• Walmart. Walmart Acting as a bank without banking regulations
    Walmart has joined with American Express in a banking, credit, partnership all without being responsible to normal banking regulations. Walmart is already known for unfair employment practices and now is flying under the radar acting as a bank without being responsible to our banking laws.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Ahearn
  • Repeal Citizens United Decision
    Anonymous donations from corporations and individuals.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe M Velasquez
  • President OBAMA
    Please sign executive order abolishing water fluoridation. We the people of the United States are fed up with being sick from fluoride poisoning.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Marsch
  • boycott macy's and trump
    Macys has told consumers they prefer making money with donald trump and couldn't give a damn about there customers. SO LET'S HIT THEM WHERE IT HURTS. BOYCOTT ALL MACYS STORES AND DONALD TRUMP
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tom Devane
  • Demand pay T.V. offer at basic rate counter voice to Fox news.
    Basic cable offers only Fox News as a 24 hour news channel. This is the same with DIsh Network and Direct T.V. This is Segregating the people by views that are out of the mainstream and are highly subjective to the point of being fraudulent. It's necessary to offer the common man a choice.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cole Taylor
  • Mandatory Publicizing Of Corporate Political Donations
    I am a customer of a wireless phone company that I found out donates large amounts of money to candidates whom I oppose, so I am changing carriers. Nevertheless I do not appreciate them using my business with them in this manner. I believe that corporations making contributions under the umbrealla of Citizens United should have to be very transparent about it - that they should have mandatory requirements to publicize it.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lance J Konover
  • Lable all and any GMOs (genetecally modified organisms) added to our food. GMOs added to our foo...
    I don't like my family not having a choice of what we eat simply because manufacturers DO NOT LABLE GMO products. GMOs have not been tested properly...ever...and you DO NOT KNOW WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE EATING THEM. I assure you...you are... Labeling should be mandatory. Americans have the right to know what's in our food? Or we will continue to let our food policy be ruled by political decisions engineered last century in a Monsanto or Dupont boardroom by corporate lobbyists? YOUR CALL!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by danbortz
  • Ban Credit Checks for Non-Financial Positions
    Many states have already banned the discriminatory practice of checking credit ratings before offering employment but many have yet to catch up. This petition is in effort to raise awareness to Government Officials at all levels in Massachusetts that this practice is discriminatory and elitist in nature. It prevents those who have recently fallen on hard times through no fault of their own from joining the workforce again and being productive members of society. I urge you to take a stand for the hard working Massachusetts residents that want to work. US States That Took Action to Eliminate Credit Checks in Non-Financial Employment * In the Northeast: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, Pennsylvania. * In the Midwest: Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, * In the South: Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina * In the South/West: Texas, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Arkansas * In the West: California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Nebraska
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Thompson
  • keep black friday on friday. let workers go home for thanksgiving
    Asking Sears and other retailers to close on Thursday thanksgiving day, so workers can spend time with family instead of in stores for pre black Friday deals. Keep black Friday on Friday.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tauna Johnson
  • Tell Harry Reid not to block Elizabeth Warren from the Senate Banking Committee
    Wall Street campaigned to put its candidate in office and lost. Now it still wants to prove it runs Washington by blocking Elizabeth Warren from the Senate Banking Committee. This is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's decision, and we should let him know that we want Warren on the committee.
    519 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Claiborne Deming Jr
  • Stand With Walmart Workers
    Walmart workers around the country walked off the job on Black Friday in protest for more full-time positions, better wages and more affordable access to insurance. As a former Walmart worker, I know that Walmart keeps many or most of its employees part-time, pays exceedingly low wages, and the insurance is so expensive that most workers cannot afford to participate in the plans.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Scott
  • Oppose George Soros's Influence in America
    This petition is designed to oppose the attempt, by George Soros, to undermine the basic principles of freedom upon which America was founded.
    230 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tom Jackson