• Bar Tax-Exemption for U.S. Chamber of C.
    According to the L.A. Times of 5/26/11, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce spent $33 million last year on advertising to influence political races without disclosing its donors. Why should they have tax-exempt status? (They also have reportedly raised more than $80 million to spend for the same purpose in the 2012 election cycle.)
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Doug Hedlund
  • Hershey: Stop Child Labor and Raise the Bar!
    We all love chocolate, but unfortunately, many of our favorite treats are tainted by the ongoing use of child labor, forced labor and trafficking in the West African cocoa industry. Almost ten years since chocolate companies committed to ending this exploitation, these abuses continue. Many chocolate companies have taken steps to trace their cocoa purchasing and implement labor rights standards among their suppliers, but the Hershey Company lags behind its competitors. Hershey can be a leader in addressing labor abuses in its supply chain by starting to source Fair Trade Certified cocoa for its chocolate products. Tell Hershey to raise the bar for responsible cocoa sourcing!
    370 of 400 Signatures
    Created by International Labor Rights Forum
  • Eliminate All Campaign Advertising
    Candidates for public office depend on large donations to pay for radio, TV & print ads to win elections. The more money they raise, the better their chances. In this way, issues they support or don't support are often influenced by wealthy corporations that—partly due to the Supreme Court's "Citizen's United" decision—can donate unlimited amounts of money to their campaigns. This amounts to a sort of legal political corruption. Signing this petition is a step toward returning our political process to a fair system as the authors of our constitution intended it to be. Also, political ads are often misleading and extremely annoying.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Clearmountain
    Educate some Virginians that Congressman Eric Cantor, Majority Loser needs to go away, and never be heard from again.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Garrett
  • List all MSG additives on labels
    MSG is a additive found in many processed foods. A large percentage of the population is allergic or sensitive to it. It aggitates numerous health conditions. Some reactions are severe. The companies who manufacturer MSG have created mulitple names for it. Leaving many unaware consumers ingesting it even though they shouldn't. "In 1993, FDA proposed adding the phrase '(contains glutamate)' to the common or usual names of certain protein hydrolysates that contain substantial amounts of glutamate. For example, if the proposal were adopted, hydrolyzed soy protein would have to be declared on food labels as 'hydrolyzed soy protein (contains glutamate).'" ... Unfortunately, for those with asthma, migraine, and atrial fibrillation, MSG as free glutamate remains a hidden food ingredient. This FDA labeling proposal was killed by a powerful food lobby. Please help me get this changed!
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Muse
  • Recusal
    Judges recuse themselves from cases where they have conflicts of interest. Why don't legislators?
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Todd
  • Tell Apple To Let Credo Have The iPhone
    I love my iPhone, but hate giving over $1000 a year to AT&T or Verizon -- both of which donate to right-wing candidates and lobby against issues important to me. Now that Apple no longer has an exclusive deal with AT&T in the U.S., it's time for them to extend a partnership deal to the only progressive phone company.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Koechley
  • Stop overdevelopment: Walgreens at Crescent Heights & Santa Monica Blvd.
    Walgreens corporation wants to build a multi-story 59,000 square foot drugstore-retail-residential-parking complex on the small parcel of land at the southwest corner of Santa Monica Blvd and Crescent Heights. How this impacts you? Increased traffic congestion. Increased noise. Four story building with 28 apartment units blocking views. Pushing out mom and pop businesses. Serious issues impacting your community discovered: Walgreens has failed to notice state lead agency. Walgreens failure to disclose toxics at project site. Walgreens failure to provide notice of the DEIR to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. Dishonest development by Walgreens. Blind development putting the community at risk such as possible groundwater contamination. Email us if you want to what else you can do to help: [email protected]
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rod Wingfield
  • Ask Glade® Makers SC Johnson to Remove Toxic Musks!
    SC Johnson (maker of Glade®, Windex®, Fantastik®, and more) continues to use the toxic trespassers galaxolide and tonalide, synthetic musks in fragrance linked to increased risk of breast cancer and hormone disruption that are showing up in our blood, breast milk, and even newborns.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Women's Voices for the Earth
  • STOP Moveon.org!!!!!
    What is Moveon.org?
    23 of 100 Signatures
  • Regulating gasoline prices
    The petition is to urge our Congressmen to regulate gasoline prices at the pump and treat fuel as a utility. People should care about this issue because fuel prices are draining the life out of this country.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Roe
  • 100% Voter-Owned Democracy
    $$$ ruling political campaigns did not begin with Citizens United; it only exacerbated the evil. Our experiment in democracy will only survive if we demand 100% publicly funded elections. Plenty of local/regional models to follow. I'm with the MoveOn supporters who feel MoveOn should stop "putting out fires" and focus on reframing the debate: launch big bold campaign to capture the public imagination...100% publicly financed elections, for example...hire people who know how to message...otherwise we'll forever be the obedient serfs to giant corporations and their Madison Avenue minions.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenny Jones