• Label GMOs
    Consumers have the right to know when the food they purchase contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Monsanto says that GMOs are "same as" and therefore will not affect our health and our environment, yet they have patented those same seeds because they are unique and different. Label GMOs and let the consumers decide whether or not they want to consume them.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Siemers
    For-profit corporations and large "non-profit" organizations have co-opted our democracy, dominating our elections and our legislators, and controlling our "government by and for the people." Special interest groups, money, and bribery, now rule. Our legislators must have the moral courage to forego campaign finance funding and special interest lobbying, and turn once again to serving the people who live, die and vote for them. We must have public funding of all Federal and State elections, and must outlaw the legal bribery of "private campaign finance".
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by HANK RODGERS
  • Block AT&T takeover of T-mobile and consumer choice
    There is already not enough choice in the mobile phone market as evidenced by poor consumer satisfaction with their phone service and high prices. AT&T has done little to allay consumer complaints about their slow network and dropped calls. How can one believe that their takeover of T-mobile will result in better service for consumers when then can't keep their present house in order?
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arun Jain
  • Corporations and Campaign Finance
    Citizens vs United must be overturned. Corporations cannot be deemed to have the same rights as people. If we want to get our democracy back, we must not allow Corporations to have the right of unlimited spending on political campaigns.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Allen Sayble