past control our lives are y’all wearing what we chose to wear no we wear what we are comfortable in and what we chose so don’t go making us be something we aren’t girls all over are being punished for wearing something and for expressing them selves it’s not ok for how girls are treated some girls can get away with wearing skirts and shorts and anything else showing skin but half the other girls get punished for it is ridiculous for how higher these standards are for girls! I could go on and on and on about the whole dress code situation but I wanna get at least maybe 100 or 200 signs from other girls who agree ever from any other schools it can be honestly any women who agrees with me and my school cause this isn’t ok! More people can sign if they want to but honestly I just want people who agree to sign!
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MysticWolf Designs
  • Austin Regional Clinic and other companies to provide Weather Hazardous pay
    Representatives from ARC-SouthWest and South first were requested to stay at home until further notice. We were not offered to work from home, just like we have been doing since Covid started. This time, we were not offered any type of solution besides staying at home. On 2/22/21, we were ask to either use PTO or not get paid. There is a third option that upper management decided to ignore "reserved PTO" which is used for "emergencies". However, this option was never offered. This is hurtful, as an ARC employee I feel used. We have been working throughout Covid19 since March of 2020. We never complained about not getting hazardous pay or a raise. This is completely unfair and it should be illegal to steal PTO from employees. Upper management has been stepping all over us, as employee appreciation we got 1 canned water container from Rainwater... Why not using that money and give us at least a .5 raise? In the meantime we are opening 2 new clinics in Austin Texas. Please look into this, is not only ARC, other companies are following the steps of ARC. To top the cherry, most of our spouses are getting covered by "hazardous weather" and they get to keep their hard earned PTO. ARC needs to be brought to light and exposed their unfair treatment to their employees. I know we are not HEB but they should act better than this. Thank you for your time and consideration. Att: Really pissed off ARC employee
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arc Frontline
  • NO immunity for ERCOT
    Power bills for some TX residents are now $10,000 and climbing because of a faulty grid system that was not properly maintained and regulated.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stacie Mulligan
  • Texas Politicians: Redirect Energy Donations to Help Disaster Survivors
    These politicians are very outspoken about their Christian values. Here is a chance for them to put their money where their mouth is by returning these big checks from lobbyists into the hands of Texans who are desperately in need. Redirect this money to shelter the cold and feed the hungry.
    882 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Dani Soltis
  • Restore net neutrality!
    The Big Cable companies are already undermining the principles of an open internet. After the pandemic sent many of us home for work and school, to rely entirely on high-speed internet, Comcast announced data caps on some of its home internet services. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of how Big Cable companies have taken advantage since Donald Trump and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai took over the FCC and pushed through a repeal of the Open Internet Order that took effect in 2018. Verizon throttled a fire department during a wildfire, and AT&T said it would exclude its own streaming service from data caps that it would apply to rivals’ services. Ajit Pai just stepped down after four awful years at the helm of the Federal Communications Commission, which began when Trump installed him as chair. This is potentially huge news for net neutrality and reestablishing critical FCC authority over broadband. But even as Pai departs, strong open internet rules are blocked for the time being because of a 2–2 stalemate at the FCC. The internet needs President Biden to immediately nominate and the Senate confirm a 5th commissioner to break the tie and reinstate strong rules.
    488 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
    The impending foreclosure avalanche will hurt many Americans. Foreclosures will increase the houseless population, and will DISPROPORTIONATELY affect black and brown homeownership and further widen the generational wealth gap. The American Rescue Plan needs to direct resources to help homeowners NOW
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dawn Lett
  • Facebook, We Need to Talk.
    In a world full of walls, social media is a powerful tool to help us share our stories and support one another and our common humanity — no matter our religion, race or nationality. We know Facebook is considering its responsibility to implement guardrails to keep the platform safe and accessible for us to connect across space and difference. But we are deeply concerned about Facebook's proposed revision of its hate speech policy to consider "Zionist" as a proxy for "Jew" or "Jewish." The proposed policy would too easily mischaracterize conversations about Zionists — and by extension, Zionism — as inherently antisemitic, harming Facebook users and undermining efforts to dismantle real antisemitism and all forms of racism, extremism and oppression. We cannot dismantle antisemitism if we are blocked from voicing our opinions and sharing our experiences with each other. We can discuss, debate and even disagree, as long as we share the belief that all of us deserve safety, freedom, and dignity. We ask Facebook to not erect barriers impeding users from connecting with each other as we engage in this work. This is the wrong solution to a real and important problem: those who fuel antisemitism online will continue doing so, with or without the word “Zionist.” In fact, many antisemites, especially among white supremacists and evangelical Christian Zionists, explicitly support Zionism and Israel, while engaging in speech and actions that dehumanize, insult, and isolate Jewish people. Importantly, this move will prohibit Palestinians from sharing their daily experiences and histories with the world, be it a photo of the keys to their grandparent’s house lost when attacked by Zionist militias in 1948, or a livestream of Zionist settlers attacking their olive trees in 2021. And it would prevent Jewish users from discussing their relationships to Zionist political ideology. Facebook scrutinizing specific words won’t keep any of us safe, but it will prevent us from connecting on the political issues important to all of us and block us from holding people and governments accountable for their policies and actions. The current Israeli government, and some of its supporters, have demanded that Facebook add “Zionist” to its hate speech policy. This would shut down conversations about accountability for policies and actions that harm Palestinians. Facebook should refuse to cooperate with those who seek to build more walls to keep us apart. We call on Facebook to not add “Zionist” as a protected category in its hate speech policy.
    8,907 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Dani Noble
  • REMOVE MyPillow Merchandise
    Mike Liddell is still trying to overturn the election and espousing that our votes were fraudulent. Only way to make these people understand is to hit them in the pocketbook.
    696 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Robert Bretz