Pass the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009The Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right to a jury trial in all civil cases over $20. The Federal Arbitration Act, and court rulings interpreting it, have supplanted this cherished right with an expensive, secret and biased system, favoring businesses over individuals, and denying justice to thousands of victims. The Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009 addresses and corrects the abuses of arbitration, bringing fairness and balance to the civil justice system for everyone, and restoring the Constitutional right to trial by jury.253 of 300 SignaturesCreated by John Kirtley
Fix Google PrivacyThe Federal Trade Commission is now accepting public comments on a proposed privacy settlement with Google. We want the FTC to establish a Comprehensive Privacy Program for Google and other Internet companies. The FTC settlement applies to all Google products and services, including Gmail and Google Buzz. It bans Google from misrepresenting its privacy policies in the future, requires independent privacy audits every two-years for the next 20 years, and requires that Google institute a comprehensive privacy program to safeguard its users data and personal information. The deadline for public comments is Monday, May 2.406 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Marc Rotenberg
Corporate Criminal LiabilityThis petition is about holding corporations CRIMINALLY liable as opposed to merely getting fined or paying off a lawsuit when they damage the health and finances of people and the environment but claim to have "not known" that their product could wreak such havoc when scientific or email evidence tells us otherwise.48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Barris
Tell Congress to repeal Corporate "individual" StatusCorporations are not persons and should not be considered as such.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Cook 325 S. 5th St. #10 Cottage Grove
Sustainable LablingWe have been tricked into creating incentives which reward those who cut corners, who are more invested in profiting off of our communities that supporting them and who make money from investing in poisoning our children and families at large. If we simply shift the costs from the sustainable, progressive, locally owned business back to the international profit at all costs with no regard for health or quality of life for workers or consumers model we will be on our way to investing in ourselves rather than in a third yaught for international company board members who pay no taxes and are destroying he world ON OUR DIME! My idea is simple. Lets start by shifting the incentive from rewarding exploitation and pesticide use and Genetically Modified Food use (which is already cheaper to do and difficult for local farmers to engage in a proper livelihood against) to rewarding and supporting local growers. US. So GMO companies need to lable their foods. We want to know and we care aqnd they dont have to lable but local organic farmers do? This is outrageous and self destructive insanity?! Its time for people who POISON the food to lable and take on that burden. They must also be the ones being audited and and paying extra money into our system to cover healthcare costs fromall of the sicknesses caused by pesticide(POISON) treated foods and the cross contamination from Genetically modified foods as crops. If we do this simple thing. Transferring the onus from the local healthy food groweer to the HUGE multi Million dollar corporation who has no stake in the local economy tanking or thriving as they can always open new markets. Our local farmer cant just sell food to china. The infrastructure propping up the current agriculture industry is going to collapse soon with the advent of fossil fuels becoming more and more expensive. Its time to free our local farmers to do their jobs and thrive because as they thrive so will our communities when times get rough they will feed us. The big corporations will just figure out how to profit from our bad luck and suck us for every possible penny. If you want to live in communities that have a chance to thrive in the face of a coming and current economic crisis then Ssign this petition. Force agricorps to shoulder the burden of lableing their veggies rather than organic farmers and the indiustry will suddely favor organic foods being grown. Who doesnt want to eat organic food that costs less money to buy?54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by omshaiya
Label GMOsConsumers have the right to know when the food they purchase contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Monsanto says that GMOs are "same as" and therefore will not affect our health and our environment, yet they have patented those same seeds because they are unique and different. Label GMOs and let the consumers decide whether or not they want to consume them.95 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Siemers
HARNESS THE POWER - EMPOWER THE PEOPLE!For-profit corporations and large "non-profit" organizations have co-opted our democracy, dominating our elections and our legislators, and controlling our "government by and for the people." Special interest groups, money, and bribery, now rule. Our legislators must have the moral courage to forego campaign finance funding and special interest lobbying, and turn once again to serving the people who live, die and vote for them. We must have public funding of all Federal and State elections, and must outlaw the legal bribery of "private campaign finance".18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by HANK RODGERS
Block AT&T takeover of T-mobile and consumer choiceThere is already not enough choice in the mobile phone market as evidenced by poor consumer satisfaction with their phone service and high prices. AT&T has done little to allay consumer complaints about their slow network and dropped calls. How can one believe that their takeover of T-mobile will result in better service for consumers when then can't keep their present house in order?28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arun Jain
Corporations and Campaign FinanceCitizens vs United must be overturned. Corporations cannot be deemed to have the same rights as people. If we want to get our democracy back, we must not allow Corporations to have the right of unlimited spending on political campaigns.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Allen Sayble